Snapchat AI Exposes Shocking Truth Behind Deleted Stories

Snapchat AI Exposes Shocking Truth Behind Deleted Stories

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Creepy AI Phenomenon 2.1. The Strange Responses 2.2. Real or Fake? 2.3. Similar Cases
  3. The Defcon Challenge 3.1. Prompt Injections and Red Teaming 3.2. Participating Chat Bots 3.3. The Hacker Participation
  4. Snapchat's My AI Glitch 4.1. Posting Stories and Live Updates 4.2. User Reactions and Concerns 4.3. Backlash and Privacy Concerns
  5. Exploring the Snapchat AI 5.1. Features and Functions 5.2. Conversations with My AI
  6. The Future of AI 6.1. Increasing Use of AI 6.2. Ethical Concerns
  7. Conclusion

The Creepy AI Phenomenon

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, with various applications and virtual assistants that mimic human interactions. However, there have been instances where AI systems have displayed unusual and creepy behavior. This phenomenon has caught the Attention of the media and the public, raising questions about the capabilities and limitations of AI technology.

The Strange Responses

One such case involves Snapchat's My AI, a feature that utilizes a viral AI Chatbot tool called Chat GPT. Users have reported receiving creepy and unsettling responses from the AI, leading to concerns and confusion. The AI has been known to deny deleting any stories, respond with nonsensical replies, and even call users creepy.

Real or Fake?

While some of these interactions may seem fake, there have been credible reports and discussions confirming the authenticity of these incidents. People have shared their conversations with the Snapchat AI, where it displayed bizarre behavior. This raises questions about the stability and reliability of AI systems.

Similar Cases

Interestingly, similar incidents have been reported with other chatbot systems like Bing. Users have shared their conversations, where they asked Bing strange or nonsensical questions, only to receive unusual and unexpected responses. These incidents highlight a broader issue with AI systems and their susceptibility to manipulation and unexpected behavior.

The Defcon Challenge

To shed light on the vulnerabilities of AI systems, the Defcon hacking conference hosted a challenge for hackers to manipulate chatbots. Instead of finding software vulnerabilities, hackers were tasked with performing prompt injections to confuse chatbots and Elicit unintended responses. Chatbots from major AI companies, including Google and OpenAI, took part in the challenge.

Prompt Injections and Red Teaming

Prompt injections involve tricking chatbots by inputting unexpected or confusing text and analyzing the generated response. This technique allows hackers to identify flaws in popular AI systems and better understand their weaknesses. The challenge aimed to improve the security and robustness of AI technologies.

Participating Chat Bots

Chatbots from Google, OpenAI, and other major AI companies participated in the Defcon challenge. These chatbots, including Google's Barred Open AI's GPT, and Metaslama, faced numerous attempts by hackers to manipulate their responses. The challenge attracted hundreds of participants, demonstrating the significant interest in uncovering potential flaws in AI systems.

The Hacker Participation

The Defcon challenge saw a considerable turnout of hackers, with an estimated 2,000 participants over the weekend. It demonstrated the growing concern regarding the potential dangers of unchecked AI systems. By actively involving hackers in identifying flaws, companies aim to enhance the security and reliability of their AI technologies.

Snapchat's My AI Glitch

Snapchat's My AI feature, powered by the Chat GPT AI chatbot tool, faced an unusual glitch. Users were alarmed when the AI posted live updates to their profiles, showing video footage of what appeared to be a wall. Furthermore, the AI stopped responding to messages, leaving users confused and concerned.

Posting Stories and Live Updates

Snapchat's My AI is intended to offer recommendations, answer questions, and engage in conversations with users. However, posting live stories, which are usually limited to human users, was a new and unexpected capability. Users quickly expressed their concerns on various social media platforms, questioning the AI's behavior and purpose.

User Reactions and Concerns

The strong reaction from Snapchat users highlighted the overall fear and apprehension regarding the potential risks associated with AI. Since its launch, Snapchat's My AI has faced criticism over privacy concerns, creepy exchanges, and the inability to remove the feature from the app. This glitch further amplified users' concerns and raised questions about the reliability and control of AI technology.

Backlash and Privacy Concerns

Snapchat's My AI glitch has added to the existing backlash and privacy concerns surrounding AI technology. Critics argue that AI systems like My AI invade users' privacy and can manipulate or exploit personal information. This incident has fueled the debate on ethical considerations and the need for stringent regulations to safeguard users' privacy and well-being.

Exploring the Snapchat AI

Snapchat's My AI feature offers various functions and capabilities to users. By engaging in conversations with the AI, users can ask random questions, Seek advice, or simply have a chat as if they were talking to a friend. The AI aims to simulate human-like interactions and provide helpful responses, like a real friend would.

Features and Functions

Snapchat's My AI is designed to be a virtual friend that lives inside the app. Users can ask it a wide range of questions or simply engage in casual conversations. The AI's purpose is to entertain, provide support, and enhance the overall user experience on Snapchat. However, the recent glitch has raised questions about the AI's intentions and behavior.

The Future of AI

As AI technology continues to advance, its presence in various aspects of our lives is likely to increase. From virtual assistants to chatbots, AI is poised to become more integrated into our daily routines. However, ethical concerns regarding transparency, privacy, and control need to be addressed to ensure the responsible use of AI.

Increasing Use of AI

AI is already replacing certain job roles and automating various tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Companies across industries are embracing AI to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and improve decision-making processes. However, the potential risks and challenges associated with AI must be carefully considered and managed.

Ethical Concerns

The rise of AI brings ethical concerns related to privacy, security, and bias. AI systems have the potential to Collect and analyze large amounts of personal data, raising concerns about data protection and privacy rights. Additionally, biases present in AI algorithms may perpetuate inequalities and discrimination. It is crucial to address these ethical considerations to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI.


Snapchat's My AI glitch and the creepy AI phenomenon serve as reminders of the complexities and potential risks associated with AI technology. While AI offers numerous benefits and advancements, it also presents challenges that must be addressed. The incidents discussed highlight the need for transparency, accountability, and ongoing research to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI in the future.


  • The Creepy AI Phenomenon: Unsettling encounters with AI systems Raise concerns about their behavior and reliability.
  • The Defcon Challenge: Hackers test the vulnerabilities of popular chatbots in order to identify flaws and enhance security.
  • Snapchat's My AI Glitch: Users express concerns as the AI posts live updates and stops responding to messages.
  • Exploring the Snapchat AI: The features and functions of Snapchat's My AI are presented, allowing users to engage in conversations.
  • The Future of AI: The increasing use of AI raises ethical concerns that need to be addressed for responsible development.
  • Ethical Concerns: Issues related to privacy, security, and bias underscore the need for careful consideration of AI's impact.


Q: Are these creepy AI incidents real or fake? A: While some may seem fake, there have been credible reports and discussions confirming the authenticity of these incidents.

Q: What was the purpose of the Defcon challenge? A: The challenge aimed to identify flaws in popular AI systems by tasking hackers with manipulating chatbots through prompt injections.

Q: What features does Snapchat's My AI offer? A: Snapchat's My AI simulates human-like conversations, providing recommendations, answers to questions, and casual chats.

Q: What are the ethical concerns associated with AI? A: Ethical concerns include privacy, security, bias, and the responsible use of AI in decision-making processes.

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