Revolutionize Your Vector Search Experience with Binary Passage Retrieval

Revolutionize Your Vector Search Experience with Binary Passage Retrieval

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Binary Passage Retrieval?
  3. Memory Reduction with Binary Hash Vectors
  4. Optimizing Vector Hashing
  5. Exploring High-dimensional Continuous Representations
  6. Scaling Up the Dimensionality of Embeddings
  7. Applications of Binary Passage Retrieval
  8. Bringing Vector Search and Spaces Interface Together
  9. Challenges and Engineering Details
  10. Conclusions


In this article, we will explore the exciting new feature called Binary Passage Retrieval introduced in We V8, a vector Search Engine. This feature aims to significantly reduce memory requirements when searching through massive amounts of vectors, enabling various downstream applications. We will dive into the concept of memory reduction using binary hash vectors, understand the optimization task of learning to hash, and explore the suitability of high-dimensional continuous representations. Additionally, we will discuss the implications of scaling up the dimensionality of embeddings and how binary compression makes vector search engines more memory efficient. So let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of Binary Passage Retrieval!

What is Binary Passage Retrieval?

Binary Passage Retrieval is a feature that offers a 32x memory reduction for indexing vector representations of high-dimensional data. By converting float32 values into binary zero-one representations, it significantly reduces the memory required for each individual index. This compression technique paves the way for more memory-efficient applications and brings new possibilities to vector search engines. Although there are some engineering details preventing a complete 32x reduction, the achieved memory savings are still substantial and have far-reaching implications.

Memory Reduction with Binary Hash Vectors

To grasp the magnitude of the memory reduction, it is essential to understand how binary hash vectors work. We start by understanding the concept of compressing float32 values into binary representations. While the complete technical details are still forthcoming from Eddie, a Podcast guest, we can appreciate the results based on ideas presented in the paper on Efficient Passage Retrieval with Hashing for Open Domain Question Answering. The reduction in memory enables the handling of massive amounts of vectors efficiently, making it feasible for applications like citation graphs with millions of embeddings.

Optimizing Vector Hashing

Optimizing vector hashing plays a crucial role in achieving efficient memory reduction. The paper introduces an optimization task of learning to hash, which aims to retain valuable information even after binarization. By using hyperbolic tangent and a smoothening hyperparameter, a differentiable optimization process is employed. This ensures that the vectors are optimized and retain maximum information when converted to binary codes. The combination of candidate generation and re-ranking loss functions further refines the optimization, leading to the production of high-dimensional and binarized encodings.

Exploring High-dimensional Continuous Representations

Before diving into the details of binary passage retrieval, it's essential to understand the significance of high-dimensional continuous representations. Scaling up the dimensionality of embeddings, such as the ones used in Barlow Twins' work, has become a trend in the field. Traditionally, handling such high-dimensional vectors with precise floating-point values would be challenging. However, the optimization task of learning to hash, combined with the binary compression, offers a compelling solution. The dimensionality of the vectors holds valuable information that allows for efficient binary compression and subsequent memory reduction.

Scaling Up the Dimensionality of Embeddings

As the field of vector search engines evolves, there is an increasing focus on scaling up the dimensionality of embeddings. These higher-dimensional vectors offer more expressive power and enable sophisticated understanding of complex data structures. However, handling such large vectors with 32-bit floating-point values becomes impractical due to memory constraints. By introducing binary compression, we can make these high-dimensional vector representations more memory-efficient and realistic for a wide range of applications.

Applications of Binary Passage Retrieval

The memory savings achieved through binary passage retrieval have significant implications for applications that deal with a vast number of vectors. For example, Kenius, a company working with a citation graph of academic Papers, relies on 60 million different vector embeddings. The memory reduction provided by binary passage retrieval becomes critical in ensuring the feasibility and efficient processing of such massive amounts of data. Additionally, the concept of binary passage retrieval aligns well with the vision of delivering spaces-style interfaces to vector search engines, making it more accessible and user-friendly for various use cases.

Bringing Vector Search and Spaces Interface Together

With the advent of binary passage retrieval, vector search engines like We V8 can provide a spaces-style interface for enhanced user experience. This interface allows users to explore and interact with vector search engines effortlessly. Whether it's the Wikipedia demo or the Wikidata demo, users can leverage the RESTful API or the GraphQL frontend to explore the power of vector search engines. The combination of binary compression and the spaces-style interface makes the vision of efficient and intuitive vector search engines a reality.

Challenges and Engineering Details

While binary passage retrieval brings immense memory savings and improves the efficiency of vector search engines, there are still engineering challenges and technical details that need to be addressed. The complete realization of a 32x memory reduction poses some implementation hurdles that will be explained in detail in the upcoming We VVA podcast with Eddie. These challenges are an inherent part of developing and optimizing cutting-edge technologies, and understanding them will provide valuable insights into the inner workings of binary passage retrieval.


In conclusion, binary passage retrieval is an exciting feature in We V8 that offers a remarkable 32x memory reduction for indexing vector representations. By compressing high-dimensional float32 values into binary codes, it enables memory-efficient searching and opens up new possibilities for downstream applications. The optimization task of learning to hash, combined with the use of high-dimensional continuous representations, allows for efficient compression without significant information loss. As vector search engines Scale up their dimensionality, binary passage retrieval becomes an indispensable tool for handling massive amounts of data. So embrace the power of binary passage retrieval and revolutionize your vector search experience with We V8!


  • Introducing Binary Passage Retrieval: A revolutionary feature in We V8 that offers a 32x memory reduction for indexing vector representations.
  • Memory Reduction with Binary Hash Vectors: Understanding the concept of compressing float32 values into binary zero-one representations for efficient memory usage.
  • Optimizing Vector Hashing: Exploring the optimization task of learning to hash and retaining crucial information even after binarization.
  • Exploring High-dimensional Continuous Representations: Scaling up the dimensionality of vectors to leverage the power of high-dimensional continuous representations.
  • Applications of Binary Passage Retrieval: Uncovering the implications of memory savings for applications dealing with massive amounts of vectors.
  • Bringing Vector Search and Spaces Interface Together: Enhancing user experience through a spaces-style interface and seamless integration with We V8.
  • Challenges and Engineering Details: Addressing the challenges and technical details associated with implementing binary passage retrieval.
  • Conclusions: Embracing the power of binary passage retrieval and revolutionizing vector search with We V8.


Q: How does binary passage retrieval achieve memory reduction? A: Binary passage retrieval achieves memory reduction by compressing high-dimensional float32 values into binary zero-one representations, significantly reducing the memory needed for indexing vector representations.

Q: What role does optimization play in vector hashing? A: Optimization plays a crucial role in vector hashing as it ensures that important information is retained even after binarization. Techniques like hyperbolic tangent and differentiable optimization are employed to optimize the vectors before converting them to binary codes.

Q: What are the applications of binary passage retrieval? A: Binary passage retrieval has various applications, especially in scenarios dealing with a massive number of vectors. For example, it enables efficient handling of citation graphs with millions of embeddings, making information retrieval more feasible.

Q: How does binary passage retrieval enhance the user experience? A: By combining binary compression with a spaces-style interface, binary passage retrieval makes vector search engines more accessible and user-friendly. Users can explore the power of vector search engines through interactive demos and easy-to-use interfaces.

Q: What are the challenges associated with implementing binary passage retrieval? A: Implementing binary passage retrieval comes with its own set of challenges, including engineering details and technical complexities. These challenges are being addressed by the We V8 team and will be discussed in detail in an upcoming podcast.


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