Revolutionize Your Cloud Infrastructure with Pulumi Insights and AI

Revolutionize Your Cloud Infrastructure with Pulumi Insights and AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Pulumi Insights: Overview
  3. Pulumi AI: Generating Cloud Infrastructure with Natural Language
  4. Pulumi Resource Search: Multicloud Search and Analytics
  5. Introduction of Pulumi Insights into Pulumi CLI
  6. Pulumi Org Search: Searching Infrastructure
  7. Querying Azure Native Web Apps
  8. Modifying Azure Native Web Apps
  9. Using AI Assist for Pulumi Org Search
  10. Pulumi AI in the CLI: Asking Questions
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore Pulumi Insights, a collection of features that bring intelligence to cloud infrastructure using Pulumi. We will discuss the various components of Pulumi Insights, including Pulumi AI and Pulumi Resource Search, and how they enhance the development and management of cloud infrastructure.

Pulumi Insights: Overview

Pulumi Insights is a set of features that leverage AI capabilities to provide intelligent assistance and search capabilities for cloud infrastructure management. It consists of two key components: Pulumi AI and Pulumi Resource Search.

Pulumi AI is a Generative AI assistance tool purpose-built to help users create cloud infrastructure using natural language. By leveraging AI techniques, Pulumi AI understands and interprets user requirements, enabling developers to express their infrastructure needs in plain language.

Pulumi Resource Search is a multicloud search and analytics tool that provides a comprehensive view of every cloud resource and environment in an organization. It helps users search and analyze their infrastructure, making it easy to find and manage resources across different cloud providers.

Pulumi AI: Generating Cloud Infrastructure with Natural Language

Pulumi AI is a groundbreaking tool that allows developers to create cloud infrastructure using natural language. With Pulumi AI, users can express their infrastructure requirements in plain language and let the AI engine generate the corresponding code. This eliminates the need for manual infrastructure provisioning and speeds up the development process.

To use Pulumi AI, developers simply need to describe their infrastructure needs in simple, human-readable sentences. The AI engine then translates these requirements into code, automating the process of infrastructure creation. Pulumi AI supports popular cloud providers and understands a wide range of infrastructure concepts, making it easy to generate code for different use cases.

Pulumi AI enables developers to focus on their application logic and abstract away the complexities of infrastructure provisioning. It accelerates the development cycle and reduces the chances of errors or misconfigurations.

Pulumi Resource Search: Multicloud Search and Analytics

Pulumi Resource Search is a powerful tool that allows users to search and analyze their cloud infrastructure across multiple cloud providers. It provides a unified interface to search for resources, making it easy to find and manage infrastructure components.

With Pulumi Resource Search, users can search for resources using a rich syntax similar to the one used in the Pulumi console. It allows users to filter resources based on cloud provider, resource type, tags, and other criteria. The search results provide detailed information about each resource, making it easy to understand its configuration and dependencies.

Pulumi Resource Search also offers analytics capabilities, allowing users to analyze their infrastructure at Scale. It provides insights into resource usage, performance, and cost, helping organizations optimize their cloud spend and resource allocation.

Introduction of Pulumi Insights into Pulumi CLI

Pulumi Insights has recently been integrated into the Pulumi CLI, bringing its powerful features directly to the terminal. This integration makes it even easier for developers to leverage Pulumi Insights while working on their cloud infrastructure.

The new Pulumi CLI commands, Pulumi Org Search and Pulumi AI, provide direct access to AI assistance and resource search capabilities. These commands allow users to perform AI-assisted searches and quickly find the resources they need, all from the command line interface. This integration streamlines the development workflow and empowers developers to be more productive.

Pulumi Org Search: Searching Infrastructure

Pulumi Org Search is a command in the Pulumi CLI that enables users to search across all of the infrastructure managed by their organization or individual account. It leverages the same rich search syntax used in Pulumi Resource Search in the console, making it easy to perform complex searches.

To demonstrate the power of Pulumi Org Search, let's look at an example. Suppose we want to find all the Azure native web apps deployed in our organization. We can use the command pulumi org search with the query Azure/native/web-app and specify the organization with the --org flag. This command will return a list of all the Azure native web apps deployed within the organization.

Querying Azure Native Web Apps

To further refine the search, we can add additional criteria to the query. For example, let's say we want to find the Azure native web apps that have been modified since September 20th. We can modify the query to include the modification date, like Azure/native/web-app modified since 2021-09-20. This will return a filtered list of web apps that meet the specified criteria.

The flexibility of the Pulumi Org Search command allows users to perform granular searches and retrieve specific information about their infrastructure. This helps in managing and monitoring resources effectively.

Using AI Assist for Pulumi Org Search

If you're not familiar with the exact search syntax or want assistance in formulating a query, Pulumi AI Assist can help. AI Assist is a feature that provides AI-powered recommendations and suggestions for search queries.

To use AI Assist for Pulumi Org Search, simply include the --ai flag followed by the query in the pulumi org search command. For example, pulumi org search --ai "Azure native web apps" will leverage AI Assist to generate a search query for finding Azure native web apps. This feature makes it easy for users to explore and search their infrastructure without deep knowledge of the search syntax.

AI Assist ensures that even users with limited understanding of the search capabilities can still benefit from Pulumi Insights and find the resources they need.

Pulumi AI in the CLI: Asking Questions

Pulumi AI is not limited to search capabilities; it also allows users to ask questions and get AI-generated responses. With the pulumi ai command, users can ask questions related to infrastructure management and receive informative answers.

For example, running pulumi ai "Deploy an Azure native function using TypeScript" will open a browser and display the complete code for deploying an Azure native function with TypeScript. Pulumi AI understands the user's intent and generates the necessary code to accomplish the task.

This AI-powered feature simplifies the learning process for using Pulumi and enables users to write infrastructure declarations without extensive knowledge of the underlying concepts. Pulumi AI helps developers focus on their application logic and accelerates the development process.


In this article, we explored the various features of Pulumi Insights, including Pulumi AI and Pulumi Resource Search. We discussed how these capabilities enhance cloud infrastructure development and management, providing AI-powered assistance and search capabilities.

Pulumi Insights brings intelligence to cloud infrastructure management, empowering developers to create infrastructure using natural language and enabling efficient searching and analytics across multiple cloud providers. By integrating Pulumi Insights into the CLI, developers can access these features directly from the terminal, improving productivity and simplifying the development workflow.

With Pulumi AI Assist, users can benefit from AI-powered recommendations for search queries, making it easy to find the resources they need without in-depth knowledge of the search syntax. Pulumi AI extends its capabilities beyond search and allows users to ask questions and receive AI-generated responses, simplifying the learning process of using Pulumi.

Overall, Pulumi Insights revolutionizes cloud infrastructure management, making it more accessible, efficient, and intuitive.


  • Pulumi Insights enhances cloud infrastructure development and management.
  • Pulumi AI enables developers to create infrastructure using natural language.
  • Pulumi Resource Search provides powerful multicloud search and analytics capabilities.
  • Integration of Pulumi Insights into the CLI improves productivity and simplifies the development workflow.
  • AI Assist helps users with search queries and recommendations.
  • Pulumi AI allows users to ask questions and get AI-generated responses.


  • Requires learning and understanding the Pulumi Insights features and commands.
  • Reliance on AI-assisted capabilities might limit user control over infrastructure setup.


  • Pulumi Insights brings intelligence to cloud infrastructure management.
  • Pulumi AI enables developers to create infrastructure using natural language.
  • Pulumi Resource Search provides multicloud search and analytics capabilities.
  • Integration of Pulumi Insights into the CLI improves productivity.
  • AI Assist helps users formulate search queries and provides recommendations.


Q: How does Pulumi AI assist in creating cloud infrastructure? A: Pulumi AI interprets natural language descriptions of infrastructure requirements and generates the corresponding code, eliminating the need for manual provisioning.

Q: Can Pulumi Org Search be used to find resources across multiple cloud providers? A: Yes, Pulumi Org Search provides a unified interface to search for resources across different cloud providers.

Q: How does Pulumi AI simplify the process of deploying resources? A: Pulumi AI generates complete infrastructure code based on user-provided descriptions, simplifying the process of writing infrastructure declarations.

Q: Can AI Assist be used even if I'm not familiar with the search syntax? A: Yes, AI Assist provides AI-powered recommendations for search queries, helping users formulate queries even without in-depth knowledge of the search syntax.

Q: What are the benefits of integrating Pulumi Insights into the CLI? A: Integration with the CLI allows developers to access Pulumi Insights features directly from the terminal, improving productivity and streamlining the development workflow.

Q: Does Pulumi Resource Search provide analytics capabilities? A: Yes, Pulumi Resource Search offers analytics capabilities, allowing users to analyze resource usage, performance, and cost.

Q: Is Pulumi AI available for other programming languages besides TypeScript? A: Yes, Pulumi AI supports multiple programming languages and cloud providers, allowing users to express their infrastructure requirements in their preferred language.

Q: Can Pulumi AI-Assisted Search be used for complex searches? A: Yes, Pulumi AI-Assisted Search supports complex searches using the same rich syntax as Pulumi Resource Search.

Q: How does Pulumi Insights improve the development process? A: Pulumi Insights accelerates the development process by providing intelligent assistance, search capabilities, and automated code generation, reducing manual efforts and potential errors.

Q: Is Pulumi Insights suitable for both small and large organizations? A: Yes, Pulumi Insights caters to organizations of all sizes, providing scalable and intelligent infrastructure management capabilities.


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