Simplify Data View Queries with AI Assistance in Obsidian

Simplify Data View Queries with AI Assistance in Obsidian

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of AI in Data View
  3. Simplifying Query Creation with Chat GPT and AI Assistance
  4. Creating Basic Queries with Chat GPT
  5. Customizing Queries with Sorting and Filtering
  6. Leveraging AI Assistance for More Complex Queries
  7. Using Open AI to Enhance Query Creation
  8. Uploading Files and Prompting AI Assistance
  9. Examples of Advanced Query Creation
  10. Conclusion

The Power of AI in Data View

The data view plugin in Obsidian is a powerful tool that allows you to treat your notes as a database. It enables you to search and organize your notes using complex queries. However, the functionality of Data View comes at the cost of a steep learning curve. With numerous clauses, variables, expressions, and functions to learn, it can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage AI assistance to simplify query creation and make the most out of Data View in Obsidian.


Obsidian, with its extensive range of plugins, provides users with the ability to transform their digital note-taking experience. One such plugin is Data View, which allows you to harness the power of databases within your Obsidian vault.

In the past, creating complex queries in Data View required a deep understanding of the plugin's syntax, including clauses, variables, expressions, and functions. This could be daunting, particularly for beginners or those new to SQL-like query languages.

Fortunately, advancements in AI technology have made it possible to simplify the query creation process. By using AI assistance, you can utilize natural language prompts and chat-based interfaces to generate Data View queries effortlessly.

Simplifying Query Creation with Chat GPT and AI Assistance

Traditional methods of creating queries in Data View often involved reading documentation, tutorials, and experimenting with different clauses to achieve the desired results. This process required significant time and effort.

With AI assistance, you can now streamline the query creation process by conversing with a language model like Chat GPT. By providing specific instructions and prompts, you can effortlessly generate Data View queries without the need for extensive manual documentation exploration.

In the following sections, we will explore step-by-step how you can use Chat GPT and AI assistance to create both basic and complex queries in Obsidian's Data View plugin.

Creating Basic Queries with Chat GPT

Creating basic queries in Data View can be made much more straightforward with the help of AI assistance. By using specific prompts and expressing your query requirements in natural language, you can easily generate the necessary code for your Data View queries.

To illustrate this, let's consider an example where we want to create a query to display all the video notes in our vault. These video notes have the "input videos" tag and contain additional metadata fields such as status, links, and source.

We can start by engaging Chat GPT and requesting it to create a query that shows all notes with the tag "input videos" while displaying the respective fields. The query could look something like this:

Please create a query that shows all my notes with the tag "input videos". For each note, show the status, links, and source fields.

By sending this message to Chat GPT, you will receive a generated query that can be copied and pasted into your Data View code block syntax. This query will fetch all the notes with the "input videos" tag and display the desired fields.

Additionally, you can further customize the generated query to sort the notes based on their creation date or exclude specific folders that may contain unrelated notes. These customizations can be requested from Chat GPT using specific instructions.

Customizing Queries with Sorting and Filtering

While basic queries can be generated with ease using Chat GPT, you might want to further customize and refine your queries by specifying sorting and filtering criteria. This can be achieved by providing additional instructions to the AI assistant.

For example, let's say you want to sort the video notes query by their creation date in descending order to display the most recently created notes first. You can ask Chat GPT to update the query with the following instruction:

Can you please update the query by sorting it based on the creation date in descending order?

By sending this message to Chat GPT, you will receive an updated query that reflects the requested sorting criteria. You can then replace the existing query in your Data View code block with the modified query to achieve the desired sorting order.

Similarly, if you have specific folders or files that you want to exclude from the query results, you can inform Chat GPT about this requirement. By instructing the AI assistant to exclude notes from certain folders or with specific file names, you can ensure that your Data View queries only include the Relevant content.

Leveraging AI Assistance for More Complex Queries

Data View offers a wide range of functionalities beyond basic query creation, including the use of different functions, expressions, and clauses. However, manually incorporating all these elements into your query Prompt can be challenging and time-consuming.

With AI assistance, you can overcome this challenge by dynamically retrieving the relevant information from plugins like Data View's documentation and other related resources. By instructing Chat GPT to access and utilize this external knowledge, you can create more complex queries without the need for extensive manual input.

For example, let's say you want to create a query that includes more advanced features such as grouping, flattening, or limiting the query results. These functionalities can be added to your query prompt by instructing Chat GPT to incorporate the relevant clauses and expressions.

By providing clear and specific instructions to Chat GPT, you can leverage its AI capabilities to generate the required code for even the most complex Data View queries.

Using Open AI to Enhance Query Creation

To further enhance the query creation process and unlock advanced AI capabilities, you can leverage Open AI. Open AI allows you to create assistants that follow your instructions, making it easier to generate complex queries within the Data View plugin.

To utilize Open AI, you can create an account on the platform and upload your relevant prompt and files. By developing an assistant that is specifically trained for your use case, you can tap into the full potential of AI assistance in Data View query creation.

By integrating your Open AI assistant with Obsidian, you can seamlessly access its capabilities and generate queries based on your specific needs and requirements.

Uploading Files and Prompting AI Assistance

In complex scenarios where you need to access and incorporate multiple resources, uploading relevant files to the AI assistant can be highly beneficial. Uploading files such as documentation, examples, or personal notes allows the AI assistant to have a more thorough understanding of your query requirements.

With the help of plugins like Intelligence, you can create assistants directly from your existing notes in Obsidian. This integration streamlines the process and ensures that the AI assistant has access to all the relevant information within your vault.

By combining the power of AI assistance and the contextual knowledge provided by uploaded files, you can create more accurate and precise queries within the Data View plugin.

Examples of Advanced Query Creation

To better illustrate the capabilities of AI assistance in Data View query creation, let's consider a few examples of advanced queries and how they can be generated with the help of AI.

  1. Grouping and Aggregating Data:

    • ai Prompt: "Please create a query that groups my notes based on their tags and shows the count of notes in each group."
    • AI Response: The generated query will include the necessary clauses and functions to group the notes based on tags and display the count for each group.
  2. Filtering and Limiting Results:

    • AI Prompt: "Can you create a query that shows only the video notes created in the last month?"
    • AI Response: The generated query will include the relevant filtering criteria, limiting the results to the desired time frame.
  3. Performing Arithmetic Operations:

    • AI Prompt: "Please create a query that calculates the average WORD count of my article notes and displays it in a table."
    • AI Response: The generated query will utilize the appropriate functions and expressions to calculate the average word count and Present it in a visually appealing format.

These examples demonstrate how AI assistance can be used to create more advanced queries in Data View, saving you time and effort while providing accurate and actionable results.


The power of AI assistance in simplifying Data View query creation cannot be overstated. By leveraging AI language models like Chat GPT and integrating with platforms like Open AI, you can generate queries efficiently, even for complex scenarios.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, AI assistance provides a valuable tool to unlock the full potential of Data View and enhance your note-taking and organization capabilities.

By allowing AI to handle the complexities of query creation, you can focus on building your Second brain in Obsidian and spend less time dealing with the intricacies of plugin documentation and syntax.

Embrace the power of AI and transform your Data View experience in Obsidian today. Unlock the true potential of your notes and let AI be your guide.

🚀 Resources:


  • Simplify Data View query creation with AI assistance
  • Generate queries effortlessly using natural language prompts
  • Customize queries with sorting and filtering criteria
  • Leverage AI to handle complex query creation tasks
  • Utilize Open AI for advanced AI capabilities
  • Upload files and prompt AI assistance for more accuracy
  • Examples of advanced query creation using AI assistance
  • Save time and effort by letting AI handle query complexities

✨ FAQs

Q: Can AI assistance generate queries for other Obsidian plugins? A: AI assistance can potentially be customized to generate queries for other Obsidian plugins. However, the specific integration and capabilities would depend on the plugin's API and available resources.

Q: How can AI assistance benefit beginners in Data View? A: AI assistance simplifies the learning curve for beginners in Data View by providing a conversational interface and generating queries based on natural language prompts. This eliminates the need for extensive documentation reading and syntax exploration.

Q: Are there any limitations to AI assistance in Data View query creation? A: While AI assistance can greatly simplify query creation, it still requires clear and specific instructions. Complex queries with intricate requirements might need additional fine-tuning and experimentation to achieve the desired results.

Q: How can I make the most out of AI assistance in Data View? A: To make the most out of AI assistance in Data View, it is recommended to experiment with different prompts and instructions, provide relevant resources and files, and keep up-to-date with the latest AI advancements and plugins.

Q: Is AI assistance in Data View available for all users? A: AI assistance is generally available for all users of Obsidian. However, access to specific AI models, platforms, or plugins may require additional subscriptions, API keys, or permissions. Please refer to the respective documentation and guidelines for more information.

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