Skywatch: Comprehensive Insurance for Drone Pilots

Skywatch: Comprehensive Insurance for Drone Pilots

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Skywatch: An Insurance Company
  3. The Journey of Skywatch
    1. Background of the Founders
    2. Evolution of the Company
  4. Skywatch's Products and Services
    1. Drone Insurance Overview
    2. Third-Party Liability Coverage
    3. Equipment Coverage
  5. Choosing the Right Insurance
    1. Business Requirements
    2. Client Demands
    3. Local Regulations
  6. Peace of Mind with Skywatch
    1. Key Features of Skywatch's Insurance
    2. Additional Insured
    3. Certificate of Insurance
    4. Safety Score and Discounts
  7. Conclusion


In the rapidly growing drone industry, it's important for businesses to protect themselves and their assets. Drone insurance is becoming increasingly necessary to ensure safe and responsible operations. In this article, we will explore Skywatch, an insurance company that specializes in providing comprehensive insurance coverage for drone pilots. We will delve into the journey of Skywatch, their products and services, and how they offer peace of mind to drone pilots. Whether you're a seasoned pilot or new to the industry, this article will provide valuable insights on the importance of drone insurance and why Skywatch is a trusted choice.

Skywatch: An Insurance Company

Skywatch is a leading digital drone insurance company that operates in multiple countries, including the United States and Canada. Their mission is to provide reliable insurance coverage for drone pilots across various industries, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. Skywatch offers comprehensive insurance options that cater to the specific needs of each pilot, ensuring they are protected from potential risks and liabilities.

The Journey of Skywatch

The founders of Skywatch, Tomer and Ori, both have backgrounds in the Israeli Air Force. In 2016, they started the company as a drone risk analytics company, focusing on analyzing telemetry data to provide safety insights for drone flights. However, they soon realized the need to build an entire insurance company around this data to effectively monetize and utilize it. Today, Skywatch has evolved into a team of 15 experts with diverse expertise, serving thousands of businesses in the drone industry.

Skywatch's Products and Services

When it comes to drone insurance, Skywatch offers a range of products and services to meet the specific needs of pilots. Their insurance coverage includes both third-party liability and equipment coverage. Third-party liability coverage protects pilots from potential damages and injuries caused to third parties, while equipment coverage safeguards against physical damage to the drone and other equipment. By selecting the appropriate coverage limits and declaring the value of their assets, pilots can ensure comprehensive protection for their operations.

Choosing the Right Insurance

Choosing the right insurance is crucial for drone pilots. Several factors should be considered when making this decision. Business requirements, such as the frequency of operations and the specific industry, play a significant role in determining the most suitable insurance option. Additionally, client demands and local regulations may require pilots to have specific insurance coverage or name clients as additional insured parties. Skywatch understands these needs and provides flexible insurance solutions to meet the varying requirements of pilots.

Peace of Mind with Skywatch

One of the key features of Skywatch's insurance is the ease of obtaining coverage and the peace of mind it offers to pilots. Pilots can easily activate their policies and receive a certificate of insurance that includes all policy details, including any additional insured parties. The Skywatch team is dedicated to providing excellent Customer Service and Timely support for all insurance-related needs. Moreover, pilots can take advantage of Skywatch's Safety Score, which provides insights into their flying metrics and allows them to continuously improve their flight safety. The Safety Score also offers discounts on premiums based on a pilot's adherence to safe flying practices.


Drone insurance is becoming essential for drone pilots to protect themselves, their equipment, and their clients. Skywatch is a trusted insurance provider that offers comprehensive coverage tailored to the needs of drone pilots. From third-party liability coverage to equipment protection, Skywatch ensures that pilots have the peace of mind to operate safely and responsibly. By understanding the importance of insurance, considering business requirements, and adhering to local regulations, pilots can confidently navigate the evolving drone industry with the support of Skywatch's reliable insurance services.


  • Skywatch is a leading digital drone insurance company operating in multiple countries
  • The founders of Skywatch have backgrounds in the Israeli Air Force
  • Skywatch offers comprehensive insurance coverage for drone pilots across various industries
  • Pilots can choose between third-party liability coverage and equipment coverage
  • Skywatch provides flexibility to meet the specific needs and requirements of each pilot
  • Activating coverage and obtaining certificates of insurance is quick and easy with Skywatch
  • The Safety Score feature rewards pilots for safe flying practices with discounts on premiums
  • Skywatch's dedicated team provides excellent customer support and assistance for all insurance-related needs


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