Revolutionize Scouting with AI: The Future of Football

Revolutionize Scouting with AI: The Future of Football

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem of Undiscovered Football Talents
  3. The Solution: Juego Football App
    1. How Juego Football Works
    2. Tracking Performance Through Wearable Devices
    3. Providing Performance Analytics to Scouts and Clubs
  4. Equal Opportunity for Players
  5. The Freemium Model: B2C and B2B Business Models
  6. Target Markets: India, Qatar, Middle East, and Africa
  7. Breaking Barriers and Creating Opportunities
  8. Partnership with Qatar Sports Tech
  9. Pricing Model
  10. Case Study: Success Story with an Academy
  11. Future Plans and Vision for Juego Football

Juego Football: Empowering Footballers and Revolutionizing Scouting

Juego Football is an innovative app that aims to revolutionize football scouting by connecting talented footballers to scouts and clubs globally. This app, developed by CEO Asif Mahmud, addresses the problem of undiscovered football talents, providing them with an equal opportunity to showcase their skills and get scouted. In this article, we will explore how Juego Football works, its unique features, and the impact it has on the footballing community.


In the world of football, numerous talented players go unnoticed due to a lack of access to scouts and scouting data. Scouts often struggle to identify potential talents, leading to missed opportunities and the loss of great talent in the industry. This is the problem that Juego Football aims to solve.

The Problem of Undiscovered Football Talents

CEO Asif Mahmud had firsthand experience of witnessing countless talented footballers go undiscovered due to limited access to resources and scouting facilities. Recognizing the interconnected problem faced by both the footballers and scouts, Mahmud set out to bridge this gap and Create a platform that would connect them seamlessly.

The Solution: Juego Football App

Juego Football is an app specifically designed to enable footballers to play football locally and get scouted globally. The app allows players to track their performance in matches they play using the app. This performance data is then shared with scouts globally through the platform.

How Juego Football Works

Players can easily track their performance by wearing wearable devices such as Fitbits, Mi Bands, or iWatches during their matches. The app collects Relevant data from these devices, including speed, distance covered, heat maps, and position played. This data is then converted into football metrics using an algorithm developed by Juego Football.

Tracking Performance Through Wearable Devices

By utilizing wearable devices, Juego Football ensures accurate and comprehensive performance tracking. This factor sets the app apart from other scouting platforms that require their own hardware for performance tracking. The trend of wearing wearables during sports activities is rapidly increasing, making it easier for players to participate in the Juego Football ecosystem.

Providing Performance Analytics to Scouts and Clubs

The performance data collected by Juego Football is made available to scouts and clubs through a scouting dashboard. This allows scouts to access detailed reports on players' performance, consistency, and cleverness in judging the game. The platform also enables scouts to analyze the data of potential talents, ultimately leading to more informed decisions in player selection.

Equal Opportunity for Players

One of the key goals of Juego Football is to provide equal opportunities for all footballers, regardless of their background, nationality, or connections. The traditional scouting process often leads to discrimination and biases, hindering talented players from being discovered. Juego Football eliminates these biases by focusing on players' performance and potential, offering a level playing field for everyone.

While the app is primarily focused on players who aspire to go professional, it also caters to those who play football for recreational purposes. For players seeking a professional career, Juego Football serves as a crucial stepping stone, connecting them with relevant clubs and academies Based on their performance data.

The Freemium Model: B2C and B2B Business Models

Juego Football operates on a freemium model, offering free access to performance tracking for players. However, the app also provides premium features such as coaching Sessions conducted by professional coaches, video sessions, and personalized training plans. These premium features cater to players who Seek additional guidance and want to enhance their skills.

On the business-to-business (B2B) front, Juego Football offers different contracts and agreements with clubs and scouts. The pricing and terms vary based on individual partnerships, ensuring a tailored approach that benefits both the platform and its B2B clients.

Target Markets: India, Qatar, Middle East, and Africa

While Juego Football aims to expand its presence globally, it initially focuses on emerging markets where scouting systems are still developing. India, with its growing investment in football and abundance of talented players, offers significant potential for the app's success. Additionally, Juego Football has identified Qatar, the football center of the Middle East, as a valuable market. The app plans to expand further into the Middle East and Africa, targeting regions with upcoming football talent.

Breaking Barriers and Creating Opportunities

By connecting talented footballers with scouts and clubs, Juego Football breaks the barriers that limit players' access to opportunities. Traditional scouting methods often restrict players based on their backgrounds, connections, or geographic location. With Juego Football, the focus is solely on performance and potential, presenting an equal opportunity for every player to showcase their talents.

The platform's effectiveness has been demonstrated through its partnerships with academies and clubs. One notable case study involved an academy in Kerala, India. Juego Football provided performance reports for 500 players in the region, allowing the academy to select 25 players for trials based on their specific requirements. Ultimately, two players were signed by the academy, highlighting the platform's ability to streamline the scouting process and yield favorable outcomes.

Partnership with Qatar Sports Tech

Juego Football has forged a valuable partnership with Qatar Sports Tech, an accelerator program located in the heart of the sports innovation hub. This partnership has opened doors for Juego Football, granting access to academies and football clubs within the region. Qatar Sports Tech provides mentorship and support, aligning the program with the vision of Juego Football and facilitating its growth in the industry.

Pricing Model

In Juego Football, the pricing model varies depending on the target audience. Performance tracking for players is offered free of charge, ensuring accessibility for all aspiring footballers. However, premium features, such as coaching sessions and video analysis, come at a cost. The pricing for B2B partnerships with clubs and scouts is determined on an individual basis, ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Case Study: Success Story with an Academy

An academy in Kerala partnered with Juego Football to streamline their scouting process. Using the platform, they received performance reports for 500 players and identified their specific requirements for a winger in the age category of 15 to 20. By analyzing the reports, they shortlisted 25 players, eventually calling in eight players for final trials. Two players were successfully signed by the academy, demonstrating the effectiveness of Juego Football in optimizing the scouting process.

Future Plans and Vision for Juego Football

Asif Mahmud and the Juego Football team are dedicated to expanding their reach and impact. Their vision is to create equal opportunities for talented footballers worldwide, enabling them to pursue their dreams and showcase their skills. With continued partnerships, innovative developments, and a focus on upcoming and emerging football hotspots, Juego Football aims to revolutionize the scouting landscape and uncover Hidden footballing talents.


  • Juego Football is an app that connects talented footballers to scouts and clubs globally, solving the problem of undiscovered football talents.
  • The app tracks players' performance using wearable devices, providing comprehensive data for scouts and clubs to analyze.
  • The freemium model offers free access to performance tracking for players, while premium features cater to those seeking additional guidance and training.
  • Juego Football focuses on upcoming markets like India, Qatar, and the Middle East, where scouting systems are still developing.
  • The partnership with Qatar Sports Tech provides mentorship and access to academies and clubs, accelerating the app's growth.
  • A case study with an academy in Kerala showcased the platform's effectiveness in streamlining the scouting process and signing talented players.
  • The vision of Juego Football is to create equal opportunities for footballers worldwide and revolutionize the scouting landscape.

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