Revolutionary Radiance Fields without Neural Networks

Revolutionary Radiance Fields without Neural Networks

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are Penoxyls and Planoptic?
  3. Comparison with Neural Networks
  4. How Penoxyls Represent Scenes
  5. Optimization Process
  6. Advantages of Penoxyls over Nerf
  7. Visual Quality Comparison with Nerf
  8. Encoding Fine Details with Panoxos
  9. Modeling Unbounded Scenes
  10. Compression and Memory Costs
  11. Application in 360 Degree Scenes
  12. Evaluation on Challenging Datasets
  13. Conclusion
  14. Acknowledgments


In this article, we will explore the innovative technology of Penoxyls and Planoptic. We will Delve into how these volume elements can represent scenes without the need for neural networks. The performance achieved by Penoxyls is comparable to that of Nerf (Neural Radiance Fields), but with a simpler optimization process and faster results. We will discuss the key aspects of Penoxyls, their advantages over Nerf, and their application in various scenarios. So, let's dive in and understand the world of Penoxyls and Planoptic.

What are Penoxyls and Planoptic?

Penoxyls are volume elements that enable the representation of radiance fields without the use of neural networks. They offer a unique approach to scene representation and rendering. Planoptic, on the other HAND, refers to the model that utilizes Penoxyls for achieving similar performance as Nerf. The optimization of Planoptic involves utilizing calibrated images of the scene to render pixels accurately. The representation of each voxel in the model includes density and spherical harmonic coefficients.

Comparison with Neural Networks

Unlike Nerf, which heavily relies on neural networks, Penoxyls provide a simpler alternative to achieve similar results. The optimization of Penoxyls is faster, making it an attractive option for various applications. We will explore the specifics of how Penoxyls work and optimize the model without the need for complex neural networks.

How Penoxyls Represent Scenes

Penoxyls utilize a voxel-Based approach for scene representation. Each voxel in the model stores density and spherical harmonic coefficients that contribute to the rendering process. The model evaluates the Planoptic function at regular intervals along the ray by employing tri-linear interpolation of the neighboring voxel coefficients. This representation allows for efficient rendering of pixels and accurate capture of scene appearance.

Optimization Process

The optimization of Planoptic involves computing gradients on numerous batches of training rays. The model prunes away empty voxels to Create a sparse representation and subdivide non-empty voxels for high resolution. These optimization techniques enable Penoxyls to achieve high-quality results with a significant speed improvement compared to Nerf. We will dive deeper into the optimization process and understand how Penoxyls outperform traditional neural network-based methods.

Advantages of Penoxyls over Nerf

Penoxyls offer several advantages over Nerf, making them an enticing alternative for scene representation. Along with their faster optimization process, Penoxyls achieve comparable quality as Nerf while being much simpler. We will explore the benefits of using Penoxyls, such as their efficiency, simplicity, and faster performance.

Visual Quality Comparison with Nerf

To showcase the visual quality of Penoxyls, we will compare them with Nerf using synthetic scenes. The side-by-side comparison reveals that even after a few seconds of optimization, Penoxyls capture a significant amount of geometry and appearance details. In contrast, Nerf takes several minutes to capture the same level of detail. We will delve into the specifics and analyze how Penoxyls excel in capturing fine details and improving visual quality.

Encoding Fine Details with Panoxos

The GRID resolution of Penoxyls plays a crucial role in capturing fine details. With a high-resolution grid, Penoxyls can effectively encode all the details present in the ground truth views. We will examine the grid resolution and its impact on accurately representing the scene's intricacies. The ability of Penoxyls to capture fine details such as waves and small objects will be showcased through various examples and comparisons with Nerf.

Modeling Unbounded Scenes

One of the remarkable features of Penoxyls is their ability to model unbounded, forward-facing scenes. This is achieved through a voxel grid warped by normalized device coordinates, similar to the approach used in Nerf. Normalized device coordinates allow for higher resolution in the foreground and lower resolution further away, effectively reallocating the resolution of the voxel grid. We will discuss the modeling of unbounded scenes in Detail and highlight the advantages it offers.

Compression and Memory Costs

While high-resolution voxel grids in Penoxyls enable accurate and detailed 3D models, they also come with memory costs. In this section, we will explore different methods of compressing the Penoxyl grid while retaining its high fidelity and fast optimization. Strategies for reducing memory requirements will be discussed, and their impact on the overall performance of Penoxyls will be evaluated.

Application in 360 Degree Scenes

The versatility of Penoxyls extends to 360-degree scenes. By adding a multisphere image background model, Penoxyls can effectively represent scenes with a wide field of view. We will delve into the optimization process specifically designed for 360-degree scenes. A comparison with Nerf Plus Plus, a variant of Nerf supporting unbounded scenes, will be presented to highlight the advantages of Penoxyls in terms of optimization speed and model quality.

Evaluation on Challenging Datasets

To assess the performance of Penoxyls in challenging scenarios, we will evaluate them using a subset of the Tanks and Temples dataset. These scenes pose challenges due to varying camera exposure in different viewpoints, resulting in inconsistent supervision of colors. We will discuss these challenges and the potential for optimizing exposure to account for these effects. Despite the challenges, Penoxyls showcase their ability to capture compelling models of real-world scenes.


In this comprehensive exploration of Penoxyls and Planoptic, we have examined their unique attributes, advantages over Nerf, optimization process, and application in various scenarios. Penoxyls offer a simpler and faster alternative to neural network-based methods for scene representation. With their ability to capture fine details, model unbounded scenes, and optimize efficiently, Penoxyls prove to be a promising technology. By expanding the possibilities of scene representation, Penoxyls contribute to advancements in computer vision and graphics.


We would like to express our gratitude to our collaborators, Matt Chin Hong, Ben, and Aung Ju, for their valuable contributions to this project. Their insights have been instrumental in the development and understanding of Penoxyls. We also invite You to visit our Website for further resources, including the research paper, video results, code, and additional information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss our findings, please feel free to reach out to us during our poster session. Thank you for your Attention and interest in Penoxyls and Planoptic.


  • Penoxyls: Innovative volume elements for scene representation
  • Planoptic: Utilizing Penoxyls to achieve Nerf-like performance
  • Simpler optimization process and faster results compared to Nerf
  • High visual quality and fine detail capture with Penoxyls
  • Modeling unbounded scenes and 360-degree scenes
  • Compression techniques to reduce memory costs
  • Evaluation on challenging datasets showcasing compelling results


Q: What are Penoxyls and Planoptic? A: Penoxyls are volume elements used for scene representation, while Planoptic refers to the model utilizing Penoxyls to achieve comparable results as Nerf.

Q: How do Penoxyls optimize scenes without neural networks? A: Penoxyls optimize scenes through a voxel-based approach, utilizing calibrated images and tri-linear interpolation techniques.

Q: How does Penoxyls' visual quality compare to Nerf? A: Penoxyls capture fine details and improve visual quality, outperforming Nerf in terms of speed and accuracy.

Q: Can Penoxyls model unbounded scenes? A: Yes, Penoxyls can effectively model unbounded, forward-facing scenes using a voxel grid warped by normalized device coordinates.

Q: What are the advantages of using Penoxyls over Nerf? A: Penoxyls offer a simpler optimization process, faster results, and comparable visual quality to Nerf, making them an appealing alternative.

Q: Is there a way to compress Penoxyls' memory requirements? A: Yes, there are various methods for compressing the Penoxyl grid while maintaining high fidelity and fast optimization.

Q: How well do Penoxyls perform on challenging datasets? A: Penoxyls capture compelling models of real-world scenes, even in scenarios with varying camera exposure and inconsistent color supervision.

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