Revolutionize Your Image Editing with Adobe's Generative Fill AI

Revolutionize Your Image Editing with Adobe's Generative Fill AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Generative Fill AI in Adobe Photoshop?
  3. How to Access Generative Fill AI in Photoshop Beta
  4. Removing Objects with Generative Fill AI
  5. Generating Objects with Generative Fill AI
  6. Creating and Designing Backgrounds with Generative Fill AI
  7. Extending Images Artifically with Generative Fill AI
  8. Pros of Using Generative Fill AI
  9. Cons of Using Generative Fill AI
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the incredible new AI Tool called Generative Fill in Adobe Photoshop. This tool has the power to revolutionize the way we create and design digital images, allowing us to remove objects, generate new elements, create backgrounds, extend images, and much more. We will discuss how to access Generative Fill AI in Photoshop Beta, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to use it for various purposes. Whether you're a professional photographer, digital artist, or just someone who loves editing images, Generative Fill AI is sure to impress you with its capabilities.

What is Generative Fill AI in Adobe Photoshop?

Generative Fill AI is a groundbreaking tool that has recently been introduced into Adobe Photoshop. This tool leverages the power of artificial intelligence to enhance our image editing and design capabilities. With Generative Fill AI, users can effortlessly remove unwanted objects from images, add or generate new objects or elements, create stunning backgrounds, extend images, and convert text into images Instantly. It offers a wide range of options and features that can transform the way we approach image editing and design.

How to Access Generative Fill AI in Photoshop Beta

Accessing Generative Fill AI is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to start using this powerful tool:

  1. Download the Photoshop Beta app from the Creative Cloud installer.
  2. Open the Creative Cloud desktop application on your computer.
  3. Click on "Beta apps" in the sidebar, and locate Photoshop Beta.
  4. Click on the "Install" button next to Photoshop Beta to initiate the installation process.
  5. After installation, open the Photoshop Beta app.
  6. Drag and drop an image onto the app's interface or select an image from your computer to upload it.
  7. A popup will appear that introduces the new Generative Fill feature. Click "Learn More" to access the Contextual Task Bar.
  8. If the Contextual Task Bar is not visible, go to the "Window" menu and click on "Contextual Task Bar" to enable it.

Once you have successfully accessed Generative Fill AI, you can explore its various features and unleash your creativity in image editing and design.

Removing Objects with Generative Fill AI

Generative Fill AI offers a superior way to remove objects from images compared to traditional healing brushes. Here's how you can remove objects using this powerful tool:

  1. Open an image in Photoshop Beta that contains the object you want to remove.
  2. Zoom in on the image using the shortcut "Ctrl++" to get a closer look.
  3. Select the "Lasso Tool" from the toolbar on the left.
  4. Use the Lasso Tool to carefully select the object you want to remove.
  5. Once the object is selected, click on the "Generative Fill" option in the toolbar.
  6. You can choose to generate a replacement for the object or simply remove it by clicking "Generate" without typing anything.
  7. The AI tool will work its magic and swiftly erase the selected object, leaving behind a seamless result.
  8. Explore different variations and options by clicking the arrow next to "Generate" to further refine the results.
  9. To have more control over the editing process, the tool creates a Generative Layer that can be easily manipulated and adjusted. You can hide or unhide specific edits by clicking on the corresponding icons in the Layers panel.

Generative Fill AI offers advanced object removal capabilities, surpassing the traditional methods available in Photoshop. The tool's ability to maintain the texture and context of the surrounding environment ensures high-quality and natural-looking results.

Generating Objects with Generative Fill AI

In addition to removing objects, Generative Fill AI also allows users to generate new objects or elements within images. This opens up a world of creative possibilities. Here's how you can generate objects using this tool:

  1. Select the "Lasso Tool" or any other selection tool based on your requirement.
  2. Use the selection tool to Outline the area where you want to add new objects or elements.
  3. Click on the "Generative Fill" option in the toolbar.
  4. Specify the object or element you want to generate by typing a description or leaving it blank for more random results.
  5. Click "Generate" to let the AI tool generate the desired objects within the selected area.
  6. Explore different variations and options to find the result that suits your vision.
  7. Keep clicking "Generate" to generate more variations based on your current Prompt until you find a result you are satisfied with.

Generative Fill AI allows for the quick and effortless addition of objects or elements to images, providing a seamless integration that looks natural and visually appealing. This feature is especially useful for digital artists and photographers looking to experiment with different concepts and compositions.

Creating and Designing Backgrounds with Generative Fill AI

Generative Fill AI is not limited to object removal and generation; it can also be used to create and design backgrounds for images. Here's how you can unleash your creativity and experiment with different backgrounds using this tool:

  1. Open an image in Photoshop Beta that you want to experiment with.
  2. Click on the "Select Subject" option in the toolbar to automatically isolate the main subject of the image.
  3. Click on the "Inverse" button to select the remaining background area instead of the subject.
  4. Click on the "Generative Fill" option in the toolbar.
  5. Choose whether you want to provide a prompt or leave it blank for random results.
  6. Click "Generate" to let the AI tool generate a variety of different backgrounds.
  7. Explore the different variations and options to find the background that complements your subject and enhances the overall aesthetic.
  8. Experiment with various prompts by specifying the desired background type or atmosphere for more specific results.
  9. Keep clicking "Generate" to explore additional variations until you find a background that perfectly suits your vision.

Generative Fill AI provides a unique opportunity to create immersive and visually striking backgrounds that can transform the overall mood and style of an image. With the multitude of options and variations offered by this tool, you can achieve truly astonishing results.

Extending Images Artifically with Generative Fill AI

Another impressive capability of Generative Fill AI is its ability to extend images artificially. This feature allows users to seamlessly expand the canvas of an image and generate additional elements to complete the extended area. Here's how you can extend images using this feature:

  1. Open an image in Photoshop Beta that you want to extend.
  2. Click on the "Crop Tool" in the toolbar.
  3. Drag and extend the canvas in the desired direction without checking the "Delete Cropped Pixels" option.
  4. Click the checkmark to apply the crop and extend the canvas.
  5. Use the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" to select the extended area and a portion of the original image.
  6. Click on the "Generative Fill" option in the toolbar.
  7. Specify the desired elements, if any, or leave it blank for random results.
  8. Click "Generate" to let the AI tool fill in the extended area with new elements.
  9. Explore the variations and options provided by the tool to find the result that best suits your vision.
  10. Keep clicking "Generate" to discover additional variations until you achieve the perfect extended image.

Generative Fill AI's ability to extend images and intelligently fill in the new area with visually coherent elements is truly remarkable. This feature offers immense creative potential for photographers, digital artists, and anyone looking to expand the visual impact of their images.

Pros of Using Generative Fill AI

Using Generative Fill AI in Adobe Photoshop offers a plethora of advantages, including:

  1. Advanced Object Removal: The AI tool provided by Generative Fill offers superior object removal capabilities, surpassing traditional healing brushes in terms of precision and quality.
  2. Effortless Object Generation: The ability to generate new objects and elements within images is incredibly easy and efficient with Generative Fill AI. It saves time and allows for experimentation and creativity.
  3. Seamless Background Creation: Generative Fill AI allows users to create and design visually stunning backgrounds, enhancing the overall aesthetic and impact of an image.
  4. Artificial Image Extension: The AI tool's ability to extend images and fill in the new area with visually coherent elements is a powerful feature that can significantly enhance the composition and visual appeal of an image.

Cons of Using Generative Fill AI

While Generative Fill AI offers numerous benefits, it is important to consider the potential limitations, including:

  1. Lack of Control: Although Generative Fill AI provides an impressive range of options and variations, complete control over the generated results may be limited. Users may have to rely on multiple iterations of generating and refining to achieve the desired outcome.
  2. Artificial Look: In some cases, the results generated by the AI tool may appear artificial or less realistic, particularly when dealing with complex compositions or intricate details.
  3. Dependence on AI: Reliance on artificial intelligence tools like Generative Fill may reduce the need for manual artistic skills, potentially diminishing the unique touch and creativity of human artists.


Generative Fill AI in Adobe Photoshop is a Game-changer for image editing and design. This powerful tool opens up a world of possibilities, allowing users to remove objects, generate new elements, create backgrounds, extend images, and much more. Whether you're a professional photographer, digital artist, or just someone who loves editing images, Generative Fill AI is sure to transform your creative process and deliver astonishing results. With its advanced capabilities and user-friendly interface, this tool empowers users to explore their creativity and push the boundaries of digital art.

By accessing Generative Fill AI in Photoshop Beta, you can unlock a wide range of features and options that will take your image editing and design skills to the next level. Embrace the power of artificial intelligence and see your creative vision come to life with Generative Fill AI in Adobe Photoshop.


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