Revolutionary Analog AI Accelerators Revolutionizing the Future of Technology

Revolutionary Analog AI Accelerators Revolutionizing the Future of Technology

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Era of Rapid Technological Development and Breakthroughs in AI
  3. Specialized Silicon and AI Acceleration 3.1 Brain Chip Akita Processor: A Neuromorphic AI Processor 3.2 The Paradigm Shift of Analog in Memory Compute
  4. In-Memory Compute: An Innovative Approach 4.1 The Issue of Memory Access in AI Processors 4.2 The Concept of In-Memory Compute
  5. Mythic Analog Matrix Processor: A Commercial AGI Processor 5.1 Mythic: Pioneering Commercialization of Analog AI Processors 5.2 Key Features and Performance of Mythic Processor
  6. Understanding In-Memory Compute Technology 6.1 The Significance of Vector Multiply and Sum Operations in AI Compute 6.2 An Analog Approach to In-Memory Compute
  7. Flash Memory: Enabling Variable Resistors for In-Memory Compute 7.1 Leveraging Non-Volatile Memory in Mythic Processor 7.2 Preloaded Weights and the Focus on AI Inference
  8. Scaling and Future Developments of Mythic Technology 8.1 The Potential of Scaling Flash Memory 8.2 Exploring Different Types of Memory Beyond 28 Nanometers
  9. In-Memory Compute vs. Neuromorphic Processors 9.1 Mythic Processor vs. Brainchip Akida 9.2 Distinct Architectures and Approaches to AI Compute
  10. Applications and Implications of Analog AI Processors 10.1 Object Detection and Pose Estimation 10.2 AI in Cars: Enhancing Sentry Mode and Autonomous Driving 10.3 The Potential in Data Centers: Scalability and Efficiency
  11. Exciting Advances in In-Memory Compute Technology 11.1 Exploring Different Non-Volatile Memory Options 11.2 Samsung's Innovations with MRAM for In-Memory Compute
  12. Conclusion

Mythic Analog Matrix Processor: Revolutionizing AI with In-Memory Compute

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hallmark of our era, driving rapid advancements and breakthroughs in technology. One significant area witnessing remarkable progress is the development of specialized silicon, specifically aimed at accelerating AI workloads. While there are various approaches to addressing the complexities of AI processing, one approach stands out: Analog in Memory Compute. This paradigm shift in AI computation has caught the attention of many experts and enthusiasts, including myself.

In-Memory Compute: Redefining AI Acceleration

Most modern AI accelerators heavily rely on matrix-vector multiplication and addition operations, which are notoriously memory-intensive. The movement of vast amounts of data between memory and the compute engine often becomes a bottleneck, resulting in increased power consumption and limited capabilities in AI processors. However, the concept of in-memory compute presents a radical departure from this norm. Instead of moving data from memory to the compute engine, the compute engine is brought to the memory itself.

The idea behind in-memory compute is rather simple, yet its implementation is complex. The goal is to eliminate the need for read and write access to perform computations directly within the memory, resulting in significant advantages such as enhanced power efficiency and expanded application possibilities. To bring this concept to life, analog computing enters the scene, offering a brain-like approach to AI computation.

Mythic Analog Matrix Processor: A Game-Changer in AI Processing

The Mythic Analog Matrix Processor, developed by the US-based startup Mythic, stands as one of the first commercial processors based on the powerful concept of in-memory compute. This revolutionary chip has the ability to run multi-million neural network models at the edge, making it applicable to various domains like smart homes, autonomous driving, video analytics, and augmented reality. With an impressive performance of up to 35 trillion operations per Second and consuming a mere 4 watts of power, the Mythic processor boasts remarkable power efficiency, delivering around 8 trillion operations per watt.

Compared to a conventional digital compute automotive System-on-Chip (SoC) like Nvidia Xavier, the Mythic processor outshines with its superior power-efficiency. Additionally, it offers a smaller form factor and is significantly more cost-effective, making it a highly attractive option for high-end and consumer electronic applications. Mythic's innovation has proven that analog in-memory compute can be seamlessly integrated into advanced AI processors, offering improved performance and affordability.

Unveiling the Principles of In-Memory Compute

To fully understand the groundbreaking technology behind the Mythic Analog Matrix Processor, let's take a closer look at the principles of in-memory compute. At its core, AI computation revolves around matrix-vector multiplication and summation. traditionally, weights stored in the neural network would be repeatedly read from memory to perform these operations. However, in the analog realm of in-memory compute, things work differently.

In an analog approach, the compute process is based on Ohm's Law, which states that the voltage drop over a resistor is proportional to the current flowing through it. By leveraging this principle, it becomes possible to manipulate resistors in such a way that they represent the weights of a neural network. Instead of reading and writing from memory, inputs can be applied to these resistors, and the resulting current can be measured to obtain the desired output. Practically, this requires the use of analog-to-digital converters and digital-to-analog converters to apply inputs and obtain outputs.

To facilitate the variable resistors needed for in-memory compute, non-volatile memory, such as flash memory, comes into play. Flash memory, which retains its state even when power is off, serves as the storage medium for neural network weights, eliminating the need for frequent read and write operations. By simply applying inputs and measuring the output, the Mythic processor achieves high-performance AI processing on-device, without the reliance on external memory and at lower power consumption.

Scaling and Future Developments of Mythic Technology

As Mythic sets the stage for in-memory compute, thoughts turn to scaling the technology and exploring possibilities beyond its current capabilities. Mythic's Mythic team has already begun working on the next generation of the processor, leveraging a 28 nanometer technology node and embedding flash memory to further enhance performance and efficiency. However, challenges arise as flash memory scaling below 28 nanometers becomes increasingly difficult.

Nevertheless, in-memory compute is not limited to embedded flash cells alone. Mythic is actively researching and considering alternative types of memory, such as phase change memory and resistive memory. These alternatives offer potential avenues for further optimizations and improvements. Despite the challenges, Mythic remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of in-memory compute technology, aiming to create even more efficient and powerful processors.

In-Memory Compute vs. Neuromorphic Processors: Contrasting Approaches

While both in-memory compute processors and neuromorphic processors like BrainChip Akida aim to tackle AI workloads, they employ distinct architectural approaches. Mythic's analog processor excels in performing analog in-memory compute, offering unique advantages. On the other HAND, BrainChip Akida, a digital neuromorphic processor, introduces on-chip learning capabilities, presenting a significant differentiation. Each processor caters to different classes of applications, with Mythic's focusing on AI inference applications and BrainChip's facilitating both inference and training.

It's essential to highlight that while both technologies are exciting advancements in the realm of AI, they provide solutions for different use cases. Processors like Google TPU and the hypothetical Dojo, Mentioned by some viewers, belong to a category of large AI accelerators designed for AI training in the cloud, making them unsuitable for use in edge devices like cars.

Applications and Implications of Analog AI Processors

The Mythic Analog Matrix Processor opens the door to a wide range of applications, thanks to its super-fast AI compute capabilities and impressive power efficiency. One such application is object detection and pose estimation, where the processor's high performance shines, enabling real-time processing without any delays or lag. Another promising area is AI in cars, where the Mythic processor can enhance functionalities like the Tesla Sentry Mode to recognize and differentiate authorized individuals, minimizing false alarms.

Moreover, the technology behind the Mythic processor holds potential for autonomous driving systems. By running large AI networks locally, the processor can provide real-time feedback to the vehicle's control system, aiding in critical decision-making processes. As Mythic continues to Scale its processor, the potential for integration in data centers emerges, offering scalability and energy efficiency advantages over traditional digital architectures.

Exciting Advances in In-Memory Compute Technology

The field of in-memory compute is witnessing exciting developments beyond Mythic's Analog Matrix Processor. Researchers and companies are actively exploring various non-volatile memory options such as magneto-resistive RAM (MRAM), resistive RAM, and phase-change RAM. For instance, Samsung's recent publication on using MRAM for in-memory compute showcased impressive results, achieving high accuracy in tasks like digit classification and face detection.

The advent of in-memory compute technology, accompanied by advancements in non-volatile memories, presents exciting possibilities for the future of low-power AI compute. Not only does this technology promise significant performance improvements, but it also holds immense potential for neuromorphic chips. These advancements indicate a promising future where AI processors can operate more efficiently and effectively, enabling a wide range of applications.


The Mythic Analog Matrix Processor stands as a groundbreaking achievement in the world of AI processing. Through its incorporation of in-memory compute, analog silicon, and flash memory, it brings immense power efficiency and performance to the realm of edge computing. This processor pushes the boundaries of AI acceleration, successfully bridging the gap between memory and computation. As research in in-memory compute technology progresses, it holds remarkable potential for the future of AI, paving the way for further innovation and advancements in the field.

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