Revamped Styles Revealed in Untitled Boxing Game

Revamped Styles Revealed in Untitled Boxing Game

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Reworks for Ghost and Kimora Styles
  3. Changes to Ghost Style
  4. Future Rework for Ghost Style
  5. Possibility of Reworks for Other Styles
  6. Exciting Prospect: EPO Style Rework
  7. Slugger Style with Rage Skill
  8. Hawk's Ecstasy Skill for Slugger Style
  9. Potential Head Turns Skill for Corkscrew Style
  10. Personal Suggestions for Hands Low Style

Reworks and Future Updates for Styles in the Game

In this article, we will discuss the recent reworks implemented for two popular Styles in the game - Ghost Style and Kimora Style. We will explore the changes made to these Styles and analyze their impact on gameplay. Additionally, we will Delve into the future plans of the developers to introduce further reworks for different Styles in the game.

2. Reworks for Ghost and Kimora Styles

The latest update brought about significant changes to the Ghost Style and the Kimora Style. Let's examine these reworks in Detail.

3. Changes to Ghost Style

Previously, the Ghost Style was known for its powerful and Instant jab. However, with the recent rework, the instant jab has been replaced with fewer highlight markers. This alteration has created mixed feelings among players, as the speed of the jab is now similar to Hands Low, and the reduced highlight markers do not provide a significant AdVantage. While some argue that this change has balanced the Style, others miss the unique aspect of the insta-jab.

4. Future Rework for Ghost Style

Fortunately, there is good news for fans of the Ghost Style. The developers have hinted at a future rework that will reintroduce the iconic instant jab as a periodic skill with its own pros and cons. This means that the instant jab will no longer be the primary move but rather a skill that can be used at specific intervals. This change aims to make the Style less overpowering while still maintaining its appeal.

5. Possibility of Reworks for Other Styles

The head developer has also Mentioned the possibility of reworks for other Styles in the game. Similar to the Ghost Style, these Styles might receive new skills or adjustments to enhance the gameplay experience. Among the Styles mentioned, the one that stands out is the EPO Style. The prospect of having Dempsey Roll as a skill has generated excitement among longtime viewers of the game.

6. Exciting Prospect: EPO Style Rework

The suggested rework for the EPO Style revolves around a Momentum passive, where EPO gains momentum each time he dashes in a left-to-right motion. This passive provides a 0.2 damage multiplier for each dash, significantly increasing the intensity of his attacks. If implemented, this rework would introduce a dynamic and thrilling gimmick that players would love to utilize.

7. Slugger Style with Rage Skill

Another Style that might receive a rework is Slugger Style. The head developer hinted at the possibility of giving Slugger a rage skill, similar to the one he unleashes during his ultimate move. One suggestion is that the rage skill activates when Slugger's health is low, possibly around the kill range of an ultimate. This would add an element of desperation to Slugger's gameplay, enhancing the thrill and intensity of battles.

8. Hawk's Ecstasy Skill for Slugger Style

Furthermore, if Slugger Style gains a rage skill, it might also pave the way for Hawk to have an ecstasy mode. Ecstasy mode would grant Brian Hawk an increased boost in bloodthirst, reflecting the anime where Hawk activates this mode when he believes he has the upper HAND in a fight. The ecstasy skill would add depth to the Slugger Style, providing an additional strategy for players.

9. Potential Head Turns Skill for Corkscrew Style

The head developer also mentioned the inclusion of head turns as a potential skill for the Corkscrew Style. In the anime, the Corkscrew user utilizes head turns to minimize the damage received when struck in the face. This defensive technique reduces the impact of the punch by moving in the same direction as the force. Introducing head turns in the game could significantly enhance the defensive capabilities of the Corkscrew Style.

10. Personal Suggestions for Hands Low Style

Finally, for the Hands Low Style, a unique suggestion would be to incorporate a visual effect on the opponent's right eye whenever Hands Low lands a counter. This effect would mimic the slight blind effect seen during Hands Low's ultimate move, where the opponent's eye swells up temporarily. Implementing this visual effect would add depth to the Style and make it more reminiscent of the anime counterpart.

In conclusion, the recent reworks for Ghost and Kimora Styles have brought about significant changes to the game's gameplay dynamics. The introduction of periodic skills and the possibility of more reworks for different Styles have generated excitement among the player base. We look forward to the future updates and the evolution of Styles in the game.


  • Reworks implemented for Ghost and Kimora Styles
  • Changes to Ghost Style, including the removal of the instant jab
  • Future rework for Ghost Style, reintroducing the instant jab as a periodic skill
  • Possibility of reworks for other Styles in the game
  • Exciting prospect of Dempsey Roll skill for EPO Style
  • Slugger Style potentially gaining a rage skill
  • Hawk's ecstasy skill for Slugger Style
  • Potential head turns skill for Corkscrew Style
  • Personal suggestions for adding unique elements to Hands Low Style


Q: What were the changes made to the Ghost Style? A: The Ghost Style underwent a rework that replaced the instant jab with fewer highlight markers, making it less overpowering but also less unique.

Q: Will the instant jab be completely removed from the Ghost Style? A: No, the developers have hinted at a future rework that will reintroduce the instant jab as a periodic skill with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Q: Are there any plans for reworks in other Styles? A: Yes, the head developer has mentioned the possibility of reworks for other Styles, with the EPO Style being particularly exciting due to the potential inclusion of Dempsey Roll as a skill.

Q: What can we expect from Slugger Style in terms of reworks? A: The developers have teased the idea of giving Slugger Style a rage skill that activates when his health is low, adding a sense of desperation and intensity to the gameplay.

Q: What is the potential skill for Corkscrew Style mentioned by the head developer? A: The head developer hinted at the inclusion of head turns, a defensive technique that minimizes damage when struck in the face. This skill would enhance the defensive capabilities of the Corkscrew Style.

Q: Are there any suggestions for enhancing the Hands Low Style? A: One suggestion is to incorporate a visual effect on the opponent's right eye whenever Hands Low lands a counter, similar to the blind effect seen during the ultimate move. This would make Hands Low more unique and visually appealing.

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