Revolutionizing Analytics: Oracle Predicts the Future of Your Business

Revolutionizing Analytics: Oracle Predicts the Future of Your Business

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Predicted Shortage and Challenges
  3. Total Actual and Predicted Revenue for Scooters
  4. Stack Bar Chart of Product Revenue and Profits
  5. Risk of Revenue if Demand Cannot be Met
  6. Inventory Analysis for Ultra Scooters
  7. Rising Back Orders and Fulfillment Lead Times
  8. Potential Solution: Converting Other Models into Ultras
  9. Availability and Inventory of Demons, Lectrix, and Ultra
  10. Analysis of Display Suppliers
  11. Skills and Candidate Pool for Conversion
  12. Taking Action: Ordering Displays and Starting Conversion
  13. Conclusion


In this article, we will dive into a short demo provided by Emily Cikovsky from the Oracle Analytics Team. The demo showcases how Oracle is revolutionizing analytics, enabling businesses to move beyond understanding what happened in the past to predicting the future of their operations.

Predicted Shortage and Challenges

The demo starts with a Scenario where there is a predicted shortage. A product, in this case, a scooter, has become incredibly popular due to social reviews, leading to a surge in demand. While new demand is great for business, it also brings forth challenges, particularly when global supply chains are strained.

Total Actual and Predicted Revenue for Scooters

One of the subjects in the demo requests Oracle to show the total actual and predicted revenue for scooters (excluding mopeds) over the last two years. The impressive spike in revenue indicates the potential for significant success if the demand can be met.

Stack Bar Chart of Product Revenue and Profits

To gain more insight into revenue and profits, another subject asks Oracle to display a stack bar chart by product, showcasing predicted revenue and profits for the current year. The analysis reveals that the Ultra scooter is the most profitable among the product lineup.

Risk of Revenue if Demand Cannot be Met

Concerned about the potential risks if the demand cannot be met, the subject examines the inventory. Oracle is asked to show the orders and inventory specifically for the Ultra scooter. Shockingly, it is discovered that obtaining enough scooters from China within the required timeframe is highly unlikely.

Inventory Analysis for Ultra Scooters

The subject decides to delve deeper into the issue by analyzing the back orders and fulfillment lead times. Machine learning predicts high demand in all scenarios, compelling the team to solve for 45,000 units with 50% confidence. The analysis shows that new orders will take months, and ocean freight is both slow and expensive at the moment.

Potential Solution: Converting Other Models into Ultras

Looking for a solution, the team explores the possibility of converting other scooter models into Ultras. They identify that many scooter models share overlapping components, with the digital display being the main differentiating factor. This insight sparks an idea that could potentially save their revenue.

Availability and Inventory of Demons, Lectrix, and Ultra

To evaluate the feasibility of their idea, the team analyzes the availability and inventory of Demons, Lectrix, and Ultra products in the US. It's a relief to discover that they already have enough inventory to meet the forecasted demand for all three scooter models.

Analysis of Display Suppliers

Next, the team examines different display suppliers. Although Jan Corp in Mexico does not have the lowest unit costs, they excel in delivery time. The team further investigates their inventory and capacity, ultimately determining that Jan Corp can fulfill their display requirements.

Skills and Candidate Pool for Conversion

Identifying the need for skilled individuals to carry out the scooter conversion, the team turns to the Dynamic skills module in HCM Cloud. It provides valuable insight into electronic assembly skills in Austin and Phoenix. However, the candidate pool analysis from Recruiting Cloud reveals that Austin has a better pool of candidates, making it the preferred choice for adding extra manpower or shifts.

Taking Action: Ordering Displays and Starting Conversion

With all the pieces falling into place, the team takes action by ordering the required displays from Jan Corp. Simultaneously, they reach out to the Austin team to kickstart the scooter conversion process. The coordination between different departments ensures a smooth transition towards meeting the demand.


In conclusion, the demo from Oracle Analytics Team highlights the innovative approaches the company is taking in the field of analytics. From predicting shortages and identifying revenue opportunities to seamlessly taking action within the business applications, Oracle's analytics tools empower businesses to predict and capitalize on future opportunities. By transforming data into a valuable resource, businesses can achieve greater success in ways they may have never imagined before. With Oracle Analytics, the future is within reach.


  • Oracle's analytics tools enable businesses to predict the future of their operations.
  • The demo showcases a predicted shortage and the challenges it presents.
  • Analysis of revenue and profits highlight the profitability of the Ultra scooter.
  • The risk of revenue loss due to supply chain limitations is explored.
  • The potential solution of converting other scooter models into Ultras is discussed.
  • Availability of inventory and analysis of display suppliers are examined.
  • Skills and candidate pools are evaluated for the conversion process.
  • Actions are taken, such as ordering displays and initiating the conversion process.
  • Oracle Analytics revolutionizes the way businesses work with data.


Q: How does Oracle Analytics help businesses predict the future?
A: Oracle Analytics utilizes machine learning and predictive algorithms to forecast future trends, allowing businesses to make informed decisions and capitalize on opportunities.

Q: What challenges arise from a surge in demand?
A: A surge in demand can strain global supply chains, leading to inventory shortages and fulfillment issues.

Q: How does the conversion of scooter models into Ultras save revenue?
A: By utilizing overlapping components and mainly focusing on the unique digital display, the team can convert existing scooter models into Ultras, avoiding the need for additional production.

Q: How do Oracle's analytics tools integrate with other business applications?
A: Oracle's analytics tools seamlessly integrate with business applications, allowing users to take action and make decisions without leaving the analytics platform.

Q: What resources can businesses leverage to enhance their conversion process?
A: The Dynamic skills module in HCM Cloud provides insights into the skills available for specific tasks, while the candidate pool analysis from Recruiting Cloud helps identify potential hires or shifts.

Note: The content provided in this article is intended for demonstration purposes only and does not reflect the actual functionality of Oracle Analytics or any specific product offerings.

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