Revolutionize Your Editing Workflow with Premiere Pro's Text-Based Editing

Revolutionize Your Editing Workflow with Premiere Pro's Text-Based Editing

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Key Updates in Premiere Pro Version 24
    • Automatic Tagging of Audio
    • Enhanced Color Settings
    • Text-Based Editing
  3. The Traditional Workflow: Paper Edit
  4. Introduction to Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro
  5. How to Use Text-Based Editing
    • Import Settings
    • Automatic Transcription
    • Selecting and Inserting Sections from the Transcript
  6. Editing Process with Text-Based Editing
    • Deleting Unwanted Sections
    • Closing Gaps
    • Inserting Introductions and Transitions
  7. Searching and Filtering in Text-Based Editing
    • Searching for Specific Words or Phrases
    • Filtering by Pauses
    • Converting Transcript into Closed Captions
  8. Benefits of Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro
  9. Use of AI Search Feature with invado elements Plugin
  10. Conclusion

Premiere Pro's Text-Based Editing: A Game-Changer for Video Editors

Premiere Pro, one of the leading video editing software, has recently undergone a major update in Version 24. While there are several exciting features included in this update, the addition of text-based editing has been the standout for many editors, myself included. In this article, we will explore how this new feature can transform your video editing workflow and simplify the process of assembling interview-based projects.


Video editing is an essential part of modern storytelling, and Premiere Pro has been a go-to software for many professionals. The latest update, Version 24, has brought numerous improvements, but it's the introduction of text-based editing that has caught the Attention of editors and filmmakers. This feature revolutionizes the way we approach interview-based projects, making the initial rough cut process smoother and more efficient.

Key Updates in Premiere Pro Version 24

Before diving into text-based editing, let's briefly touch on a couple of other important updates in Premiere Pro Version 24. First, there is the automatic tagging of audio upon import. This feature categorizes the audio as music, sound effects, ambience, or dialogue, allowing for more precise control over each Type of audio in the editing process. Additionally, the color settings within Premiere Pro have been enhanced, providing more robust color management tools in a user-friendly interface. While these updates are significant, it's the text-based editing feature that truly stands out.

The Traditional Workflow: Paper Edit

Traditionally, when editing interview-based projects, a technique called a "paper edit" is often employed. This involves creating a transcript of the interview and marking portions of it with a highlighter or red pen to indicate the desired sections for the edit. Editors then assemble the rough cut based on these marked segments. While effective, this method can be time-consuming and cumbersome. However, text-based editing presents a more streamlined and advanced alternative to this traditional workflow.

Introduction to Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro

Text-based editing in Premiere Pro is a game-changer for video editors, especially for those who frequently work on interview-based projects. With this feature, Premiere Pro automatically generates a transcript of the imported rushes, allowing editors to select and insert sections directly from the transcript into the timeline. This significantly speeds up the editing process, as editors can quickly identify and include the desired content without manually searching through the footage.

How to Use Text-Based Editing

To utilize text-based editing in Premiere Pro, it's essential to understand the import settings and the automatic transcription process. When importing clips, enable the automatic transcription feature in the import settings. If the clips are in English, select the appropriate language to ensure accurate transcription. Once imported, all clips will be transcribed automatically, and the transcript will be available for editing and selection.

Editing Process with Text-Based Editing

Text-based editing offers a seamless editing process. When playing through the transcript, the corresponding text is highlighted, making it easy to navigate through the spoken content. To insert a section into the timeline, simply highlight the desired text and use the insert button. Additionally, unwanted sections can be deleted, gaps can be closed, and transitions can be added with just a few clicks. This feature allows for quick assembly of a rough cut and enables editors to focus on refining the edit further.

Searching and Filtering in Text-Based Editing

One of the most exciting aspects of text-based editing is the ability to search for specific words or phrases within the transcript. This functionality is incredibly useful when trying to locate a particular section or quote. Filters can also be applied, highlighting pauses or other elements for easy identification and editing. Moreover, the transcript can be converted into closed captions, enhancing accessibility and improving the viewing experience.

Benefits of Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro

Text-based editing brings several benefits to the video editing process. It eliminates the tedious task of manual searching for specific content within the footage, streamlines the assembly of rough cuts, and provides greater control over the structure of the final edit. This feature is particularly beneficial for editors working on interview-based projects, as it accelerates the initial stages of the editing process and enables efficient collaboration among team members.

Use of AI Search Feature with invado elements Plugin

For even more versatility and efficiency in video editing, editors can take AdVantage of the invado elements Premiere Pro plugin. This plugin utilizes AI search technology to analyze the footage on the timeline and suggest suitable stock videos, music, and sound effects. Editors can seamlessly download and integrate these assets into their projects without leaving Premiere Pro, enhancing the creative possibilities and speeding up the editing process.


Premiere Pro's text-based editing feature is a game-changer for video editors. It simplifies the editing process, especially for interview-based projects, by allowing editors to select and insert sections directly from the transcript. With its advanced search functionality and ease of use, this feature enhances efficiency, accelerates the initial rough cut process, and promotes seamless collaboration among team members. Give text-based editing in Premiere Pro a try, and experience the transformative power it brings to your video editing workflow.


  • Premiere Pro Version 24 introduces text-based editing, a revolutionary feature that simplifies the process of assembling interview-based projects.
  • Traditional paper editing is time-consuming, but text-based editing offers a more streamlined and efficient alternative.
  • The import settings and automatic transcription process in Premiere Pro enable editors to quickly generate transcripts of their imported footage.
  • Text-based editing allows editors to select and insert sections directly from the transcript, significantly speeding up the initial rough cut process.
  • The search and filtering options in text-based editing make it easy to locate specific words or phrases and enhance the overall editing experience.
  • The invado elements plugin, with its AI search feature, further enhances the editing process by suggesting suitable stock videos, music, and sound effects.
  • Premiere Pro's text-based editing feature brings several benefits, including a more efficient workflow, improved collaboration, and greater control over the edit.


Q: Can text-based editing be used for all types of video projects? A: While text-based editing is particularly useful for interview-based projects, it can be applied to various video editing scenarios. It offers a streamlined workflow and efficient content selection, regardless of the project type.

Q: Does text-based editing replace the need for traditional editing techniques? A: Text-based editing is not meant to replace traditional editing techniques but rather enhance them. It provides an alternative method for assembling a rough cut quickly and efficiently, allowing editors to focus on refining the edit further.

Q: Is text-based editing only available in Premiere Pro Version 24? A: Yes, text-based editing is a new feature introduced in Premiere Pro Version 24. To take advantage of this feature, ensure you have the latest version of Premiere Pro installed.

Q: Can text-based editing be used with footage in different languages? A: Yes, text-based editing can accommodate footage in various languages. Premiere Pro offers language auto-detection and allows you to select the appropriate language for accurate transcription.

Q: Can text-based editing assist in generating closed captions for videos? A: Absolutely! The transcript generated through text-based editing can easily be converted into closed captions, enhancing accessibility and making videos more inclusive.

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