Scientific Study: Conservative Women Found More Attractive than Liberal Women

Scientific Study: Conservative Women Found More Attractive than Liberal Women

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Conservative Women vs Liberal Women
  • The Study in Denmark
  • Attractiveness and Political Beliefs
  • Happiness and Mental Health
  • Marriage and Social Standards
  • Health and Wellness
  • Body Modifications and Beauty Standards
  • Feminism and Undesirability
  • Gaydar and Political Beliefs
  • Conclusion

Conservative Women vs Liberal Women

The debate on whether conservative women are more attractive than liberal women has been ongoing for a while, but a recent scientific study has attempted to settle the issue. The study, conducted in Denmark, collected over 4,000 images of politicians across the nation and narrowed it down to 1,200 women. Using AI and machine learning, the researchers were able to scan these images and decipher the political party each woman identified with Based on how they looked. The result? Conservative women were found to be more attractive overall than their liberal counterparts.

The Study in Denmark

The study conducted in Denmark used physiognomy to determine the political beliefs of the women in the images. Physiognomy is the study of being able to identify someone's character traits and political beliefs based solely on their appearance. The AI and machine learning platform were able to detect the facial structure of every single politician in the images and associate it with their political beliefs. This study gives us an Insight into just how science has evolved to identify our political beliefs based on our physical appearance.

Attractiveness and Political Beliefs

The study confirmed what many people have been saying for a while - conservative women are more attractive than liberal women. But what does this mean, and why does it matter? The study found that conservative women were living more purposeful and fulfilling lives. They were happier, more likely to get married at a younger age, and were less likely to have mental health conditions. This could be because conservative women are more content with themselves and don't feel the need to change the rest of the world. It's also possible that they are inherently more happy with themselves because they aren't hooked on drugs or seeing psychiatrists every week.

Happiness and Mental Health

It's no secret that happiness and mental health are highly correlated. The study found that liberal women were more likely to have mental health conditions and be unhappy with their lives. They were more likely to be medicated for anxiety and depression, which then leads to unhappiness and less desirability. Conservative women, on the other HAND, were found to be happier with their lives and more content with themselves.

Marriage and Social Standards

The study also showed that conservative women were more likely to get married at a younger age. This could be because they are happier and more content with themselves and don't feel the need to wait for the perfect partner before getting married. Liberal women, on the other hand, are less likely to get married at a younger age and often struggle to find partners. This could be due to the social standards placed upon them by the feminist movement - that they are meant to defy these standards and not conform to traditional gender roles.

Health and Wellness

Conservative women were found to work out more than liberal women, which means they release more endorphins. This leads to happiness and contentment with themselves and their lives. It's also possible that conservative women are just inherently happier with themselves and don't feel the need to change their bodies to feel better. Meanwhile, liberal women are often trying to defy beauty standards placed on them by society, which leads to unhappiness and a lack of contentment with their bodies.

Body Modifications and Beauty Standards

Body modifications such as tattoos and nose rings are more popular among liberal women. Conservative women tend to dress more conservatively and wear makeup that doesn't look emo. While liberal women are trying to defy beauty standards placed on them, conservative women are just happy with themselves and don't feel the need to change their appearance to feel better.

Feminism and Undesirability

There is a theory that liberal women are intentionally making themselves undesirable and unattractive because they hate the patriarchy and the standard that men are ever going to amount to anything. The feminist movement often teaches women to hate men and to Seek revenge instead of seeking happiness and contentment. This could be why liberal women are often unhappy and less desirable than their conservative counterparts.

Gaydar and Political Beliefs

Many of us have heard of the term "gaydar" before - being able to tell if someone is gay based on their appearance or the way they talk. The same thing could be said for political beliefs. When You look at someone, you can often tell if they are conservative or liberal based on their appearance. Conservative women tend to wear dresses and keep themselves neat and tidy. Liberal women, on the other hand, often have purple hair and are a little bit overweight.


The study conducted in Denmark has shed new light on the debate over whether conservative women are more attractive than liberal women. The result found that conservative women were more attractive overall than their liberal counterparts. As we have seen, conservative women are living more fulfilling and purposeful lives, are happier and more content with themselves, and are more likely to get married at a younger age. They also work out more, which leads to a healthier and happier lifestyle overall. While this study may not be conclusive, it does bring up some interesting points worth exploring further.

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