Streamline Your ML Workflow with Vertex AI Pipelines

Streamline Your ML Workflow with Vertex AI Pipelines

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the GitHub Repository
  3. The Role of Vertex AI in Machine Learning
  4. The O2 Series: Exploring Different Machine Learning Workflows
  5. Setting Up the Environment
  6. Creating a Data Set from BigQuery
  7. Building an AutoML Model Using the Data Set
  8. Deploying the Model to an Endpoint
  9. Making Predictions and Getting Explanations
  10. Using Vertex AI Pipelines for Model Training
  11. Running the Pipeline and Deploying the Model
  12. Monitoring Model Performance and Re-training
  13. Using Batch Predictions for Large Data Sets
  14. Summary and Future Considerations
  15. FAQ


Welcome to the o2c series of videos, where we explore end-to-end machine learning workflows using Vertex AI. In this series, we cover various topics related to machine learning operations, including data preparation, model training, evaluation, deployment, and more. I'm Mike, and I'll be your guide throughout this series.

Overview of the GitHub Repository

To follow along with the examples in this series, make sure You have accessed the GitHub repository containing the necessary notebooks. The repository contains all the code and resources you need to run the workflows we discuss.

The Role of Vertex AI in Machine Learning

Vertex AI is a powerful tool for machine learning operations. It provides a range of services and features that simplify and streamline the process of building, training, and deploying machine learning models. In this series, we focus specifically on using Vertex AI to build and deploy models.

The O2 Series: Exploring Different Machine Learning Workflows

The o2 series is a collection of videos that Delve into different ways of approaching machine learning workflows. Each video explores a unique workflow or technique, showcasing different aspects of Vertex AI and how it can be used effectively. In the o2c video, we focus on using Vertex AI Pipelines to build and deploy models.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we dive into the specifics of the o2c series, we need to set up our environment. This involves creating a project, installing the necessary dependencies, and preparing the data set we'll be using. Follow the instructions in the o2c notebook to ensure your environment is properly configured.

Creating a Data Set from BigQuery

To begin our machine learning workflow, we'll Create a data set from a BigQuery table. This data set will serve as the foundation for our model training process. In the o2c notebook, we walk through the steps of creating the data set and discuss the considerations involved.

Building an AutoML Model Using the Data Set

With our data set prepared, we can now proceed to build an AutoML model using Vertex AI. AutoML is a powerful feature that automates the process of building and training machine learning models. In the o2c notebook, we cover the steps involved in using AutoML to train our model.

Deploying the Model to an Endpoint

Once our model is trained, we can deploy it to an endpoint, making it accessible for making predictions. Deploying the model allows us to utilize its capabilities and leverage it in real-world scenarios. The o2c notebook provides instructions on how to deploy our model using Vertex AI.

Making Predictions and Getting Explanations

With our model deployed, we can now make predictions and obtain explanations for those predictions. Predictions allow us to leverage the model's capabilities in various applications, while explanations help us understand the factors driving those predictions. In the o2c notebook, we demonstrate how to make predictions and retrieve explanations from our model.

Using Vertex AI Pipelines for Model Training

Vertex AI Pipelines provide a powerful framework for building and orchestrating machine learning workflows. In the o2c notebook, we explore the concept of pipelines and how they can be used to automate and streamline the model training process. We discuss the components involved and demonstrate how to define a pipeline and run it.

Running the Pipeline and Deploying the Model

With our pipeline defined, we can run it to train our model and deploy it to an endpoint. The o2c notebook walks through the steps of running the pipeline and monitoring its progress. We discuss the benefits of using pipelines and how they simplify the process of model training and deployment.

Monitoring Model Performance and Re-training

Once our model is deployed, it's important to monitor its performance and consider re-training if necessary. In the o2c notebook, we discuss techniques for monitoring model performance and making informed decisions about re-training. We explore the concept of model monitoring and its significance in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our models.

Using Batch Predictions for Large Data Sets

In some cases, we may need to process large data sets and make predictions in batch. The o2c notebook covers the concept of batch predictions and how they can be used to efficiently process large amounts of data. We demonstrate how to set up and run batch prediction jobs using Vertex AI.

Summary and Future Considerations

In summary, the o2c series provides a comprehensive overview of machine learning workflows using Vertex AI. From data preparation to model training and deployment, we cover all the essential steps and discuss best practices along the way. We also highlight the importance of monitoring model performance and considering re-training when necessary.

These videos serve as a starting point for your exploration of Vertex AI and the world of machine learning operations. As you Continue your Journey, remember to stay curious, keep learning, and leverage the resources available to you for further exploration and experimentation.


Q: What is the purpose of Vertex AI? A: Vertex AI is a powerful tool for machine learning operations. It simplifies and streamlines the process of building, training, and deploying machine learning models.

Q: How do I set up my environment to follow along with the o2c series? A: The o2c notebook provides detailed instructions for setting up your environment. Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed and that you have access to the GitHub repository containing the notebooks.

Q: Can I use Vertex AI for custom model training? A: Yes, Vertex AI supports custom model training using frameworks like TensorFlow. In the o4 series, we explore custom modeling techniques using Vertex AI.

Q: How can I monitor the performance of my deployed model? A: Vertex AI provides tools for monitoring model performance, such as model monitoring and performance metrics. These tools help you track the accuracy and reliability of your models over time.

Q: Can I automate the re-training of my models? A: Yes, you can set up automated workflows to monitor model performance and trigger re-training when necessary. This ensures that your models stay up to date and continue to perform well.

Q: How can I leverage batch predictions for large data sets? A: Batch predictions allow you to process large amounts of data and make predictions in bulk. This is useful when dealing with large data sets that would be impractical to process in real-time.

Q: What are explanations in machine learning models? A: Explanations provide insights into the factors driving predictions made by machine learning models. They help understand why a model made a certain prediction and enable better interpretation and decision-making.

Q: Why should I use Vertex AI Pipelines? A: Vertex AI Pipelines provide a framework for automating and orchestrating machine learning workflows. They simplify the process of model training and deployment, enable easy monitoring and re-training, and allow for efficient batch processing.

Q: How can I contribute to the o2c series or provide feedback? A: If you have suggestions or feedback, please visit the GitHub repository for this series and create a new issue. Your contributions are highly valued and help improve the content for other viewers.

Q: Can I use Vertex AI without coding experience? A: Vertex AI provides a user-friendly interface and various tools to simplify machine learning operations. While some coding knowledge can be beneficial, it is not necessarily required to get started with Vertex AI.

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