Solve Constraints with the AC-3 Algorithm

Solve Constraints with the AC-3 Algorithm

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the AC3 Algorithm
    • 2.1 Binary Constraints and Arcs
    • 2.2 How the AC3 Algorithm Works
  3. Example: Solving a Constraint Satisfaction Problem using AC3
    • 3.1 Defining the Variables and Constraints
    • 3.2 Creating Arcs and Building the Agenda
    • 3.3 Iterating Through the Agenda
      • 3.3.1 Arc A is Greater Than B
      • 3.3.2 Arc B is Equal to C
      • 3.3.3 Arc C is Equal to B
      • 3.3.4 Arc A is Greater Than B (Revisited)
      • 3.3.5 Arc B is Equal to C (Revisited)
  4. Benefits of the AC3 Algorithm
  5. Limitations and Challenges
  6. Conclusion

Understanding the AC3 Algorithm

The AC3 algorithm is a powerful method for simplifying constraint satisfaction problems by using constraints to Prune values from the domains of the variables. By transforming binary constraints into arcs, the algorithm efficiently checks for consistency and removes conflicting values.

Binary Constraints and Arcs

Binary constraints represent relationships between two variables. In the AC3 algorithm, each binary constraint is split into two arcs, corresponding to the left-HAND side and the right-hand side of the constraint. For example, a constraint A is not equal to B becomes two arcs: A is not equal to B and B is not equal to A.

How the AC3 Algorithm Works

The AC3 algorithm works by iteratively processing the arcs in an agenda. The agenda initially contains all the arcs derived from the binary constraints.

During each iteration, the algorithm selects an arc from the agenda and checks if there exists a consistent value for each variable on the left-hand side of the arc. If a value is found to be inconsistent with the constraint, it is pruned from the domain of the corresponding variable. The algorithm continues iterating through the agenda until it is empty.

The result is an arc consistent problem, where each variable has a domain that satisfies all constraints. This Simplified problem can then be solved using standard methods.

Example: Solving a Constraint Satisfaction Problem using AC3

Let's walk through an example to understand how the AC3 algorithm works in practice.

Defining the Variables and Constraints

Suppose we have three variables: A, B, and C. Each variable can take values from {1, 2, 3}. The constraints are: A must be greater than B, and B must be equal to C.

Creating Arcs and Building the Agenda

To apply the AC3 algorithm, we first create the arcs corresponding to the binary constraints:

  • Arc A is greater than B
  • Arc B is less than A
  • Arc B is equal to C
  • Arc C is equal to B

Next, we add all the arcs to our agenda.

Iterating Through the Agenda

Arc A is Greater Than B

We select the first arc from the agenda, "A is greater than B." We check each value of A (1, 2, and 3) and find consistent values for B:

  • If A is 1, there is no value of B less than 1, so we prune 1 from the domain of A.
  • If A is 2, the value of B can be 1.
  • If A is 3, the value of B can be 1 or 2.

After pruning, we update the domain of A and check for any arcs that have A on the right-hand side. In this case, the arc "B is less than A" is already on the agenda, so we don't add it again.

Arc B is Equal to C

We move on to the next arc, "B is equal to C." We check each value of B (1, 2, and 3) and find consistent values for C:

  • If B is 1, C can be 1 or 2.
  • If B is 2, C can be 1 or 2.
  • If B is 3, there is no value of C that satisfies the constraint, so we prune 3 from the domain of B.

Since the domain of B has changed, we add the arcs "C is equal to B" and "A is greater than B" back to the agenda for rechecking.

Arc C is Equal to B

We check the arc "C is equal to B" again. For each value of C, we find consistent values for B:

  • If C is 1, B can be 1 or 2.
  • If C is 2, B can be 1 or 2.

No values need to be pruned, so we remove the constraint and proceed.

Arc A is Greater Than B (Revisited)

We revisit the arc "A is greater than B" and check each value of A:

  • If A is 2, B can be 1.

No changes occur, and we move forward.

Arc B is Equal to C (Revisited)

Lastly, we recheck the arc "B is equal to C." Since the variable C has changed, we iterate through the values of B:

  • If B is 1, C can be 1 or 2.
  • If B is 2, C can be 1 or 2.

Having completed all the arcs, there are no remaining items on the agenda. The problem is now arc consistent.

Benefits of the AC3 Algorithm

The AC3 algorithm offers several benefits in solving constraint satisfaction problems:

  • Simplicity: The algorithm simplifies the problem by reducing the domains of variables based on constraint consistency.
  • Efficiency: By pruning inconsistent values, the algorithm significantly reduces the search space, leading to faster problem solving.
  • Versatility: The AC3 algorithm can handle a wide range of constraint satisfaction problems, making it a versatile tool in various domains.
  • Compatibility: AC3 can be combined with other algorithms, such as backtracking, to further improve problem-solving efficiency.

Limitations and Challenges

While the AC3 algorithm provides valuable advantages, it also has limitations and challenges to consider:

  • Complexity: In some cases, the AC3 algorithm can be computationally expensive, especially when dealing with large constraint networks.
  • Trade-off between consistency and efficiency: Pruning too aggressively can lead to overly constrained domains, potentially missing valid solutions.
  • Domain pruning accuracy: The algorithm's effectiveness heavily relies on identifying all inconsistent values accurately. Small deviations or errors can impact the accuracy of results.
  • Constraint representation: The AC3 algorithm assumes binary constraints, requiring additional preprocessing for non-binary constraints.
  • Dependence on variable order: The order in which variables are processed can affect the algorithm's efficiency and effectiveness. Different orders may yield different results.


The AC3 algorithm is an effective approach to simplify constraint satisfaction problems by reducing the search space through domain pruning. By iteratively checking arcs and removing inconsistent values, the algorithm transforms the problem into an arc consistent form. While it offers benefits like simplicity and efficiency, it also has limitations and challenges that must be considered. Ultimately, the AC3 algorithm provides a valuable tool in solving a wide range of constraint satisfaction problems.


  • The AC3 algorithm simplifies constraint satisfaction problems by pruning values from variable domains based on constraint consistency.
  • It transforms binary constraints into arcs and iteratively checks each arc to ensure consistency between variables.
  • By reducing the search space, the AC3 algorithm improves problem-solving efficiency.
  • However, the algorithm faces challenges, such as complexity, accuracy of domain pruning, and dependence on variable order.
  • The AC3 algorithm is a versatile tool in various domains, offering benefits of simplicity, efficiency, and compatibility.


Q: Can the AC3 algorithm handle non-binary constraints?
A: The AC3 algorithm assumes binary constraints. Non-binary constraints need to be preprocessed into a binary form before applying the algorithm.

Q: What happens if the AC3 algorithm prunes all values of a variable?
A: If all values are pruned from a variable's domain, it indicates that no solution exists that satisfies the constraints. The problem becomes unsolvable.

Q: Is the AC3 algorithm guaranteed to find a solution?
A: The AC3 algorithm guarantees finding a solution if one exists. However, in some cases, it may prune values excessively, leading to overly constrained domains and potentially missing valid solutions.

Q: Can the AC3 algorithm be combined with other algorithms?
A: Yes, the AC3 algorithm can be combined with other algorithms, such as backtracking, to improve problem-solving efficiency and search space reduction.

Q: How does the AC3 algorithm handle large constraint networks?
A: The AC3 algorithm can become computationally expensive when dealing with large constraint networks. In such cases, domain pruning accuracy and algorithm efficiency need to be carefully considered.

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