Revolutionizing Wi-Fi: The User-Centric Approach

Revolutionizing Wi-Fi: The User-Centric Approach

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Need for a User-Centric Wireless Network
  3. Harnessing Big Data and Machine Learning
  4. Myst's Unique Control Plane
  5. Unprecedented Visibility into User States
  6. Predictable, Reliable, and Measurable Wi-Fi
  7. Real-Time Monitoring and Trending
  8. Correlating Issues across Domains for Easy Identification and Remediation
  9. Spotting Trends and Identifying Troublesome APs and WLANs
  10. Real Visibility into User Experience with Dynamic PCAP
  11. Proactive Wireless Operations with Predictive Recommendations
  12. Programmable Capabilities and Automation with Open APIs
  13. Conclusion



In the age of AI, the importance of a robust Wi-Fi network cannot be overstated. However, traditional wireless LANs often focus solely on network and AP uptime, without truly considering the quality of the wireless experience for users. A lack of complaints does not necessarily mean a lack of problems. But now, there is a platform that listens and learns from users, enabling the creation of the first user-centric wireless network. This platform is called Mist.

The Need for a User-Centric Wireless Network

Mist recognized the need for a paradigm shift in how wireless networks are designed. Instead of relying on arbitrary vendor metrics, Mist focuses on what is right for the users. By harnessing the power of big data and machine learning, Mist has created a network that puts user experience at the forefront.

Harnessing Big Data and Machine Learning

Mist's approach to building a user-centric wireless network starts with a clean sheet of paper. Inspired by how big data companies correlate massive amounts of information using the cloud and machine learning, Mist sought to Apply these principles to wireless networking. The result is a powerful and purpose-built cloud architecture that collects and processes valuable user insights with unparalleled performance and Scale.

Myst's Unique Control Plane

One of Mist's key innovations is the design of its own control plane. Unlike traditional networks that lack visibility into user states, Mist exposes over 100 user states in real-time, providing unprecedented visibility into the wireless experience. Each transition generates valuable metadata, allowing for a deep understanding of the user's Journey and needs.

Predictable, Reliable, and Measurable Wi-Fi

With Mist, Wi-Fi is no longer a gamble. Using the insights gathered from the control plane, network administrators can set, monitor, and enforce service levels Based on what's right for the users. Service levels are measured in real-time and continuously trended to ensure a positive direction. This means that any issues or bottlenecks can be quickly identified and addressed.

Real-Time Monitoring and Trending

Mist provides real-time monitoring and trending, allowing network administrators to stay on top of the network's performance. Thresholds are tracked to ensure that service levels are being met, and any deviations are immediately flagged. Gone are the days of relying on sporadic complaints or slow response times – Mist enables proactive network management.

Correlating Issues across Domains for Easy Identification and Remediation

One of the most frustrating challenges in network troubleshooting is identifying the root cause of an issue. With Mist, this process becomes significantly easier. By correlating issues across the wired, wireless, and device domains, Mist can quickly pinpoint the exact cause of a problem with just one click. This saves valuable time and resources that would otherwise be wasted on manual investigation.

Spotting Trends and Identifying Troublesome APs and WLANs

Mist's granular visibility allows for the identification of trends across different devices, operating systems, and applications. This means that network administrators can easily identify areas that require immediate Attention, as well as areas that are interesting but not critical. Troublesome APs and WLANs can be pinpointed, ensuring that efforts are focused where they matter most.

Real Visibility into User Experience with Dynamic PCAP

Mist goes a step further in providing real visibility into the user experience by offering dynamic packet capture (PCAP). In the event of a service impacting event, Mist triggers a dynamic PCAP and stores it in the cloud for easy analysis. This eliminates the need for expensive truck rolls and sniffers, saving both time and money in troubleshooting.

Proactive Wireless Operations with Predictive Recommendations

Mist's platform is not limited to reactive troubleshooting. It offers predictive recommendations to help avoid issues from happening in the first place. By analyzing historical data and Patterns, Mist can provide proactive insights and suggestions to optimize network performance and user experience. This shift from reactive to proactive wireless operations makes a significant difference in network management.

Programmable Capabilities and Automation with Open APIs

Mist understands the importance of customization and automation in today's network environments. That's why all of Mist's capabilities are 100% programmable via open APIs. Network administrators can remotely configure and activate a new site in just minutes, automate routine tasks such as overnight testing of point-of-sale devices, and receive alerts when baseline metrics are not being met or are negatively trending. The possibilities are endless with Mist's automation capabilities.


In conclusion, Mist has revolutionized the wireless networking landscape with its user-centric approach, harnessing the power of big data and machine learning. With Mist, Wi-Fi becomes predictable, reliable, and measurable, ensuring that users have an optimal wireless experience. Mist's unparalleled visibility, proactive recommendations, and programmable capabilities make it the network of choice for the smart device era.


  • Mist is the first user-centric wireless network that harnesses big data and machine learning.
  • With Mist, Wi-Fi becomes predictable, reliable, and measurable.
  • Mist provides unprecedented visibility into user states, helping network administrators understand user needs.
  • Correlating issues across domains, Mist quickly identifies the root cause of problems.
  • Mist enables proactive wireless operations with predictive recommendations.
  • Mist's programmable capabilities and automation through open APIs offer limitless possibilities.


Q: What sets Mist apart from traditional wireless LANs? A: Mist focuses on the user experience, exposing over 100 user states and providing unprecedented visibility into their needs.

Q: How does Mist ensure reliable Wi-Fi? A: Mist sets, monitors, and enforces service levels based on user needs, ensuring that Wi-Fi performance meets their expectations.

Q: Can Mist help in troubleshooting network issues? A: Yes, Mist correlates issues across domains and provides a single-click root cause analysis, making troubleshooting more efficient.

Q: What insights does Mist provide for network administrators? A: Mist offers granular visibility into trends across devices, operating systems, and applications, helping identify areas that require attention.

Q: How does Mist enable proactive network management? A: Mist provides real-time monitoring and trending, allowing network administrators to address issues before they impact the user experience.

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