Setting Up HighLevel Website & Funnel - SMMA AI Series

Setting Up HighLevel Website & Funnel - SMMA AI Series

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Website and Funnel
  3. Lead Connector Email Clarification
  4. Differences Between Freelancer Plan and Agency Pro Plan
  5. Funnel Design for the New Website
  6. Creating the Funnel
  7. Connecting the Root Domain to High Level
  8. Using Cloudflare for DNS Configuration
  9. Adding CNAME Records and Page Rules
  10. testing and Finalizing the Funnel

👉 Setting up the Website and Funnel 👈

Welcome to episode three of the SMMA AI series, where we dive into the nitty-gritty of setting up the website and funnel that are crucial in acquiring new clients for your agency. In this video, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started. From lead connector email setup to the differences between the freelancer plan and the agency pro plan, we've got you covered. So, let's jump right in!

Lead Connector Email Setup

In the previous video, we discussed how to set up email integration with High Level. Today, we'll clarify the process and make sure everything is set up correctly. First, head over to High Level and go to the "Email Services" section. From there, navigate to "Dedicated Domain and IP." This is where you will set up separate email addresses for your clients and your agency. You can use something like "" for your clients and "" for your agency. Additionally, set up a separate email address for notifications, like ""

To further enhance the email setup, consider investing in a dedicated IP for $59 extra per month. While High Level might currently be out of IPs, they provide detailed instructions on how to set up a dedicated sending domain on their help support article. With the email setup clarified, you can now move on to the next step.

Differences Between Freelancer Plan and Agency Pro Plan

High Level offers two plans - the Freelancer Plan and the Agency Pro Plan, each with its own set of features and pricing. The Freelancer Plan costs $297 per month and includes everything you need for your agency. With the Freelancer Plan, you get one business account that can be used for yourself or a client. Additionally, you have access to white-label the desktop app with your own branding and domain, making it appear as your own software.

On the other HAND, the Agency Pro Plan, priced at $497 per month, offers even more Perks. With this plan, you'll gain the ability to resell High Level as a software business. This means you can offer High Level's tools and features to your clients as their own software solution. In addition to unlimited business accounts, the Agency Pro Plan provides access to split testing, allowing you to optimize your landing pages for better results. You also gain access to email, phone, and text rebuilding, allowing you to bill clients for their own usage.

It's important to note that while the Freelancer Plan is a great option for getting started, the Pro Plan offers additional advantages for scaling your agency. Depending on your goals and budget, you can choose the plan that suits your needs best. Now that we've covered the plan differences, let's move on to funnel design.

Funnel Design for the New Website

The funnel design plays a crucial role in the success of your marketing efforts. For this new website, we'll be using the traditional VSL (Video Sales Letter) funnel, which consists of a landing page, an opt-in form, a VSL video, a calendar booking, and a confirmation page. This proven funnel design is ideal for attracting and converting leads. So, let's break down each step of the funnel.

1. Landing Page

The landing page is the first point of contact for your target audience. It should have a clean and minimalistic design that reflects your brand. Use compelling copy to communicate the value of your services and entice visitors to take action.

2. Opt-in Form

The opt-in form is where visitors provide their contact details, such as name, email, and phone number. Keep it simple and ask for only the necessary information to maximize conversions.

3. VSL Video

The Video Sales Letter (VSL) is a powerful tool for conveying your message and persuading viewers to take the desired action. Keep the video concise, engaging, and informative. Highlight the unique selling points of your agency and how it can benefit the viewer.

4. Calendar Booking

After watching the VSL video, visitors should have an option to book a call with your agency. Use a calendar booking system to streamline the process and make it easy for leads to schedule a call.

5. Confirmation Page

Once a call is booked, redirect leads to a confirmation page. This page reassures them that their application has been received and will be reviewed by your agency. It's a good place to include testimonials or additional information about your services.

By following this funnel design, you create a smooth customer journey that maximizes conversions and generates qualified leads. Now, let's move on to creating the actual funnel.

Creating the Funnel

Now that we have a solid understanding of the funnel design, it's time to bring it to life. Start by logging in to your High Level account and navigating to the "Funnels" section. Here, you can build out each step of the funnel using the drag-and-drop editor.

Begin with the landing page. Design a visually appealing page that captures attention and communicates your value proposition clearly. Use High Level's form builder to create the opt-in form and Collect leads' contact information.

Next, move on to the VSL page. Embed the video in the designated section and include blocks of copy to reinforce your message and address potential objections. Customize the copy to resonate with your target audience and highlight the key benefits of your agency's services.

Once the VSL page is complete, integrate a calendar booking system to make it easy for leads to schedule a call with your agency. Test the booking functionality to ensure a seamless experience for your potential clients.

Finally, create a confirmation page that thanks leads for their interest and reassures them that their application will be reviewed. Consider including testimonials or success stories to build trust and credibility.

With the funnel all set up, it's time to connect the root domain to High Level for a seamless experience. We'll be using Cloudflare to manage DNS configuration, so let's move on to the next step.

Connecting the Root Domain to High Level using Cloudflare

To ensure a smooth and secure connection between your root domain and High Level, we'll use Cloudflare, a reliable network of servers that enhances security, performance, and reliability. Follow these steps to connect your domain:

  1. Create a Cloudflare account at
  2. Add your domain to Cloudflare.
  3. Change your domain's name servers to Cloudflare's name servers.
  4. Verify the DNS records in Cloudflare and update any necessary records, such as CNAME and MX records.
  5. Set up page rules in Cloudflare to redirect the domain to High Level.

By following these steps, you'll establish a secure connection between your domain and your High Level sub-account. Additionally, the use of page rules in Cloudflare allows for smooth navigation and redirection within your funnel.

With the DNS configuration complete, it's time to test the funnel to ensure everything is working seamlessly. We'll cover the testing process and finalize the funnel in the next steps.

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