Revolutionize Your Game Development with Unreal Engine 5

Revolutionize Your Game Development with Unreal Engine 5

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Procedural Tray Train Track
  2. Enabling the Procedural Content Generation Framework
  3. Creating a Spline Blueprint
  4. Creating a PCG Graph
  5. Sampling Points along the Spline
  6. Placing Meshes along the Spline
  7. Adding Rare Tracks
  8. Adjusting the Scale and Offset
  9. Fine-tuning the Rail Track
  10. Conclusion

Introduction to Procedural Tray Train Track

In this article, we will explore the implementation of a procedural tray train track using the Unreal Engine procedural content generation framework introduced in Unreal Engine 5.2. Procedural content generation allows for flexible and dynamic creation of game assets Based on a set of rules and parameters. We will cover the step-by-step process of creating a 2D procedural rail track, from enabling the necessary plugin to placing and adjusting the rare tracks.

Enabling the Procedural Content Generation Framework

To begin, we need to enable the procedural content generation plugin in Unreal Engine 5.2. Access the plugin settings through the Unreal Engine settings menu and search for "procedural". Once enabled, restart the engine to ensure the plugin is active.

Creating a Spline Blueprint

Next, we need to Create a simple blueprint to represent the spline that will guide the railroad track. Add a spline mesh component to the blueprint and place it in the game world. You can duplicate and drag the mesh component along the spline to define its path.

Creating a PCG Graph

Now we can create a PCG (procedural content generation) graph to generate the rail track. Create a new PCG graph and start by getting the spline data from the previously created blueprint. This data will be used to determine the position and direction of the rail track.

Sampling Points along the Spline

To place the rail tracks along the spline, we need to sample points along the spline using a spline sampler node. By connecting the spline sampler to the PCG graph, we can Visualize the sampling points. Adjust the distance between the sampling points to achieve the desired density of the rail tracks.

Placing Meshes along the Spline

To represent the rail tracks, we can use static mesh spawners along the spline. Connect the mesh spawners to the PCG graph and set the desired mesh for the rail tracks. By adjusting the transform parameters and utilizing randomization techniques, we can achieve variations in the placement and scaling of the meshes.

Adding Rare Tracks

To create the iron part of the rail tracks, we need to add a static mesh component to the blueprint and place it along the spline using the construction script. By incrementally getting locations along the spline, we can set the start and end positions of the rail tracks. Make sure to adjust the direction of the spline to ensure proper alignment of the meshes.

Adjusting the Scale and Offset

Fine-tuning the appearance of the rail tracks involves adjusting the scale and offset parameters. Using the transform node, you can add an offset to the rail tracks and Apply scaling to achieve the desired size and spacing. Experiment with different values to find the optimal configuration.

Fine-tuning the Rail Track

Once the rail tracks are in place, assess their placement and adjust any inconsistencies. Use the PCG graph to remove and replace any problematic sections. Additionally, consider the scale of the rail track meshes and adjust them accordingly to fit the desired proportions.


In conclusion, implementing a procedural tray train track using the Unreal Engine procedural content generation framework allows for dynamic and versatile rail track generation. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create visually appealing and immersive rail tracks in your Unreal Engine projects. Experiment with different settings and parameters to achieve unique and engaging results.


  • Implementation of a procedural tray train track using Unreal Engine's procedural content generation framework
  • Enabling the required plugin and creating a spline blueprint
  • Generating a PCG graph to visualize and manipulate the rail track
  • Placing and adjusting meshes along the spline using static mesh spawners
  • Fine-tuning the appearance of the rail track by adjusting scale and offset parameters
  • Achieving a visually appealing and immersive rail track in Unreal Engine projects


Q: Can I use the procedural tray train track for other types of tracks, such as roller coasters? A: Yes, the procedural content generation framework can be adapted to create various types of tracks, including roller coasters. You can modify the parameters and adjust the mesh components to fit your desired track design.

Q: How does procedural content generation benefit game development? A: Procedural content generation allows for the automatic creation of game assets based on predefined rules and parameters, saving time and effort in manually designing and placing objects. It also adds flexibility and variety to the game world, enhancing the player's experience.

Q: Can I customize the appearance of the rare tracks? A: Yes, you can adjust the scale, offset, and other parameters of the rare tracks to fit your specific requirements. Experiment with different values to achieve the desired visual effect.

Q: Can I use pre-made 3D models for the rail tracks? A: Absolutely! Unreal Engine supports importing and using pre-made 3D models for your rail tracks. Simply import the models into the engine and assign them to the relevant components in the PCG graph.

Q: Is the procedural tray train track compatible with multiplayer games? A: Yes, the procedural tray train track can be implemented in both single-player and multiplayer games. The placement and adjustment of the rail track components are done on the server-side, ensuring consistency across all connected clients.

Q: Are there any performance considerations when using the procedural content generation framework? A: Depending on the complexity of your track design and the density of the rail tracks, there might be performance implications. It is recommended to optimize the mesh components and adjust the parameters of the PCG graph to achieve a balance between visual quality and performance.

Q: Can I generate procedural tracks with varying difficulties or levels of challenge? A: Yes, by incorporating additional logic and rules into the PCG graph, you can create procedural tracks with varying difficulties or levels of challenge. Consider factors such as speed, obstacles, and track complexity to enhance the gameplay experience.

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