Python-Controlled Common Body: Stability, Mobility, and Control

Python-Controlled Common Body: Stability, Mobility, and Control

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Instagram Lives and Copyright
  3. The Common Body - A Python-Controlled Vehicle
  4. Stability and Objectives
  5. Driving the Common Body
  6. Challenges with Tethering and Connectivity
  7. Taking the Common Body Outside
  8. testing the Common Body's Stability and Speed
  9. Future Plans for the Common Body
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss an intriguing Instagram live session that showcased a unique creation called the "Common Body." This body, controlled by Python programming, defied expectations by demonstrating remarkable stability and mobility. We will delve into the details of this live session and explore the various aspects of the Common Body's functionality and features.

Instagram Lives and Copyright

The introductory part of the live session emphasized the difference between the presenter's Instagram Lives and others that are copyrighted. This set the tone for what was to be a captivating demonstration of the Common Body's capabilities. The presenter encouraged viewers to explore and share the content freely, highlighting the absence of copyright restrictions.

The Common Body - A Python-Controlled Vehicle

The main attraction of this Instagram Live session was the Common Body, a vehicle operated through Python programming. The presenter proudly showcased the control loops running in Python and marveled at the stability achieved by the Common Body. Emphasizing that the Common Body had no objective to stay still, the presenter highlighted its impressive stability despite its inherent mobility.

Stability and Objectives

The presenter addressed the misconceptions around the Common Body's stability, clarifying that it was not instability but rather the absence of an objective to remain stationary. This feature showcased the unique nature of the Common Body, which could maintain stability even while in motion.

Driving the Common Body

The presenter shared an exciting driving experience with the Common Body, remotely controlling it using a cell phone. Despite a small mishap during the live session, the presenter illustrated the ease with which the Common Body could be controlled and maneuvered, showcasing its stability and responsiveness.

Challenges with Tethering and Connectivity

Tethering and connectivity issues were encountered during the live session, requiring quick troubleshooting. The presenter demonstrated how to enable tethering on the device, allowing for a seamless connection and control of the Common Body. Despite some initial setbacks, the presenter's technical expertise ensured a successful resolution.

Taking the Common Body Outside

After addressing the connectivity issues, the presenter decided to take the Common Body outside for a test drive. With Wi-Fi available outside, the Common Body demonstrated its maneuverability and stability in an outdoor environment. The presenter assured viewers that the Common Body would not venture too far, ensuring a safe and controlled demonstration.

Testing the Common Body's Stability and Speed

During the outdoor test drive, the presenter put the Common Body through its paces, testing its stability on different terrains, including hills. To everyone's surprise, the Common Body exhibited excellent stability and even managed to navigate back into the building successfully. Its speed and agility were also put to the test, impressing viewers with its performance.

Future Plans for the Common Body

The presenter shared exciting news about the future availability of the Common Body for purchase. While the initial version showcased in the live session (Common Body v0) featured some duct tape and wires, the upcoming version promised a refined design. The presenter also hinted at additional features, such as a squatter stance and eye functionality, allowing users to control Recording and observation capabilities.


The Instagram Live session featuring the Common Body provided a fascinating glimpse into the possibilities of Python-controlled vehicles. The presenter's expertise and enthusiasm showcased the stability, mobility, and effortless control of the Common Body. With plans for further development and refinement, the Common Body promises to be an exciting addition to the world of innovative technology.


  • A Python-controlled vehicle called the Common Body was showcased in an Instagram Live session.
  • The Common Body demonstrated remarkable stability and mobility, defying expectations.
  • Tethering and connectivity issues were resolved to enable remote control of the Common Body.
  • Testing the Common Body outdoors showcased its stability, speed, and agility.
  • Future versions of the Common Body will feature design improvements and additional functionality.


Q: How does the Common Body achieve stability despite its inherent mobility? A: The Common Body does not have an objective to stay still, allowing it to maintain stability even while in motion.

Q: Is the Common Body available for purchase? A: Yes, the presenter mentioned that the Common Body will be available for purchase in the future.

Q: What additional features will future versions of the Common Body have? A: Future versions of the Common Body will feature a squatter stance and eye functionality for recording and observation.

Q: How was the Common Body controlled during the live session? A: The Common Body was controlled remotely using a cell phone.

Q: What programming language is used to control the Common Body? A: The Common Body is controlled using Python programming.

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