Revolutionizing View Synthesis: Exploring Zip-NeRF and its Advancements

Revolutionizing View Synthesis: Exploring Zip-NeRF and its Advancements

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding View Synthesis
  3. Introducing Neural Radiance Field (NeRF)
  4. Training NeRF for View Synthesis
  5. The Advancements and Impact of NeRF
  6. Introduction to Zip-NeRF
  7. Instant-NGP: Accelerating the Training Process
  8. Mip-NeRF: Addressing the Scaling Problem
  9. Challenges in Combining Instant-NGP and Mip-NeRF
  10. Achieving Superior Results with Zip-NeRF
  11. Availability of Zip-NeRF and Alternatives
  12. Personal Experience with Instant-NGP
  13. Conclusion

🎯 Introduction Computer vision is constantly advancing, and one remarkable breakthrough is the ability to generate realistic videos from static 2D images. The latest innovation from Google Research, called Zip-NeRF, has revolutionized this field. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Zip-NeRF, exploring how it works and the research behind it. We will also provide insights on how you can create similar videos using this groundbreaking technology.

👁️‍🗨️ Understanding View Synthesis View synthesis is a challenging computer vision task that involves rendering new views of a scene from a collection of input images. The goal is to generate videos or 360-degree images by extrapolating from the given images. To accomplish this, AI models must accurately consider material properties, predict light reflections, and understand complex scene geometry. The success of view synthesis lies in achieving photorealism and addressing occlusion challenges.

🧠 Introduction to Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) NeRF, short for Neural Radiance Field, is a powerful representation model that enables efficient view synthesis. It is a feed-forward neural network that takes XYZ coordinates and camera viewing directions as inputs. Based on this input, the network predicts the color and density of each point in the scene. NeRF's training process involves capturing multiple images of a specific object and using gradient descent to minimize the error between predicted and observed pixel values.

🏋️‍♂️ Training NeRF for View Synthesis Traditional machine learning models are trained to generalize to new instances. However, NeRF breaks this convention. It is trained solely on observations of a single scene, essentially storing the scene's properties within the model's weights. This unique training approach makes NeRF highly memory-efficient for view synthesis. The original NeRF model, presented in 2020, showed significant improvements over previous approaches to view synthesis, establishing it as a game-changer in the field.

🚀 The Advancements and Impact of NeRF Since its introduction, NeRF has sparked a wave of research and improvements in the past two years. Researchers have built on NeRF's foundations, addressing challenges related to training speed and scalability. The field has witnessed the emergence of two notable extensions: Instant-NGP and Mip-NeRF. Instant-NGP, developed by NVIDIA, accelerates the training process using hash tables, while Mip-NeRF, created by the original authors, improves scaling by reasoning about conical frustums and using multivariate Gaussians.

🔍 Introduction to Zip-NeRF Zip-NeRF, the latest brainchild of Google Research, is a combination of Instant-NGP and Mip-NeRF. It aims to create a model that is both fast and capable of handling different scales efficiently. However, combining these two approaches is not without its challenges. The Zip-NeRF paper presents innovative ideas to address aliasing problems that arise when combining these techniques, ultimately producing impressive results.

⚙️ Instant-NGP: Accelerating the Training Process Instant-NGP, introduced by NVIDIA, addresses the inherent slow training process of NeRF. By utilizing hash tables, Instant-NGP achieves better quality results in significantly less time compared to the original NeRF approach. This section will delve into the technical aspects of how Instant-NGP improves training speed and overall performance.

📊 Mip-NeRF: Addressing the Scaling Problem The photorealistic renderings produced by NeRF are limited to the resolution or scale of the training images. When reducing resolution, severe aliasing artifacts can occur. To overcome this limitation, the creators of NeRF developed Mip-NeRF, which reasons about conical frustums and approximates them using multivariate Gaussians. This section will explore how Mip-NeRF enables photorealistic renderings across different scales.

⚔️ Challenges in Combining Instant-NGP and Mip-NeRF Combining the Instant-NGP and Mip-NeRF techniques to create Zip-NeRF is not a straightforward process. Naively using both approaches together can introduce aliasing issues, such as XY-aliasing and Z-aliasing. This section will discuss the challenges faced and the solutions implemented to overcome these issues, resulting in a clean and high-quality video generation process.

💡 Achieving Superior Results with Zip-NeRF In an ablation study, Zip-NeRF outperformed Instant-NGP, Mip-NeRF, and the naive combination of these models across all metrics. The innovative ideas of multisampling and prefiltering employed by Zip-NeRF significantly improved the overall performance. This section will highlight the remarkable results achieved by Zip-NeRF and showcase its potential for real-world applications.

🌐 Availability of Zip-NeRF and Alternatives While the results achieved by Zip-NeRF are impressive, the code has not been released as of yet. However, there are other publicly available approaches, such as Instant-NGP, which can be utilized to generate similar videos. This section will provide information on the availability of Zip-NeRF and alternatives, ensuring that users have options to explore this exciting technology.

📝 Personal Experience with Instant-NGP The author shares their personal experience using Instant-NGP, one of the publicly available NeRF-based models. They provide insights into the training process and share a video they created using this approach. The section will discuss the setup, challenges faced, and the overall outcome of their experience.

✅ Conclusion Zip-NeRF has ushered in a new era of view synthesis, enabling the generation of realistic videos from static 2D images. The combination of Instant-NGP and Mip-NeRF techniques has resulted in a fast and efficient model that tackles challenges related to training speed and scaling. Although Zip-NeRF's code is not yet available, there are alternative approaches such as Instant-NGP that users can explore. As this technology continues to evolve, it holds great promise for various applications in computer vision and beyond.


  • Zip-NeRF revolutionizes view synthesis by generating realistic videos from static 2D images.
  • Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a powerful representation model for view synthesis.
  • NeRF is trained solely on observations of a single scene, making it memory-efficient.
  • Instant-NGP accelerates the training process using hash tables.
  • Mip-NeRF addresses scaling issues by reasoning about conical frustums.
  • Zip-NeRF combines Instant-NGP and Mip-NeRF to achieve superior results.
  • Challenges in combining these techniques introduce aliasing issues, which are mitigated in Zip-NeRF.
  • Zip-NeRF outperforms other models in terms of quality and performance.
  • While Zip-NeRF's code is not released, users can explore alternatives like Instant-NGP.


Q: Can I use Zip-NeRF to generate videos from any type of images? A: Zip-NeRF is specifically designed for view synthesis using static 2D images. However, other models like Instant-NGP can be used as alternatives.

Q: How long does it take to train a NeRF model? A: The training time for NeRF models depends on various factors, including the complexity of the scene and the hardware used. However, models like Instant-NGP have been developed to significantly accelerate the training process.

Q: Can Zip-NeRF handle occlusions and complex scene geometries? A: Yes, Zip-NeRF, along with its underlying NeRF model, is designed to accurately handle occlusions and complex scene geometries, providing realistic renderings.


  • NVIDIA Instant-NGP: [link]
  • Zip-NeRF Code (when available): [link]

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