Streamline Slide Deck Creation with ChatGPT and Slides AI

Streamline Slide Deck Creation with ChatGPT and Slides AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using Chat GPT to Create a Slide Deck
    1. Prompting Chat GPT for Slide Deck Creation
    2. Enhancing the Slide Deck with Stories
  3. Using Slides AI to Generate the Slide Deck
    1. Installing Slides AI Extension
    2. Generating Slides with Chat GPT Output
    3. Customizing the Slide Deck with Slides AI
  4. Advantages and Limitations of AI in Slide Deck Creation
    1. Pros
    2. Cons
  5. Conclusion

Using Chat GPT and Slides AI for Quick and Engaging Slide Deck Creation

In today's fast-paced world, creating compelling slide decks is essential for various purposes such as presentations, sharing on social media, or turning into PDFs. In this article, we will explore how to leverage the power of AI to quickly generate a slide deck using Chat GPT and enhance it with stories. Additionally, we will learn how to use Slides AI, a Google Slides extension, to streamline and customize the slide deck creation process.

1. Introduction

Slide decks are a popular means of delivering information and engaging an audience. However, manually creating slide decks can be time-consuming and tedious. With the advancements in AI technology, we now have tools like Chat GPT and Slides AI that can help us automate and simplify the slide deck creation process.

2. Using Chat GPT to Create a Slide Deck

2.1 Prompting Chat GPT for Slide Deck Creation

Chat GPT is a powerful AI language model that can generate human-like text Based on Prompts. To create a slide deck using Chat GPT, we can prompt it with specific instructions and details about the intended audience and desired content. By setting clear expectations, we can obtain accurate and Relevant tips for storytelling, leadership, or any other topic.

2.2 Enhancing the Slide Deck with Stories

While Chat GPT can provide valuable tips and bullet points for the slide deck, it may lack story examples. To overcome this limitation, we can prompt Chat GPT with additional instructions. By providing specific scenarios and asking for story examples, we can enhance the slide deck's content with engaging narratives.

3. Using Slides AI to Generate the Slide Deck

To convert the generated text from Chat GPT into a visually appealing slide deck, we can utilize Slides AI, a Google Slides extension. By installing Slides AI and integrating it with Google Slides, we can automate the process of generating slides and formatting them based on the provided text. This saves us time and effort compared to manually copying and pasting text into slides.

3.1 Installing Slides AI Extension

To begin using Slides AI, we need to install the Slides AI extension for Google Slides. A simple search for "" will lead us to the extension, which can be installed following a few easy steps.

3.2 Generating Slides with Chat GPT Output

Once the Slides AI extension is installed, we can open Google Slides and access the extensions. We then paste the output from Chat GPT into the Slides AI interface. By specifying the number of slides, the presentation style, and any additional preferences, Slides AI will automatically generate the slide deck based on the provided text.

3.3 Customizing the Slide Deck with Slides AI

Slides AI also offers customization options to tailor the slide deck further. We can select different themes and styles, experiment with various images recommended by the tool, or manually add images that Align with our content. This customization ensures that the slide deck reflects our unique branding and storytelling style.

4. Advantages and Limitations of AI in Slide Deck Creation

As with any technology, there are pros and cons to using AI for slide deck creation.

4.1 Pros

  • Time-saving: AI Tools like Chat GPT and Slides AI significantly reduce the time and effort required to create professional-looking slide decks.
  • Creative inspiration: AI-generated content can serve as a starting point and source of inspiration for further refinement and customization.
  • Efficiency: The automation of slide deck generation allows presenters to focus more on crafting engaging narratives and delivering compelling presentations.

4.2 Cons

  • Lack of Context: AI models may generate content without fully understanding the specific context or nuances required for a particular audience or topic.
  • Overdependence on AI: Relying solely on AI-generated content without manual intervention can lead to generic or impersonal slide decks.
  • Limitations in accuracy: While AI models have improved significantly, they may still produce errors or inaccuracies that require human intervention and editing.

5. Conclusion

AI-powered tools like Chat GPT and Slides AI offer a convenient and efficient way to create slide decks. By leveraging the strengths of AI algorithms and combining them with human creativity and customization, presenters can craft engaging, visually appealing slide decks that captivate their audience. While AI is not without its limitations, it provides a valuable resource and starting point for slide deck creation.


  1. Create professional slide decks quickly using AI-powered tools.
  2. Prompt Chat GPT to generate slide deck content tailored to your audience and topic.
  3. Enhance slide decks with captivating storytelling using Chat GPT's story examples.
  4. Install Slides AI extension in Google Slides to automate slide generation and formatting.
  5. Customize slide decks with themes, styles, and images to match your brand and narratives.
  6. Save time and effort with AI automation, allowing more focus on content refinement.
  7. AI-generated content can inspire creativity and serve as a starting point for customization.
  8. Understand the limitations of AI and the need for human intervention and editing.
  9. Strike a balance between AI automation and manual intervention for personalized slide decks.
  10. AI-powered slide deck creation streamlines the process and empowers presenters to deliver engaging presentations.


Q: Can Chat GPT provide story examples for slide decks? A: Yes, by prompting Chat GPT with specific instructions for story examples, it can generate narratives to enhance slide deck content.

Q: How can Slides AI help with slide deck customization? A: Slides AI offers themes, styles, and image recommendations to customize the slide deck's appearance and ensure a visually appealing presentation.

Q: Should I solely rely on AI-generated content for slide decks? A: It's recommended to use AI-generated content as a starting point and then manually refine and customize it to reflect your unique style, context, and branding.

Q: What are the advantages of using AI in slide deck creation? A: AI saves time, provides creative inspiration, and streamlines the slide deck creation process, allowing presenters to focus on crafting engaging narratives.

Q: Are there any limitations to using AI for slide deck creation? A: AI may lack context, requires human intervention for accuracy, and can lead to generic content if overdependent on without personal customization.

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