Revolutionizing AI-AEC with HouseGAN++ and Conv-MPN

Revolutionizing AI-AEC with HouseGAN++ and Conv-MPN

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Collaborative Research
  3. Core Idea: Generating Flow Plans from Bubble Diagrams
  4. Pipeline Solution
  5. References to Previous House GAN Paper
  6. Key Terms: Message Passing Network and Convolutional MPN
  7. Graph Constraint Relational Conditional GAN Model Architecture
  8. Differentiators from Previous House GAN Model
  9. Overview of the Iterative Refinement Process
  10. Demo: How the Model Works
  11. Comparison with House GAN and House GAN++
  12. Understanding Convolutional Message Passing Networks
  13. Implementation and Comparison with CNN and GCN
  14. Conclusion


In collaboration with Autodesk Universe, Autodesk and Simon Fraser University, a research study was conducted to explore the generation of flow plans from bubble diagrams. This study builds upon the previous work of House GAN and introduces a Novel approach called Conditional Gain. The researchers propose a graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model architecture, employing concepts such as message passing networks and convolutional MPN. The aim is to develop a step-by-step iterative refinement process inspired by NLP masking techniques. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the research, delving into the various components and techniques utilized.


Generating Flow Plans from Bubble Diagrams: A Graph-Constrained Approach

The process of generating flow plans from bubble diagrams is a complex task that requires an innovative approach. In a collaborative research effort between Autodesk Universe, Autodesk, and Simon Fraser University, a group of researchers aimed to solve this problem using a graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model architecture. By leveraging concepts from previous work, such as House GAN, and introducing new methodologies like message passing networks and convolutional MPN, the team developed an iterative refinement process that emulated human-like decision-making.

Collaborative Research

The collaborative research involved experts from Autodesk Universe, Autodesk, and Simon Fraser University. By combining their knowledge and expertise, the team aimed to Create a novel solution to the challenge of generating flow plans from bubble diagrams. The researchers had previously worked on the development of House GAN, a model that generated flow plans through a one-shot generation process. By collaborating with experts in the field, they were able to expand upon this work and develop an improved model.

Core Idea: Generating Flow Plans from Bubble Diagrams

The core idea of the research was to tackle the problem of generating flow plans from bubble diagrams. A bubble diagram is a visual representation of the Spatial relationships between different rooms and areas within a building. Traditionally, architects and designers would manually translate these diagrams into flow plans. However, this process is time-consuming and prone to errors. The researchers aimed to automate this process by developing a model that could generate accurate and realistic flow plans from bubble diagrams.

Pipeline Solution

To achieve their goal, the researchers developed a pipeline solution that consisted of several key components. The first step involved encoding the bubble Diagram into a graph structure. Each room or area within the diagram was represented as a node in the graph, and the spatial relationships between these nodes were captured as edges. This graph served as the input for the subsequent stages of the pipeline.

Next, the researchers introduced the concept of message passing networks (MPN) and convolutional MPN (con MPN) into the pipeline. These networks allowed the model to propagate information between nodes and capture the contextual dependencies between different parts of the diagram. By leveraging the power of graph convolutional networks (GCN), the model was able to extract Meaningful features from the graph structure.

The model also incorporated a conditional GAN architecture to further enhance the generation process. By conditioning the model on the input bubble diagram, the generator was able to produce flow plans that were consistent with the original diagram. This conditional aspect allowed for greater control and customization of the generated flow plans.

To refine the generated flow plans, the researchers introduced an iterative process that drew inspiration from NLP masking techniques. By randomly masking out different rooms in the input diagram during each iteration, the model could predict the missing parts and gradually refine the flow plan. This step-by-step refinement process mimicked the way humans iteratively design and refine building layouts.

The final step in the pipeline involved the rendering of the flow plans and performing post-production cleaning to improve the overall visual quality of the generated plans. By employing a renderer, the model was able to convert the segmented masks into realistic visual representations of the flow plans.

References to Previous House GAN Paper

Throughout the research, the team made numerous references to a previous paper on House GAN, which served as the foundation for their work. The House GAN model focused on generating flow plans from bubble diagrams using a one-shot generation process. The researchers extended this work by incorporating graph constraints, relational dependencies, and iterative refinement techniques into the model architecture.

Key Terms: Message Passing Network and Convolutional MPN

Two key terms that play a significant role in this research are message passing network (MPN) and convolutional MPN (con MPN). These concepts form the basis of the graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model architecture. A message passing network is a Type of neural network that allows information to be passed between nodes in a graph structure. This enables the model to capture the relationships and dependencies between different parts of the input diagram. Convolutional MPN is a variant of MPN that incorporates convolutional layers, allowing the model to process input data with a GRID-like structure, such as segmented masks.

Graph Constraint Relational Conditional GAN Model Architecture

The graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model architecture is the backbone of the research. It combines the power of graph neural networks, message passing networks, and conditional GANs to generate flow plans from bubble diagrams. The graph structure serves as a constraint that ensures the generated flow plans adhere to the spatial relationships defined in the input diagram. The relational dependencies captured by the message passing networks enable the model to accurately predict the missing parts of the flow plan. Additionally, the conditional aspect of the GAN architecture allows for customization and control over the generated flow plans.

Differentiators from Previous House GAN Model

The research introduces several key differentiators from the previous House GAN model. Firstly, the model includes additional room types and door types, expanding the range of possibilities in the generated flow plans. Secondly, the model adopts an iterative refinement process, inspired by NLP masking techniques, to gradually generate the flow plan in a step-by-step manner. This iterative approach allows for greater customization and control over the design process, resulting in more accurate and realistic flow plans.

Overview of the Iterative Refinement Process

The iterative refinement process is a crucial component of the graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model. The process involves iteratively predicting missing parts of the flow plan by randomly masking out different rooms and areas in the input diagram. Each iteration enhances the accuracy and realism of the generated flow plan, moving closer towards the desired final output. This iterative approach mirrors the way architects and designers refine their designs in a step-by-step manner, allowing for greater creativity and customization.

Demo: How the Model Works

To better understand the functioning of the model, a demonstration was provided. The demo showcased the process of generating flow plans from a given connectivity diagram. Through an intuitive user interface, users could add nodes representing rooms, select room types, and connect them using edges. The model would then generate and display the corresponding flow plan, demonstrating the effectiveness of the graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model.

Comparison with House GAN and House GAN++

The research team conducted extensive comparisons between the proposed model and the previous House GAN model. These comparisons focused on three main aspects: diversity, compatibility, and realism. The diversity of the output was evaluated using FID scores, which measure the diversity of generated samples. The compatibility of the output was assessed through a comparison with architectural designs created by professionals and students. The realism of the output was subjectively evaluated Based on the quality and visual appeal of the generated flow plans.

Understanding Convolutional Message Passing Networks

Convolutional message passing networks (con MPNs) play a crucial role in the graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model architecture. These networks enable the model to pool and propagate features between nodes in the graph structure. By leveraging convolutional layers, con MPNs can process grid-like structures, such as segmented masks, and extract meaningful features from them. This enables the model to capture spatial relationships and dependencies, ultimately enhancing the accuracy and realism of the generated flow plans.

Implementation and Comparison with CNN and GCN

The research study also presented an implementation comparison between the proposed model, a CNN-based approach, and a GCN-based approach. The researchers highlighted the advantages of the graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model over the other two approaches. They demonstrated superior output diversity, improved compatibility with design requirements, and enhanced visual realism. The comparison showcased the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed model in generating flow plans from bubble diagrams.


In conclusion, the research study successfully developed a graph-constrained relational conditional GAN model architecture for generating flow plans from bubble diagrams. By incorporating graph structures, message passing networks, and convolutional MPNs, the model achieved accurate and realistic results. The iterative refinement process, inspired by NLP masking techniques, allowed for greater customization and control over the generation process. The model showcased superior output diversity, compatibility, and realism compared to previous approaches. This research opens new avenues for automating the design process in architecture and interior design, significantly improving productivity and creativity.

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