Pushing My Limits: Training for Powerlifting Competition
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Training Progress and Preparation for Competition
2.1 Current Training Status
2.2 Training Plan for the Next Two Months
2.3 Mobility Training for Stiffness
- Excitement and Inspiration from Watching USA PL Raw Nationals
- Bench Press Improvement and Recovery from Injury
- Progress in Squats and Target Rep Max
- Projected Bench Press Weight and Personal Goals
- Deadlifts as the Best Lift and Its Impact on the Body
- Gratitude for the Gains and Shoutout to the Programming
- Final Thoughts and Future Updates
Training Progress and Preparation for Competition
As an avid powerlifter, I am constantly pushing myself to improve my strength and performance. With my next competition just 54 days away, I am in the midst of intense training and preparation. This article will Delve into my Current training status, my goals for the upcoming competition, and the progress I have made in the three main lifts: squats, bench press, and deadlifts.
Current Training Status
With 54 days left until the competition, I am currently in my last strength block before entering my final peak block. This means that I have about two months of focused training ahead of me. However, I am currently experiencing some stiffness in my back, which requires additional time for mobility training. Despite this minor setback, I am determined to give it my all during each training session.
Training Plan for the Next Two Months
During this crucial phase of training, I am following a carefully designed program that includes a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups. On the heaviest training day of the week, I am challenged with seven different exercises, including comp squats, lateral raises, Penley rows, leg extensions, dumbbell RDLS, and band pullover dead bugs for abs. This rigorous training routine is essential for building strength and preparing my body for the competition.
Mobility Training for Stiffness
To address the stiffness in my back, I have incorporated specific mobility exercises into my training routine. These exercises help to improve the flexibility and mobility of the muscles and joints, allowing for smoother and more efficient movements during the lifts. By dedicating time to mobility training, I can effectively address any stiffness or discomfort and ensure that my body is primed for optimal performance.
Excitement and Inspiration from Watching USA PL Raw Nationals
Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the USA PL Raw Nationals meet on YouTube. Seeing fellow powerlifters in action and witnessing their incredible strength was truly inspiring. It was particularly exciting to watch some individuals I know personally compete and excel. This experience has fueled my enthusiasm and motivation for my upcoming competition, as I aim to perform even better than before.
Bench Press Improvement and Recovery from Injury
One of the significant milestones in my powerlifting Journey has been the improvement of my bench press. After experiencing an injury last year, I faced challenges in this particular lift. However, I am happy to report that there has been a notable decrease in pain, discomfort, and clicking in my inner shoulder. This improvement can be attributed to a combination of dedicated rehab, mobility exercises, and consistent training. As a result, my bench press has shown significant improvement and is expected to Continue progressing.
Progress in Squats and Target Rep Max
Squats have always held a certain level of intimidation for me. The thought of having a heavy load on my back can be quite overwhelming. However, I have made steady progress in this lift and currently have a projected one-rep max of 385 to 390 pounds. While it may seem optimistic, I am determined to reach these numbers during the competition. By staying focused and dedicated to my training, I aim to exceed my previous performance and set a new personal Record.
Projected Bench Press Weight and Personal Goals
The progress I have made in the bench press is nothing short of remarkable. Despite the challenges posed by my injury, I have steadily improved this lift and am projected to achieve a weight range of 290 to 295 pounds. This is a significant accomplishment considering the setbacks I have faced. I am particularly excited to break the 300-pound barrier, which has been a long-standing goal of mine. The prospect of reaching this milestone fills me with optimism and determination.
Deadlifts as the Best Lift and Its Impact on the Body
Of all the three main lifts, deadlifts have consistently been my strongest. Over time, I have seen great progress in this lift, which has been instrumental in my overall performance. However, it is important to note that the heavy nature of deadlifts takes a toll on the body. Despite the gains and improvements, my body often feels the strain and fatigue after performing deadlifts. This serves as a reminder that strength gains do not come without effort and discomfort. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the progress I have made in this lift.
Gratitude for the Gains and Shoutout to the Programming
Throughout my powerlifting journey, I have experienced significant gains and improvements. I attribute a large portion of my success to a well-designed training program that has been instrumental in my progress. I would like to express my gratitude to the program and its creator, as it has played a crucial role in helping me achieve my goals. The programming has provided the structure and guidance necessary for consistent progress and has undoubtedly contributed to my overall success.
Final Thoughts and Future Updates
As I continue to train and prepare for my upcoming competition, I am filled with excitement and anticipation. I am determined to surpass my previous performance and achieve new personal records. The next two months will be crucial in fine-tuning my strength and technique. I will continue to provide updates and insights into my training progress, sharing my journey with You. Stay tuned for more videos and posts, and feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have. Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to sharing my success with you in the future.