Recreate Discord's Clyde AI using discord.js

Recreate Discord's Clyde AI using discord.js

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How to Create a Discord Bot
  3. Understanding Cloud AI and Its Functionality
  4. Recreating Clyde AI with discord.js
  5. Setting Up the Chat Logic
  6. Handling Message and Channel Types
  7. Making API Requests
  8. Chunking Messages for Long Responses
  9. Error Handling and Exception Cases
  10. testing and Troubleshooting
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to recreate Discord's Clyde AI using the discord.js library. Clyde AI is an AI-based assistant developed by Discord that utilizes open AI technology to process and respond to messages sent on Discord. By implementing similar functionality in our own Discord bot, we can create a chatbot experience for our users. The code for this project is simple and can be easily integrated into your existing Discord bot setup. Let's dive in and learn how to bring Clyde AI to life!

How to Create a Discord Bot

Before we can start recreating Clyde AI, let's make sure we have our Discord bot set up. If you haven't created a Discord bot yet, follow the link in the description to learn how to create one. This will also provide you with the necessary foundation for integrating the chat logic into your bot.

Understanding Cloud AI and Its Functionality

Cloud AI is an AI-based assistant developed by Discord. It utilizes open AI technology to process and understand user messages sent on the Discord platform. The goal is to provide a chatbot-like experience, where users can ask questions or engage in conversations with the AI. With the help of discord.js, we can recreate a similar experience in our own Discord bot.

Recreating Clyde AI with discord.js

To recreate Clyde AI, we will be using the discord.js library. Discord.js is a powerful JavaScript library that allows us to interact with the Discord API and create feature-rich Discord bots. By leveraging its capabilities, we can easily implement the chat logic required for our AI assistant.

Setting Up the Chat Logic

To get started, open your Discord bot Package or command file (typically index.js) and initialize the chat logic. Begin by requiring the necessary dependencies, such as X iOS, and listen for the message create event using the client.on method. This event will trigger whenever a new message is sent on Discord.

const XiOS = require('XiOS');

client.on('messageCreate', message => {
  // Chat logic goes here

Handling Message and Channel Types

To ensure our AI functions properly, we need to handle different message and channel types. First, we check if the message's channel type is a direct message (DM) using If it is a DM, we proceed with the chat logic. If the message is sent by a bot, we return to avoid potential loops. We can also send a "typing" indicator to provide feedback to the user.

if ( === 'DM') {
  if ( return;;
  // Continue with the chat logic

Making API Requests

To process messages and generate responses, we need an API. Discord's Clyde AI uses the Rapid API for this purpose. Obtain the necessary API URL from the description below and subscribe to the basic plan. We will use this URL to send our requests.

const input = `GET ${url}`;
const headers = {
  text: message.content,
  'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'your_api_key',
  'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'your_api_host',

Chunking Messages for Long Responses

Discord has a message character limit of 2000. To handle responses exceeding this limit, we can implement chunking. If a response is longer than 2000 characters, we divide it into chunks using the response.match(/.{1,2000}/g) method. We then iterate over these chunks and send them as individual messages to avoid exceeding the limit.

if (response.length > 2000) {
  const chunks = response.match(/.{1,2000}/g);
  for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {[i]).catch(console.error);
} else {;

Error Handling and Exception Cases

To ensure a smooth user experience, we need to handle potential errors and exception cases. If an error occurs during the process, we can catch it and display an error message to the user. Additionally, we should handle cases where users have disabled their DMs, as this may affect the delivery of responses.

try {
  // Logic for making the API request and processing the response
} catch (error) {
  console.error(error);"I'm having a hard time processing your request. Please try again later.").catch(console.error);

Testing and Troubleshooting

Once you have implemented the chat logic, it's time to test your bot. Send a message to your bot and observe the responses. Ensure that the chunking and error handling functionalities work as expected. If you encounter any issues, refer to the console logs for error messages or join the server Mentioned in the description for assistance.


In conclusion, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can recreate Discord's Clyde AI using the discord.js library. With the chat logic in place, your Discord bot can process and respond to user messages, creating an interactive and engaging experience. Remember to test your bot thoroughly and address any potential errors or exception cases. Have fun bringing your AI assistant to life on Discord!


  • Recreate Discord's Clyde AI using discord.js
  • Process and respond to user messages on Discord
  • Utilize open AI technology for chat-based interactions
  • Handle different message and channel types
  • Make API requests for generating AI responses
  • Implement chunking to handle long responses
  • Handle errors and exception cases seamlessly
  • Test and troubleshoot your bot for optimal performance


Q: Can I use any API for processing messages in my Discord bot? A: Yes, you can use other APIs as well. However, Discord's Clyde AI utilizes the Rapid API for its functionality. You can subscribe to the basic plan and obtain the necessary API URL to make requests.

Q: What happens if a response exceeds the character limit of 2000 in Discord? A: Discord has a maximum message character limit of 2000. To handle longer responses, we implement chunking. The response is divided into smaller chunks and sent as separate messages to avoid exceeding the limit.

Q: What should I do if my bot encounters an error while processing requests or responses? A: In case of errors, it's important to catch them and handle them gracefully. You can display an error message to the user and provide instructions on how to proceed. The console logs can also be helpful in identifying and troubleshooting the issue.

Q: Can I modify the AI's responses or customize its behavior? A: The AI's responses are generated based on the API's functionality and underlying models. Customization options may vary depending on the API being used. It's important to read the documentation and explore any available customization features.

Q: How can I improve the AI's accuracy and understand user input better? A: Improving the AI's accuracy and understanding of user input requires fine-tuning the underlying models or incorporating additional natural language processing techniques. This may involve advanced AI algorithms and data training processes.


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