Revolutionizing Data Insights: Introducing Truth Be

Revolutionizing Data Insights: Introducing Truth Be

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Goal of the Hackathon
  3. Extracting Insights from Customer Feedback
  4. Challenges Faced During the Hackathon
  5. Building the Back End
  6. Ideation and Design
  7. The Final Push
  8. Introducing Truth Be: Leveraging Machine Learning
  9. Revolutionizing the Space
  10. The Power of Collaboration
  11. Conclusion


In the world of technology and innovation, hackathons have become an exciting way for teams to come together and create something unique in a short period of time. The recently concluded Hackathon 2023 focused on Generative AI and brought together teams from Chicago, Minneapolis, and Atlanta. The goal was to build an application with real-world relevance and practicability within just 24 hours. This article dives into the journey of the participants and highlights the winning team's impressive product, Truth Be.

The Goal of the Hackathon

Before the hackathon commenced, a developer named Sal approached the team with a fascinating idea. He proposed creating an application that would allow different personas within a company, such as developers, salespeople, and product managers, to extract valuable insights from customer reviews and sentiments. The ability to interact with customer feedback on a personalized level was an enticing prospect that piqued the interest of the team. The ultimate aim was to provide users with the tools they needed to excel in their roles and deliver better outcomes for their clients.

Extracting Insights from Customer Feedback

One of the primary challenges tackled during the hackathon was finding efficient ways to extract insights from vast quantities of customer feedback data. The team needed to process customer reviews, sentiment analysis from tweets, and other sources of feedback, all with the goal of extracting Meaningful insights. By leveraging tools such as Chad TPT, Google Bard, and Large Language Models, the team developed a system that could analyze the data and provide actionable recommendations. The ability to query these models with specific personas in mind was a breakthrough in personalizing the insights derived from customer feedback.

Challenges Faced During the Hackathon

While the process of ideation and development went relatively smoothly, the team encountered challenges due to the use of new tools and technologies. Many team members were working with these tools for the first time, leading to a steep learning curve. However, their determination to overcome these obstacles fueled their progress. Additionally, the team faced difficulties in design aspects, as most of them lacked experience in this area. Despite these challenges, they pressed on, continuously learning and adapting to create a polished end product.

Building the Back End

Building the back end of the application proved to be a crucial aspect of the hackathon. This involved developing a system that could handle front end requests, interact with a large language model, and retrieve data from Amazon reviews using the Hugging Face API. As the team grappled with coding and integrating these components, they persevered knowing that the back end was crucial for the seamless functioning of the application. With each step forward, they could sense their progress, watching as the loading bar moved closer to completion.

Ideation and Design

Not all team members were proficient in coding, but their expertise lay in ideation and design. Leveraging their diverse skill sets, the team brainstormed ideas and aimed to develop an awe-inspiring brand name and compelling market materials. However, the lack of experience in design proved to be a significant hurdle. What initially started as an "ugly child" slowly transformed into a beautiful concept. Hours of hard work and collaboration led to the emergence of a unique and visually appealing user interface.

The Final Push

With the clock ticking, the team rallied together, making the final preparations for the presentation and ensuring that the user interface was ready to be showcased. The tension in the room was palpable as they anxiously watched the progress bar on Paul's computer. With each passing minute, their excitement grew, knowing that they were on the verge of completing their vision. The anticipation reached its peak as the countdown to the presentation began.

Introducing Truth Be: Leveraging Machine Learning

The Chicago team emerged as the winners of the hackathon, presenting their remarkable product, Truth Be. With a focus on leveraging machine learning, Truth Be had the power to summarize insights from vast amounts of data. By personalizing these insights based on specific personas, the application had the capability to drive action for individuals within an organization. Users could input data from various sources and receive a concise list of action items tailored to their needs. This revolutionary approach made Truth Be applicable across industries and transformed the way professionals interacted with data.

Revolutionizing the Space

Truth Be was more than just a winning product; it symbolized a significant shift in the accessibility of advanced technologies. The ability to create a useful and impactful application within a short span of time showcased the potential of collaboration and innovation. Regardless of the use case, whether it is customer feedback analysis, HR reporting, or any other domain, the hackathon demonstrated that complex problems can be Simplified and converted into practical solutions. This accessibility empowers individuals and organizations to harness the power of technology for their benefit.

The Power of Collaboration

The success of the hackathon lay in the collaboration and synergy among team members. Different backgrounds, skills, and expertise came together to create a product that surpassed the sum of its parts. The Chicago team, in particular, utilized the unique strengths of each member, including individuals with non-technical backgrounds, product owners, back-end developers, data scientists, and even a salesperson. This diverse composition enabled them to generate innovative ideas and develop a product that resonated across industries.


The recently concluded hackathon proved to be a testament to the capabilities of teams and the transformative potential of technology. Within the span of 24 hours, participants from various locations joined forces to build an application with tangible value for clients. The success of the Chicago team and their innovative product, Truth Be, exemplified the power of collaboration, the ability to simplify complexity, and the democratization of advanced technologies. As the winners were announced, the spirit of innovation and excitement fueled their determination to bring Truth Be to the market and revolutionize the way professionals interact with data.


  • Hackathon 2023 focused on generative AI, bringing teams from Chicago, Minneapolis, and Atlanta together.
  • The goal was to build an application with real-world relevance within 24 hours.
  • One idea that stood out was the ability to extract actionable insights from customer feedback based on personas.
  • Challenges included working with new tools, building the back end, and creating an appealing design.
  • The winning team developed Truth Be, a machine learning-based application that summarizes insights and drives action.
  • Truth Be revolutionizes the space by making advanced technologies more accessible.
  • Collaboration and diversity of skills were key factors in the team's success.
  • The hackathon showcased the transformative potential of technology and the power of simplifying complexity.
  • The spirit of innovation continues as Truth Be prepares to enter the market.


Q: What was the goal of the hackathon? A: The goal of the hackathon was to build an application with real-world relevance within 24 hours.

Q: What was the winning product? A: The winning product was Truth Be, a machine learning-based application that summarizes insights and personalizes them based on personas.

Q: What challenges did the team face during the hackathon? A: The team faced challenges with new tools, building the back end, and creating an appealing design.

Q: How did the team overcome these challenges? A: The team persevered, learned new skills, collaborated effectively, and adapted to create a polished end product.

Q: How does Truth Be revolutionize the space? A: Truth Be makes advanced technologies more accessible and simplifies the process of extracting actionable insights from data.

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