Revolutionize NLP with Pretraining Algorithms

Revolutionize NLP with Pretraining Algorithms

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Pre-training Algorithms in NLP 1.1 A Brief History of Pre-training in NLP 1.2 Recent Advances in Pre-training Algorithms

  2. Mutual Information Maximization Perspective of Language Representation Learning 2.1 The Objective Function of Pre-training 2.2 Mutual Information Maximization 2.3 Introducing the BERT Model 2.4 Designing Better Objectives for Pre-training 2.5 Experimental Results and Performance Comparison

  3. Syntactic Structural Distillation Pre-training for Bi-directional Encoders 3.1 The Importance of Syntactic Structures in Language 3.2 Knowledge Distillation from a Teacher Model (RNG) to BERT 3.3 Evaluating the Performance of Syntactic Bias in BERT 3.4 Reflections on the Benefits of Structural Inductive Bias

  4. Conclusion and Future Directions


Introduction to Pre-training Algorithms in NLP

In recent years, the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen significant advancements in large-Scale pre-training algorithms. These algorithms have greatly contributed to the progress of the NLP field, improving performance on various tasks. This article provides a brief history of pre-training in NLP and explores two recent research efforts aimed at enhancing pre-training algorithms.

A Brief History of Pre-training in NLP

The trend of pre-training in NLP began with the introduction of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) by Google. BERT achieved remarkable performance on multiple NLP tasks and surpassed human performance. It sparked a surge of research in the field, leading to the development of other large-scale pre-training algorithms such as GPT-2 and GPT-3. These models demonstrated exponential growth in parameter size and training corpus, pushing the boundaries of NLP capabilities.

Earlier approaches to pre-training in NLP focused on word vectors, such as Word2Vec and GloVe, which provided static word embeddings. However, the shift towards contextualized word representations, starting with ELMo and progressing to BERT, allowed models to capture the contextual nuances of language. The exponential growth in model size and training data has further improved performance.

Recent Advances in Pre-training Algorithms

Large-scale pre-training alone is not enough to achieve optimal results. Therefore, researchers have been exploring ways to improve the objective functions and incorporate structural inductive biases into pre-training algorithms.

Mutual Information Maximization Perspective of Language Representation Learning

To better understand the objectives used in pre-training, researchers have investigated mutual information maximization. Mutual information measures the dependence between two events, capturing the relationship between two views of data. By maximizing mutual information, the model can improve its understanding of the relationship between different linguistic units.

The BERT model employs a specific objective function known as the Masked Language Model (MLM) and Next Sentence Prediction (NSP). The MLM randomly masks words in a sentence, and the model is trained to predict the masked words. NSP predicts whether the Second sentence follows the first sentence in a given pair. While these objectives work well, they do not provide a comprehensive understanding of why they are effective.

To address this, researchers have proposed the InfoNCE (Normalized Cross-Entropy) loss, which is an upper bound on mutual information. This loss function allows for better optimization by scoring positive pairs (corresponding words) higher and negative pairs (non-corresponding words) lower. By incorporating this loss, researchers have improved the performance of BERT on various tasks, such as reading comprehension and natural language inference.

Syntactic Structural Distillation Pre-training for Bi-directional Encoders

Language is inherently compositional and hierarchical, requiring models to understand the syntactic structures that govern it. However, large-scale pre-training algorithms like BERT often ignore these structures, leading to failures in certain tasks.

To address this, researchers propose a method called Syntactic Structural Distillation. They introduce a teacher model, called RNG (Recurrent Neural Network Grammar), that captures explicit syntactic structures during pre-training. The knowledge from RNG is then distilled into BERT, enhancing its understanding of compositionality.

By distilling the syntactic biases of RNG into BERT, researchers observed improved performance on tasks that require explicit syntactic information, such as parsing. However, even in tasks that don't explicitly rely on syntactic structures, the syntactic bias still provided performance improvements, demonstrating the importance of structural inductive biases in language modeling.

Conclusion and Future Directions

The integration of large-scale pre-training algorithms with high-quality computation and structural inductive biases has shown promising results in the field of NLP. While the effectiveness of large-scale computation is evident, it is equally important to design better objective functions that capture the intricacies of language. Additionally, incorporating syntactic biases into pre-training models has the potential to improve performance across various tasks.

Future research should focus on exploring additional biases and inductive structures to further enhance pre-training algorithms. By infusing pre-training models with a deeper understanding of language compositionality and hierarchies, we can expect even greater improvements in NLP performance.


  • Large-scale pre-training algorithms have revolutionized the field of NLP.
  • Mutual information maximization provides insights into effective pre-training objectives.
  • The InfoNCE loss improves performance by optimizing mutual information.
  • Syntactic structural distillation enhances BERT's understanding of compositionality.
  • Structural inductive biases improve performance even in tasks without explicit syntactic requirements.


Q: What is pre-training in NLP? A: Pre-training in NLP refers to the process of training language models on large-scale datasets to capture the contextual nuances of language.

Q: How does BERT improve performance in NLP tasks? A: BERT improves performance by utilizing a bi-directional encoder to capture bidirectional context, allowing for better understanding of word meaning and sentence structure.

Q: What is mutual information maximization? A: Mutual information maximization is a perspective that focuses on optimizing the relationship between different linguistic units to improve language representation learning.

Q: How does syntactic structural distillation improve pre-training algorithms? A: Syntactic structural distillation introduces explicit syntactic structures into pre-training algorithms to enhance understanding of language compositionality and improve performance on syntactic tasks.

Q: What are some future directions for pre-training in NLP? A: Future directions include exploring additional biases and inductive structures, designing better objective functions, and incorporating deep knowledge of language compositionality to further enhance pre-training algorithms.

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