Supercharge Your Automation with Ansible Light Speed

Supercharge Your Automation with Ansible Light Speed

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of AI in Automation 2.1 The Role of AI in Job Replacement 2.2 AI as a Productivity Enhancer
  3. Introduction to Ansible 3.1 What is Ansible? 3.2 Why Use Ansible?
  4. Ansible Playbooks and Inventory 4.1 Understanding Playbooks 4.2 The Importance of Inventory
  5. Introducing Ansible Light Speed with Watson X Code Assistant 5.1 The Benefits of Ansible Light Speed 5.2 How Ansible Light Speed Works
  6. Getting Started with Ansible Light Speed 6.1 Installing the Ansible Extension for VS Code 6.2 Configuring Ansible Light Speed
  7. AI-Generated Playbooks 7.1 Generating Multitask Playbooks 7.2 Fine-Tuning the AI Model
  8. Ushering in a New Era of Automation with AI 8.1 Full Playbook Generation 8.2 Rest APIs for Integration 8.3 Content Discovery and Optimization 8.4 Content Source Matching and Attribution
  9. The Future of Ansible Light Speed 9.1 Continuous Improvement through User Feedback 9.2 Custom Post-Processing and Rulebook Recommendations
  10. Conclusion

Ansible Light Speed: Transforming Automation with AI 👩‍💻🚀

Automation has become a crucial aspect of modern IT operations. IT professionals are constantly searching for ways to improve productivity and streamline their processes. With the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), the potential for automation has reached new heights. One such example is Ansible Light Speed with Watson X Code Assistant, a groundbreaking product launched by Anel to enhance the power of automation without replacing human workers.


In today's presentation, we will explore the immense value that AI brings to the world of automation. We will delve into the capabilities of Ansible Light Speed and how it's designed to work in perfect harmony with AI. But before we begin, let's address the question asked by Ramy earlier: Is AI here to replace our jobs? Surprisingly, the answer is no. AI is here to augment our abilities and make us more productive. Ansible Light Speed is a prime example of how AI can empower us to do more with automation.

The Power of AI in Automation

The Role of AI in Job Replacement

Contrary to popular belief, AI is not out to replace human workers. Instead, it aims to enhance our capabilities and make us more effective at our jobs. AI excels in repetitive tasks and data analysis, freeing up valuable time for human workers to focus on more strategic and creative activities. Ansible Light Speed with Watson X Code Assistant is a perfect example of how AI empowers us to be more productive and efficient in our day-to-day tasks, without the fear of job displacement.

AI as a Productivity Enhancer

Ansible, a powerful automation tool, enables organizations to automate their servers, infrastructure, and applications. It offers a wide range of use cases, from IT systems automation to cloud security and networking. With Ansible, you can automate tasks that were once manual, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. Ansible Light Speed takes this productivity to the next level by incorporating AI capabilities. It helps users write high-quality automation code more efficiently and at a faster pace, providing intelligent suggestions and recommendations.

Introduction to Ansible

What is Ansible?

Ansible is a connectionless and straightforward automation system that allows you to automate various aspects of IT infrastructure. It uses a local machine to deploy Ansible, which then connects to remote servers using SSH to perform desired tasks. The fundamental components of Ansible are Playbooks and Inventory. Playbooks contain the instructions for Ansible to execute on remote machines, while Inventory is a file that defines the servers and their groupings.

Why Use Ansible?

Ansible offers a comprehensive portfolio of automation capabilities, making it a versatile tool for IT professionals. Whether you're managing IT infrastructure, deploying applications, or ensuring edge security, Ansible can handle it all. Its simplicity, extensibility, and broad community support make it the go-to automation tool for many organizations. With Ansible, you can achieve operational efficiency, free up valuable time, and unlock the full potential of your IT operations.

Ansible Playbooks and Inventory

Understanding Playbooks

Playbooks are the heart and soul of Ansible. They contain a set of instructions, written in YAML language, that Ansible needs to execute on remote machines. Playbooks allow you to define tasks, provide task descriptions for Clarity, and ensure that your automation code is readable and maintainable. You can automate various tasks, from initializing server configurations to starting services and creating containers.

The Importance of Inventory

Inventory plays a crucial role in Ansible automation. It is a file that defines your servers and their groupings, allowing Ansible to know where the tasks need to be performed. With Ansible, you can define both static and dynamic inventories, making it adaptable to your infrastructure needs. By properly defining your inventory, you can ensure precise control over your automation tasks and unleash the full potential of Ansible.

Introducing Ansible Light Speed with Watson X Code Assistant

The Benefits of Ansible Light Speed

Ansible Light Speed with Watson X Code Assistant brings the power of AI to Ansible automation. It aims to fill the skill gap in automation by making Ansible more accessible and productive for IT professionals. By providing intelligent suggestions and recommendations, Ansible Light Speed enables developers to write better automation code, improve efficiency, and save valuable time. It acts as a friend and collaborator, making automation more productive and efficient.

How Ansible Light Speed Works

Ansible Light Speed leverages the Watson X Code Assistant to infuse AI into the automation workflow. The VS Code extension acts as the interface for users to interact with the AI-powered suggestions. When a developer writes code using the Ansible extension, the Prompt is sent to the Light Speed service, which performs pre-processing and then forwards it to the model hosting service. The model hosting service, powered by IBM Watson, generates suggestions based on the prompt and sends them back to the Light Speed service. The suggestions are further processed and displayed in the VS Code terminal for the developer to review and accept.

Getting Started with Ansible Light Speed

To start using Ansible Light Speed, you need to install the Ansible extension for VS Code. The extension provides language-specific features, auto-completion, and diagnostic tools, making it easier to write high-quality automation code. Once the extension is installed, you can configure Ansible Light Speed by enabling it and specifying the endpoint for the Light Speed service. This seamless integration allows developers to harness the power of AI with minimal setup and effort.

AI-Generated Playbooks

Ansible Light Speed introduces AI-generated Playbooks, making it easier than ever to create automation code. With AI, you can generate multitask Playbooks based on natural language prompts. The AI analyzes the prompt and provides accurate suggestions for the desired tasks. While the AI is not perfect, it continues to improve over time with user feedback. By accepting or rejecting the suggestions, developers can guide the AI to better understand their intent and generate more accurate Playbooks.

Generating Multitask Playbooks

With Ansible Light Speed, you can generate Playbooks consisting of multiple tasks by combining various prompts into a single comment. The AI analyzes the prompts and provides suggestions for each task. The suggestions include task descriptions, module recommendations, and syntax that adhere to the latest Ansible best practices. While the AI provides valuable suggestions, developers can review and modify the generated Playbooks to ensure they meet their specific requirements.

Fine-Tuning the AI Model

Ansible Light Speed is a powerful tool, but it understands that each organization may have its own coding standards and best practices. To address this, there are plans to support model fine-tuning in the future. This means organizations will be able to provide their own Ansible content for training a custom AI model. By fine-tuning the model, organizations can ensure that the suggestions Align with their unique requirements, further enhancing the productivity and effectiveness of Ansible Light Speed.

Ushering in a New Era of Automation with AI

Ansible Light Speed is just the beginning of a transformative journey. There are exciting plans on the horizon to expand the capabilities of Ansible Light Speed and deliver even more value to users.

Full Playbook Generation

In the near future, Ansible Light Speed will support the generation of full Playbooks. Developers will be able to provide a high-level description, and the AI will generate the entire Playbook based on natural language prompts. This streamlined workflow will save time and enable developers to focus on high-value tasks.

Rest APIs for Integration

Ansible Light Speed will also introduce REST APIs, allowing for seamless integration into CI/CD pipelines and other automation workflows. With REST APIs, developers can access the power of Ansible Light Speed programmatically, expanding its use across different platforms and environments.

Content Discovery and Optimization

To further improve the automation experience, Ansible Light Speed will offer content discovery and optimization. The AI will analyze existing Playbooks and suggest improvements or debug capabilities. It will also provide insights into similar Playbooks or recommend ways to optimize existing code. This intelligent feedback loop will enhance the quality and efficiency of Ansible automation.

Content Source Matching and Attribution

Ansible Light Speed values the contributions of the Ansible community. Developers who have written code and made it available in open-source repositories will receive due recognition through content source matching. Users can browse through the content matches, view the source, and understand the licenses associated with it. This feature fosters a sense of collaboration and transparency within the Ansible community.

The Future of Ansible Light Speed

Ansible Light Speed is committed to continuous improvement and delivering even greater value to users. The following are some of the future plans for Ansible Light Speed:

Continuous Improvement through User Feedback

Ansible Light Speed team values user feedback. By closely listening to users and acting on their suggestions, the AI model and user experience will continue to evolve and improve over time. Users play a crucial role in shaping the future of Ansible Light Speed.

Custom Post-Processing and Rulebook Recommendations

Ansible Light Speed aims to provide fine-grained control and customization options to users. This includes offering custom post-processing capabilities and providing personalized rulebook recommendations based on specific requirements. These features will empower users to tailor Ansible Light Speed to their unique needs and preferences.


Ansible Light Speed with Watson X Code Assistant represents the next generation of automation tools. By combining the power of AI with the simplicity and versatility of Ansible, it enables organizations to achieve higher levels of productivity, efficiency, and reliability in their automation workflows. Whether you're a seasoned Ansible user or new to automation, Ansible Light Speed offers an intuitive and powerful solution that will revolutionize the way you approach automation. Embrace the future of automation with Ansible Light Speed and unlock your full potential.

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