Revolutionize Your YouTube Thumbnails with Dolly 3 in Chat GPT Plus

Revolutionize Your YouTube Thumbnails with Dolly 3 in Chat GPT Plus

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Accessing Dolly 3 in Chat GPT Plus
  3. The Problem with Creating Thumbnails
  4. Using Dolly 3 to Create YouTube Thumbnails
  5. Testing Dolly 3 with Different Video Categories
  6. Comparing Dolly 3 with Mid-Journey
  7. Making a Web App for YouTube Thumbnail Generation
  8. Conclusion


Have You ever wondered if artificial intelligence could help you create eye-catching YouTube thumbnails? Well, with the introduction of Dolly 3 in Chat GPT plus, this idea is now a reality. In this article, we will explore how to access Dolly 3, discuss the problem with manual thumbnail creation, and test Dolly 3's capabilities in generating YouTube thumbnails. We will also compare Dolly 3 with Mid-Journey and discuss the potential for creating a web app for free YouTube thumbnail generation.

Accessing Dolly 3 in Chat GPT Plus

Accessing Dolly 3 in Chat GPT Plus may not be as straightforward as expected. Unlike other features that can be found in the profile or settings section, Dolly 3 can be accessed through a different menu. By hovering over GPT 4 and scrolling down, you will find the option to access the image generator within Chat GPT Plus. It's important to know the exact steps to access this powerful tool.

The Problem with Creating Thumbnails

Creating thumbnails for your YouTube Channel can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Traditionally, one would need to use software like Adobe Photoshop or platforms like Canva to design and create thumbnails manually. This process can take up to 30 minutes for each thumbnail, resulting in a significant investment of time and effort. However, Dolly 3 introduces a solution to the problem of creating visually appealing thumbnails with the power of artificial intelligence.

Using Dolly 3 to Create YouTube Thumbnails

Dolly 3 revolutionizes the way we create YouTube thumbnails by leveraging AI technology. With Dolly 3, you can now generate thumbnails that include both images and text. This feature is particularly useful for YouTube channels, as AI-generated thumbnails can capture the viewers' Attention and entice them to click on your videos. The days of spending hours designing and editing thumbnails are over.

When testing Dolly 3 with YouTube videos, the results were impressive. For example, a video titled "Start Your Own SAS" produced thumbnails that featured text such as "SAS Start Your Own," "SAS" and even "Glob Bob SAS." The generated thumbnails were visually appealing and showcased the potential of Dolly 3 in creating eye-catching YouTube thumbnails.

Testing Dolly 3 with Different Video Categories

To explore the capabilities of Dolly 3 further, different video categories were tested. For instance, a video from Gotham Chess resulted in thumbnails with text like "Magnus Carlson versus The Difference." Although not directly related to the video content, these generated thumbnails were visually striking. Similarly, a video by Joshua Mayo titled "How to Make $1,090 per Day with This Automated Side Hustle" showcased thumbnails that caught the viewers' attention with phrases like "Easy Hustle" and "Dead On."

Comparing Dolly 3 with Mid-Journey

While Dolly 3 has proven to be a powerful tool for generating YouTube thumbnails, it's essential to compare it with Mid-Journey. The comparison revealed that the results from Dolly 3 were more appealing and Relevant to the video content. Mid-Journey, on the other HAND, generated thumbnails that lacked text and visual coherence, requiring manual adjustments. Dolly 3 emerged as the clear winner in creating captivating YouTube thumbnails.

Making a Web App for YouTube Thumbnail Generation

Once the API for Dolly 3 becomes available beyond Chat GPT Plus, the potential for creating a free web app for YouTube thumbnail generation arises. This web app would allow users to input their video titles and automatically generate thumbnails using Dolly 3. This initiative aims to simplify the thumbnail creation process for YouTube Creators and provide them with visually appealing options, all without the need for manual design work.


Dolly 3 has revolutionized the process of creating YouTube thumbnails by leveraging the power of AI. This breakthrough allows YouTube creators to generate visually appealing and attention-grabbing thumbnails without the need for complex design software. With the ability to combine images and text, Dolly 3 offers a new level of convenience and efficiency in thumbnail creation. As the potential for a free web app for YouTube thumbnail generation emerges, creators can look forward to even more streamlined and user-friendly thumbnail creation in the future.

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