Start with Azure OpenAI and GPT Models in Just 6 Minutes

Start with Azure OpenAI and GPT Models in Just 6 Minutes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Azure Open AI
  3. Setting up a Resource in Azure Open AI
  4. Exploring Features in Azure Open AI
    • 4.1 Using the Endpoint
    • 4.2 Obtaining Keys and Endpoint
    • 4.3 Accessing Different AI Models
    • 4.4 Model Deployments in Azure Open AI Studio
    • 4.5 Chat Playground
    • 4.6 Completions Playground
    • 4.7 Bring Your Own Data
    • 4.8 Dolly for Image Generation
  5. Creating a New Model Deployment
  6. Selecting Model and Version
  7. Using the Model for Tasks
    • 7.1 Using Completions Playground
    • 7.2 Generating an Email
    • 7.3 Writing a Product Launch
    • 7.4 Exploring Email Structure and Content
  8. Creating Additional Model Deployments
  9. Integrating Azure Open AI in Applications
  10. Conclusion

Getting Started with Azure Open AI

Azure Open AI is a powerful platform that allows you to harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this article, we will explore how to get started with Azure Open AI, set up a resource, and explore its various features.

Setting up a Resource in Azure Open AI

To begin using Azure Open AI, you need to set up a resource. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to and navigate to Azure Open AI.
  2. Choose your subscription and select a resource group.
  3. Provide a unique name for the resource and select the desired pricing tier.
  4. Review the configuration and submit the creation of the resource.

Once the deployment is complete, you can access the resource and explore its features.

Exploring Features in Azure Open AI

Azure Open AI offers a range of features to enhance your AI experience. Let's take a closer look at some of these features:

Using the Endpoint

The endpoint in Azure Open AI is a crucial component for interacting with AI models. You can find the endpoint in the resource settings or by accessing the keys and endpoint section.

Obtaining Keys and Endpoint

To access the keys and endpoint, navigate to the resource and click on the "Keys and Endpoint" option. Here, you can obtain the necessary keys for authentication and interact with the endpoint.

Accessing Different AI Models

Azure Open AI provides access to various AI models. Explore the available models and select the one that suits your requirements. You can choose from GPT3, GPT4, and other models depending on their availability.

Model Deployments in Azure Open AI Studio

Azure Open AI Studio allows you to manage model deployments efficiently. Select your subscription and choose the desired resource. You can create new deployments and manage existing ones from this interface.

Chat Playground

The chat playground in Azure Open AI Studio offers a convenient environment for testing chatbot functionalities. You can simulate conversations and evaluate the responses generated by the AI model.

Completions Playground

The completions playground in Azure Open AI Studio enables you to generate text completions based on provided prompts. This feature is ideal for tasks like email generation or content creation.

Bring Your Own Data

Azure Open AI allows you to upload your own data, including WORD documents, PowerPoint presentations, and more. You can utilize GPT-like functionality to generate insights and summaries from these documents.

Dolly for Image Generation

With Dolly, you can generate images using Azure Open AI. This feature is particularly useful for tasks like image synthesis, style transfer, and more.

Creating a New Model Deployment

To create a new model deployment in Azure Open AI, follow these steps:

  1. Access Azure Open AI Studio.
  2. Select the desired subscription and the resource you want to use.
  3. Choose the model you wish to deploy, such as GPT35 Turbo.
  4. Specify the model version, ensuring compatibility with desired functionalities.
  5. Provide a name for the deployment and proceed with its creation.

Once the deployment is complete, you can start utilizing the model for various tasks.

Using the Model for Tasks

Now that you have a model deployed in Azure Open AI, let's explore how you can use it effectively for different tasks.

Using Completions Playground

Navigate to the completions playground and select your model. The playground offers pre-defined prompts that can serve as a starting point for generating text completions.

Generating an Email

Let's take the example of generating an email using Azure Open AI. Select the appropriate Prompt or provide your own, and let the model work its magic. The AI model will generate a response based on the given input.

Writing a Product Launch

Another task you can accomplish with Azure Open AI is writing a product launch. Provide the necessary details and specifications, and the AI model will generate a product launch email for you.

Exploring Email Structure and Content

As the AI model generates emails or other forms of text, you can analyze the structure and content it produces. Azure Open AI provides insights into the email structure, including subject lines, salutations, and other fundamental elements.

Creating Additional Model Deployments

If you require multiple models for different tasks, Azure Open AI allows you to create additional model deployments. Simply follow the same process as before, selecting the desired model and version for each deployment.

Integrating Azure Open AI in Applications

Now that you are familiar with Azure Open AI and its capabilities, you might be Wondering how to integrate it into your own applications. Stay tuned for our next video, where we will explore the process of integrating Azure Open AI into various applications.


Azure Open AI is a powerful tool for harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence. In this article, we covered how to get started with Azure Open AI, set up a resource, explore its features, and use AI models for various tasks. By leveraging Azure Open AI, you can unlock new possibilities in AI-driven applications and improve user experiences.


  • Get started with Azure Open AI and explore its capabilities.
  • Set up a resource in Azure Open AI and familiarize yourself with the interface.
  • Use the endpoint and obtain keys for authentication.
  • Access a range of AI models and create deployments in Azure Open AI Studio.
  • Experiment with the chat and completions playgrounds for various AI tasks.
  • Upload your own data and generate insights using GPT-like functionality.
  • Generate images with Dolly in Azure Open AI.
  • Utilize the model for tasks like email generation and product launches.
  • Analyze email structure and content generated by the AI model.
  • Create multiple model deployments for different use cases.
  • Prepare for integrating Azure Open AI into your own applications.


Q: Can I use Azure Open AI in my applications? A: Yes, Azure Open AI can be integrated into your own applications. Stay tuned for our next video, where we will explore the process in detail.

Q: How many AI models are available in Azure Open AI? A: Azure Open AI provides access to various AI models, including GPT3 and GPT4, depending on their availability.

Q: Can I upload my own data for analysis in Azure Open AI? A: Yes, you can upload Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and other files for analysis and generate insights using GPT-like functionality.

Q: How can I generate images using Azure Open AI? A: With Dolly, you can generate images in Azure Open AI. This feature is useful for tasks like image synthesis and style transfer.


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