Revolutionizing Machine Learning with Snorkel Promo

Revolutionizing Machine Learning with Snorkel Promo

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Journey of Snorkel Promo 2.1 Formation of the Team 2.2 Exploring the Core Idea 2.3 Deploying the Solution 2.4 Building Partnerships
  3. The Automation of Data Labeling 3.1 Challenges Faced by Organizations 3.2 Integration of User Roles 3.3 The Need for a Platform
  4. The Transition from Research to Company
  5. The Scale of Data Teams
  6. Use Cases of Snorkel Promo
  7. The Future of Machine Learning
  8. Conclusion


The Journey of Snorkel Promo


Over the past four years, the development of Snorkel Promo has been a journey filled with challenges and accomplishments. The team behind Snorkel Promo, including the co-founders Chris, myself, Braden Henry, and others at Stanford, embarked on a mission to revolutionize the way people Interact with machine learning. In this article, we will Delve into the different phases of our journey, from the formation of the team to the exciting partnerships we have built along the way.

1. Formation of the Team

The journey of Snorkel Promo began with the formation of a talented and dedicated team. With the combined expertise of our co-founders and the support of organizations we partnered with, we laid the foundation for our project. The team consisted of individuals from various domains, ensuring a diverse range of skills and perspectives to tackle the challenges ahead.

2. Exploring the Core Idea

At the initial stages, we spent time exploring the Core idea behind Snorkel Promo. Our goal was to find a more efficient and effective method for labelling documents and medical images, which would eliminate the need for subject matter experts to spend countless hours manually labelling data. This involved addressing theoretical, algorithmic, and systems challenges related to machine learning.

3. Deploying the Solution

After refining our solution, we began deploying it in partner organizations. These collaborations allowed us to demonstrate the effectiveness of Snorkel Promo in real-world scenarios. Many of these deployments were successful enough to be published, showcasing the capabilities and potential of our approach. It was an exciting phase of the journey to witness the impact our solution was making.

4. Building Partnerships

As the journey progressed, we had the privilege of working with industry-leading customers from various sectors such as finance, government, and telecommunications. Our customers became more than just clients; they became our partners on this transformative journey. Their input and collaborative approach have allowed us to constantly improve and adapt to their evolving needs. This aspect of our journey continues to Shape and differentiate Snorkel Promo.

The Automation of Data Labeling

1. Challenges Faced by Organizations

One major obstacle organizations face in adopting alternative methods for data labeling is the nature of their data. While labeling objects like stop signs or pedestrians can be outsourced to external organizations at a low cost, industries such as banking, government, and healthcare deal with sensitive and constantly changing data that requires subject matter experts within their own organizations. Shipping this data out for labeling is neither practical nor safe.

2. Integration of User Roles

Another significant challenge lies in the integration of different user roles involved in the data labeling process. The collaboration between data scientists, developers, and subject matter experts is crucial for conveying the necessary expertise to the machine learning model. Snorkel Promo recognizes the importance of this integration and has developed a platform that brings all these roles together, ensuring seamless collaboration and effective data labeling.

3. The Need for a Platform

While the research behind Snorkel Promo resulted in a breakthrough, it was clear that a platform was necessary to fully realize its potential. Many organizations, particularly those outside the tech industry, lack the systems and infrastructure to seamlessly incorporate alternative data labeling methods into their workflows. Snorkel Promo's platform bridges this gap, making it easier for organizations across various sectors to leverage the power of automation in data labeling.

The Transition from Research to Company

The journey from being an open-source research project to an actual company was crucial for Snorkel Promo. While the research received appreciation and enthusiasm from the community, the practical implementation and productionization of the solution required the establishment of a dedicated company. This transition allowed Snorkel Promo to overcome the challenges of integrating the technology into existing production environments and offer comprehensive support to customers.

The Scale of Data Teams

It is essential to understand the scale of data teams in large companies to grasp the significance of Snorkel Promo's solution. Companies like Uber, Twitter, Facebook, and Google invest heavily in labeling data to train their machine learning models. The daily investment in data labeling is staggering. Recognizing this level of investment, Snorkel Promo aims to make the process more efficient and accessible across industries, not just limited to the tech giants.

Use Cases of Snorkel Promo

Snorkel Promo has successfully applied its technology to a wide range of use cases, including genomics, self-driving cars, cardiac video analysis, and many more. While the versatility of the platform allows for diverse applications, Snorkel Promo's focus is on zero-to-one use cases. These are sectors where data is private, subject matter experts' involvement is crucial, and the data is constantly changing, making traditional data labeling approaches impractical.

The Future of Machine Learning

Looking ahead, the future of machine learning will witness an increased emphasis on the systems and infrastructure revolving around ML models. Managing data effectively will be a central aspect of building successful AI solutions. Snorkel Promo recognizes the importance of data management and aims to provide tools that allow non-developers to collaborate seamlessly. With an evolving roadmap, Snorkel Promo intends to cater to the growing demand for efficient data handling in the world of AI.


The journey of Snorkel Promo has been a remarkable one, powered by a dedicated team and supportive partnerships. By addressing the challenges faced by organizations in data labeling and providing a robust platform, Snorkel Promo has become a catalyst for change in the field of machine learning. With an ambitious roadmap and a focus on enabling zero-to-one use cases, Snorkel Promo is poised to shape the future of AI and data management for organizations across various industries.


  • Snorkel Promo has undergone a four-year journey to revolutionize machine learning.
  • The formation of a talented and diverse team has been instrumental in Snorkel Promo's success.
  • Challenges faced by organizations in data labeling include privacy concerns and the need for subject matter experts.
  • Snorkel Promo's platform provides seamless collaboration between data scientists, developers, and subject matter experts.
  • The transition from research to a dedicated company has enabled Snorkel Promo to support customers effectively.
  • Snorkel Promo's solution addresses the scale of data teams in large companies, making data labeling more accessible.
  • Use cases of Snorkel Promo span across various industries, with a focus on zero-to-one applications.
  • The future of machine learning will see an increased emphasis on data management and infrastructure.
  • Snorkel Promo aims to shape the future of AI with its ambitious roadmap and focus on efficient data handling.


1. What is Snorkel Promo's journey?

Snorkel Promo has undergone a four-year journey to revolutionize the way people interact with machine learning. It started with the formation of a talented team, followed by the exploration of core ideas and the deployment of the solution in partner organizations. The company has built strong partnerships and is constantly evolving to meet the needs of its customers.

2. How does Snorkel Promo automate data labeling?

Snorkel Promo addresses the challenges faced by organizations in data labeling by providing a platform that integrates user roles and allows for seamless collaboration. The platform enables data scientists, developers, and subject matter experts to work together efficiently, resulting in more accurate and faster data labeling processes.

3. What are some use cases of Snorkel Promo?

Snorkel Promo has been successfully applied to various use cases, including genomics, self-driving cars, cardiac video analysis, and more. The platform is versatile and can be adapted to different industries and sectors that require efficient data labeling solutions.

4. What does the future hold for Snorkel Promo?

In the future, Snorkel Promo envisions an increased focus on the systems and infrastructure surrounding machine learning models. The company aims to Continue providing tools that facilitate effective data management and enable collaboration between different stakeholders. Snorkel Promo will play a significant role in shaping the future of AI and data handling.

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