Revolutionize Your Digital Experience with Augmented Reality Contact Lenses

Revolutionize Your Digital Experience with Augmented Reality Contact Lenses

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Next Big Thing: Metaverse or Augmented Reality?
  3. Mojo Vision: Augmented Reality Contact Lenses
  4. testing the Contact Lenses
  5. The Technology Behind the Lenses
  6. Potential Uses of the Smart Contact Lenses
  7. Challenges and Delays in Augmented Reality Development
  8. Other Players in the Augmented Reality Market
  9. Balancing Real Life and Digital Information in AR
  10. Conclusion

Augmented Reality Contact Lenses: The Future of Digital Immersion

In recent years, the tech industry has been buzzing with anticipation for the next major technological advancement. While some speculate about the potential of the metaverse, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg believes that augmented reality (AR) is the next big thing. And it seems that he may be onto something even bigger than metaverse headsets. Enter Mojo Vision, a company based in Saratoga, California, that is working on developing augmented reality contact lenses.


The rapid evolution of technology has led to the ubiquitous use of smartphones, which have essentially replaced desktop computers for many people. However, constantly looking down at our screens has become a common sight in our daily lives. Mojo Vision aims to change that by merging the digital and real worlds with their groundbreaking smart contact lens technology.

The Next Big Thing: Metaverse or Augmented Reality?

The debate over the next big thing in technology has been ongoing for some time. While virtual reality (VR) and the metaverse have gained attention, augmented reality (AR) is emerging as a strong contender. Unlike VR, which offers a fully immersive digital experience, AR combines virtual elements with the real world. This Blend of digital and reality can be achieved through wearable devices like Mojo Vision's augmented reality contact lenses.

Mojo Vision: Augmented Reality Contact Lenses

Mojo Vision, based in Saratoga, California, is at the forefront of developing augmented reality contact lenses. Their team of engineers and technologists has been working tirelessly to create prototypes of these lenses, which are designed to display digital information in front of users' eyes. Packed with tiny circuits, batteries, and one of the world's smallest displays, these lenses have the potential to revolutionize how we perceive information.

Testing the Contact Lenses

To test the capabilities of their augmented reality contact lenses, Mojo Vision invited tech journalist Harmy Olson to their office. Using a virtual reality headset, Olson was able to experience the lens's eye tracking technology and demo apps. She could move a Cursor by simply moving her eyes, read from a digital teleprompter, and even navigate using arrows displayed in her field of view. This testing showcased the lenses' potential for various applications, including navigation and information display.

The Technology Behind the Lenses

Creating Mojo Vision's augmented reality contact lenses was no easy feat. The lenses needed to be comfortable to wear while housing the necessary electronics. Mojo Vision developed their own chemicals and plastic compounds to ensure breathability for the wearer's eyes. The lenses are noticeably thick but not uncomfortable, and they incorporate nine titanium batteries and a flexible circuit narrower than a strand of human hair to power and transmit data.

Potential Uses of the Smart Contact Lenses

While the idea of replacing phone screens with augmented reality contact lenses is fascinating, Mojo Vision has even more practical applications in mind. They are working on a lens specifically designed for visually impaired individuals, which can enhance their ability to see objects by overlaying digital edges. Additionally, Mojo Vision is partnering with companies that create apps for activities like running, skiing, and golfing to develop a hands-free display of activity information.

Challenges and Delays in Augmented Reality Development

Despite the progress being made in augmented reality technology, it is not without its challenges and delays. Achieving seamless integration of digital elements with physical objects in a constantly moving view is a complex task. The processing power required for such an undertaking is significant, contributing to the delays experienced by many augmented reality projects.

Other Players in the Augmented Reality Market

Mojo Vision is not alone in the pursuit of augmented reality innovation. Tech giants like Apple and Meta (formerly Facebook) are also investing in the development of AR glasses. Apple aims to release lightweight AR glasses by the end of the decade, while Meta plans to introduce its own augmented reality glasses in 2024. These projects show that there is a shared belief in the potential of augmented reality and a race to bring it to the masses.

Balancing Real Life and Digital Information in AR

As augmented reality contact lenses and glasses become a reality, a pressing question arises: how will users balance being Present in the real world while constantly seeing digital information? The immersive experience offered by the lenses may lead to addiction and significantly influence our interaction with the world. However, Steve Sinclair, Mojo Vision's Senior Vice President of Product and Marketing, sees it differently. He believes that Instant access to information will become the norm, offering a world of more detailed information than ever before.


While the concept of augmented reality contact lenses may seem like something out of a science fiction movie, companies like Mojo Vision are making steady progress toward turning this concept into a reality. With their groundbreaking technology, Mojo Vision aims to replace our phone screens with smart contact lenses that seamlessly blend the digital and real world. As the development of augmented reality continues, it raises questions about the future of technology and how it will Shape our daily lives. Whether these dreams of AR contact lenses become a reality remains to be seen, but the potential impact on our lives is undeniable.


  1. Mojo Vision is developing augmented reality contact lenses that could replace our phone screens.
  2. Testing of the lenses showcased their capabilities, including eye tracking and information display.
  3. Mojo Vision is also exploring practical applications, such as lenses for visually impaired individuals and activity-based displays.
  4. The development of augmented reality faces challenges and delays due to the complexity of blending digital and physical worlds.
  5. Tech giants like Apple and Meta are also investing in augmented reality glasses, indicating a shared belief in the technology's potential.
  6. The balance between real-life presence and constant access to digital information is a challenge that will need to be addressed as AR becomes more prevalent.


Q: What are augmented reality contact lenses? A: Augmented reality contact lenses are wearable devices that overlay digital information onto the real world, providing users with a blended view of the digital and physical environments.

Q: How do Mojo Vision's augmented reality contact lenses work? A: Mojo Vision's contact lenses are packed with tiny circuits, batteries, and a small display. They use eye tracking technology to interpret users' eye movements and display relevant information in their field of view.

Q: Can augmented reality contact lenses replace our smartphones? A: While augmented reality contact lenses have the potential to replace phone screens, their practical applications extend beyond that. Mojo Vision is exploring uses for visually impaired individuals and activity-based displays, among others.

Q: Are other companies working on augmented reality devices? A: Yes, several tech giants, including Apple and Meta, are investing in the development of augmented reality glasses. These companies believe in the potential of AR technology and aim to bring it to the market in the coming years.

Q: How long until we can expect to see augmented reality contact lenses in the market? A: Mojo Vision aims to release their bespoke lenses in five years, but the timeline for widespread availability of augmented reality contact lenses may depend on various factors, including regulatory approvals and technological advancements.

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