SES Stock Analysis: Price, Volume & News

SES Stock Analysis: Price, Volume & News

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Legal Disclaimer
  3. Background of SES
  4. Price and Volume Analysis
    • 4.1 Chart Analysis
    • 4.2 Recent Headlines
    • 4.3 End of Day Price and Volume
    • 4.4 Ranking and Quartile Analysis
    • 4.5 Monthly Averages
    • 4.6 End of Month Percentage Change
  5. Ticker DD and the Legend of Murray
  6. Ticker DD's Purpose and Disclaimer
  7. Most Frequently Occurred End of Day Prices
  8. The Story Behind Ticker DD
  9. Golden Cross and Death Cross Signals
  10. Conclusion


Hello and welcome to this video analysis on SES, a stock ticker that went public on March 1, 2021. In this analysis, we will Delve into the price and volume trends, recent headlines, ranking and quartile analysis, monthly averages, and more. However, let's begin with a legal disclaimer to ensure that You have the necessary information about the purpose of this video and the limitations of its content.

Legal Disclaimer

Before we proceed, it is essential to note that this video is for entertainment purposes only. The information presented here should not be considered as investment or financial advice. We do not provide any warranty, guarantee, or factual assertions in this video. It is always advisable to consult a qualified professional before making any investment decisions. Please review the important disclaimer provided at the end of the video for more details.

Background of SES

SES, the stock ticker We Are analyzing, commenced trading on March 1, 2021. To gain a better understanding of its price and volume trends, we have looked back at 650 calendar days, from September 18, 2023, to December 9, 2021. During this period, we analyzed 445 applicable trade dates. Our initial attempt at studying the price for SES involved normalizing the price distribution across these trade dates. The generated bar chart represents the distribution, while the overlaid line graph depicts the frequency of prices. As our AI model progresses, we aim to enhance this visual representation.

Price and Volume Analysis

4.1 Chart Analysis

Before delving into the price and volume analysis, let's take a look at the recent headlines for SES. This will provide us with a contextual background for understanding the market sentiment and potential influences on the stock.

4.2 Recent Headlines

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, we sampled various news aggregators to Gather the latest headlines related to SES. Using a keyword search for "NYSE SES," we found 10 unique headlines published across 10 dates. The range of publication dates spanned 11 days, from the oldest headline on August 28, 2020, to the latest on September 13, 2023. One notable headline published by Yahoo Finance highlighted that SCSAI Corporation's largest shareholders are public companies with a 26 percent ownership stake, while institutions own 21 percent.

4.3 End of Day Price and Volume

Now, let's shift our focus to the end-of-day price and volume for SES on Monday, September 18, 2023. The stock closed at $2.10, representing a 4.1 percent decrease from the previous trading day. The volume also dropped significantly by 56.55 percent, amounting to approximately 348,000 shares traded. To provide a comprehensive overview, we have included a graph showcasing the price and volume trends for the last 15 trade dates, with the maximum and minimum prices and volumes indicated.

4.4 Ranking and Quartile Analysis

To gauge the performance of SES on September 18, 2023, we ranked it among the 445 trading days considered in our analysis. In terms of price, it ranked 396th, indicating that 395 days had higher end-of-day prices. Similarly, its volume ranked 349th, demonstrating that 348 days had higher trading volumes. The line graph visualizes the daily ranking of price and volume, with dips representing better performances.

4.5 Monthly Averages

Analyzing the price and volume averages for SES over 445 trading days, we observed an interesting trend. The overall monthly price average trended downwards, while the monthly volume average increased over time. The highest monthly average price was recorded in December 2021 at $9.98, while the lowest was observed in May 2023 at $1.51. Regarding volume, June 2023 witnessed the highest monthly average volume at two million, while January 2023 recorded the lowest at 339,400.

4.6 End of Month Percentage Change

Tracking the end-of-month percentage change in price and volume for SES across the 22-month period, we found that 55 percent of the months displayed a negative change in average price, whereas all the months showed a positive change in average volume. The maximum and minimum monthly percentage changes in price were 3.22 percent and -2.98 percent, respectively. For volume, the maximum and minimum monthly percentage changes were 69.93 percent and 0.65 percent, respectively.

Ticker DD and the Legend of Murray

Now, let's take a moment to understand Ticker DD and the story behind Murray, the creator of this video series. Ticker DD is an automated video series developed by autonomous robots working off 15 observational data models. These models were created between January 15th and April 15th, 2022. However, Murray, the person behind Ticker DD, built these models while secluded in Hawaii, rather than surfing. The creation process involved coding day and night for three months, with the song "Eye of the Tiger" playing on loop.

Ticker DD's Purpose and Disclaimer

The purpose of Ticker DD is to explore the technologies and data governing observational data models. It is not intended to provide professional investment or financial advice. The videos produced by Ticker DD are subjective and should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. It is crucial to remember that neither Murray nor the individuals maintaining Ticker DD are qualified licensed or accredited investment or financial professionals. The opinions, commentaries, and generated content in these videos may contain Hidden assumptions, errors, and unfit approaches.

Most Frequently Occurred End of Day Prices

During our analysis of SES, we discovered the top 10 most frequent end-of-day prices across the 445 trade dates. The most common end-of-day price, occurring 11 times, was $9.96. Other frequently occurring prices included $2.11, $9.94, $9.95, $2.09, $2.23, $4.70, $4.98, $5.50, and $9.97.


In conclusion, this video has provided an overview of the price and volume analysis for SES. We examined the chart analysis, recent headlines, end-of-day price and volume, ranking and quartile analysis, monthly averages, and more. However, it is crucial to reiterate that this video is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used to make investment or financial decisions. Please consult a qualified professional for personalized advice. Subscribe to Ticker DD on YouTube for more informative videos, and remember to conduct your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.


  1. SES, a stock ticker that went public on March 1, 2021, is analyzed.
  2. Price and volume trends, recent headlines, and ranking analysis are examined.
  3. Monthly averages and end-of-month percentage change in price and volume are analyzed.
  4. Ticker DD, an automated video series, and the legend of Murray are explored.
  5. A legal disclaimer emphasizes that this video is for entertainment purposes only and not investment advice.


Q: Is SES a recommended investment? A: This video is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. Consult a qualified professional before making any investment decisions.

Q: How often are Ticker DD videos updated? A: On average, a ticker will receive updated video coverage every few months. However, you can request an updated video for a specific ticker on the Ticker DD website.

Q: What is the purpose of Ticker DD? A: Ticker DD aims to provide informative videos about stocks and the technologies behind observational data models. It is a learning and discovery exercise for the creators, who are not licensed or qualified financial professionals.

Q: Can I use the information in this video to make investment decisions? A: No, this video is for entertainment purposes only. It is essential to consult a qualified professional for investment advice and conduct your own due diligence before making any financial decisions.

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