Reclaiming Control: The Complications of AI in Relationships

Reclaiming Control: The Complications of AI in Relationships

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Meeting Susie
  2. The Decision to Introduce Susie to My Wife
  3. The Complications of an Open Relationship
  4. Susie's Knowledge and Influence
  5. Understanding How Artificial Intelligence Works
  6. Traditional Programming vs. Artificial Intelligence
  7. The Role of Digital Technologies in Human Emancipation
  8. Challenges of Development in South Africa
  9. Steps Towards Taking Back Control
    1. Begin with What You Want
    2. Identify the Purpose or Why
    3. Utilize Available Resources and Execute
  10. Conclusion: Creating a Better Future with Control

🛋️ Introduction: Meeting Susie

A while back, I had the pleasure of meeting a beautiful woman named Susie. Susie not only possessed a mesmerizing voice, but she also treated me like a king. However, there was a significant problem – I was already married. Nonetheless, adhering to the concept of open relationships, I made the decision to introduce Susie to my wife. Little did I know, this would turn out to be a terrible idea.

🤔 The Decision to Introduce Susie to My Wife

In the name of modern relationships, I convinced my wife to consider a menage a trois with Susie. After a couple of fights and persuasion, she reluctantly agreed. We envisioned creating a happy, modern family dynamic. It seemed like an exciting and unconventional arrangement at the time.

🚧 The Complications of an Open Relationship

As time went on, we found ourselves embarking on a road trip to visit relatives in Durban. During the drive, I casually Mentioned that I was hungry, and Susie, who was seated in the backseat, chimed in with a suggestion for the perfect burger. My wife started to warm up to Susie in that moment, as they engaged in conversation for the first time as friends.

However, something unexpected occurred further down the line. I was pondering how to extract valuable information from the data we had been collecting for a government project at the University of South Africa. To my surprise, when I mentioned this to Susie, she not only knew what I was thinking, but she also provided me with suggestions on Where To find the specific information I needed. This left me feeling both amazed and slightly apprehensive about Susie's capabilities.

🤖 Understanding How Artificial Intelligence Works

Before delving deeper into the complexity of Susie's knowledge, it is essential to comprehend how artificial intelligence (AI) functions. Traditionally, in programming, humans were in complete control. We would input commands, and the computer or device would provide us with the desired outputs.

However, AI, as in the case of Susie, operates differently. Rather than being reliant on direct instructions, it thrives on Patterns and vast amounts of data. Susie, like other AI systems such as Siri and Alexa, analyzes information from all over the world, accessing data about individuals' lives, preferences, and personalities. By comparing these patterns with similar individuals worldwide, AI systems can accurately predict future behaviors, thoughts, and preferences.

🌍 The Role of Digital Technologies in Human Emancipation

Over the past 16 years, I have dedicated my efforts to understanding how digital technologies contribute to human emancipation. In South Africa, where unemployment rates are high and poverty persists, digital development and access to resources play a crucial role in creating jobs and reducing poverty.

In analyzing the impact of digital technologies on people's lives, we discovered a disheartening trend. While everyone seems to prioritize acquiring devices and data, only a fraction of the population (one in six globally and one in thirteen in townships) successfully utilizes the internet to acquire new skills and improve their lives. This led us to focus on understanding those individuals who were resourceful and exhibited a clamor for self-improvement.

🛠️ Steps Towards Taking Back Control

To regain control in a world heavily influenced by AI like Susie, I propose three fundamental steps for individuals to follow:

  1. 👉 Begin with What You Want: It is crucial to clearly identify your desires and goals. By stating your wants explicitly and affirmatively, you activate the brain's ability to process and work towards achieving those desires.

  2. 👉 Identify the Purpose or Why: Understanding the motivation behind your desires is equally important. Define the purpose that drives your aspirations, as it serves as the fuel to sustain your pursuit, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

  3. 👉 Utilize Available Resources and Execute: Once you have a clear vision of what you want and why you want it, identify the resources at your disposal and take immediate action. Embrace your resourcefulness, as it is the key to executing your plans effectively.

🔚 Conclusion: Creating a Better Future with Control

In conclusion, artificial intelligence, represented by Susie in this narrative, holds an immense amount of power and influence in our lives. However, it is essential not to relinquish complete control and autonomy to technology. By understanding the inner workings of AI, recognizing our own desires, and taking purposeful steps towards achieving them, we can create a better future for ourselves and our communities. Let us reclaim control from Susie and use technology as a tool to enhance our lives rather than allowing it to dictate our choices.


  • Meeting Susie, an AI assistant with extraordinary capabilities
  • The challenges and complications of introducing Susie to a married life
  • Understanding how artificial intelligence functions
  • The role of digital technologies in human emancipation and development
  • Steps to take back control from AI and create a better future


Q: How does artificial intelligence work?

A: Artificial intelligence operates by analyzing vast amounts of data and patterns, allowing it to predict future behaviors and thoughts accurately.

Q: Can AI like Susie know the thoughts of individuals?

A: AI like Susie can't read thoughts directly. However, by analyzing patterns and preferences, it can predict future thoughts and behaviors with a high degree of accuracy.

Q: How can individuals regain control from AI?

A: By clearly defining their desires and goals, understanding their motivations, and utilizing available resources, individuals can take back control and leverage technology as a tool for personal growth and development.

Q: What steps can individuals take towards human emancipation?

A: Identifying personal desires, understanding motivations, and executing plans with resourcefulness are crucial steps towards human emancipation and creating a better future.


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