Supercharge Your Coding with AI Code Understanding

Supercharge Your Coding with AI Code Understanding

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Enabling Code Understanding
  3. Using the Better Panel
  4. Managing Reports
  5. Indexing Repositories
  6. Asking Questions to Twitter
  7. Getting Answers Based on Code
  8. Opening a Separate Folder
  9. Enabling AI for Code Understanding
  10. Deleting and Reindexing Repositories
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the steps to effectively use Petuno's code understanding functionality. By enabling code understanding in the Better panel, you can gain insights into your code and receive answers to related questions. We will cover topics such as enabling code understanding, managing repositories, indexing folders, and utilizing the capabilities of Petuno to get answers based on your code.

Enabling Code Understanding

To get started with Petuno's code understanding, you need to enable it for each project you open. When you open a new project, the Better panel will Prompt you to enable code indexing. This step allows Petuno to understand your code and provide Relevant answers. You can choose to enable it immediately or postpone the decision for later.

Using the Better Panel

Once code understanding is enabled, you will see a new icon in the Better panel. This icon allows you to manage your reports and repositories. By clicking on it, you can view all the repositories you have opened and check their indexing status. The panel provides an overview of indexed and non-indexed repositories, indicating the progress of indexing.

Managing Reports

In the Better panel, you can find a list of all the repositories you have opened. It shows whether each repository is indexed or not. By clicking on the three dots next to a repository, you have the option to delete it from the list. This action does not delete the actual repository but removes its index from Petuno. If you wish to get answers based on the code within that repository in the future, you can reindex it.

Indexing Repositories

To enable Petuno to understand your code, you need to start indexing the repositories you have opened. You can manually start indexing at any time by clicking on the "Start Index" button in the Better panel. This process will analyze and index the current repository or folder. A yellow folder icon denotes that indexing is in progress, while a green icon signifies that indexing is complete.

Asking Questions to Petuno

Once indexing is complete, Petuno is ready to answer questions based on your code. To get answers related to your code, use terms like "my code," "my project," "my repository," or "my repo" when asking questions to Petuno. By doing so, Petuno understands that you want code-specific answers and utilizes the index it has created to provide accurate responses.

Getting Answers Based on Code

With Petuno's code understanding capabilities, you can easily obtain answers based on the code within the opened folder. By asking questions related to your code, Petuno will utilize the indexed data to find the relevant information. Whether you need assistance with code installation or understanding code changes, Petuno has got you covered.

Opening a Separate Folder

If you open a separate folder or repository, Petuno will recognize it as a new project. It will prompt you to enable code understanding specifically for that folder. You can choose to enable it and allow Petuno to index the new project, ensuring that you can make use of Petuno's code understanding capabilities for each individual project.

Enabling AI for Code Understanding

By enabling AI for code understanding, you empower Petuno to analyze, interpret, and provide accurate answers based on your code. When prompted, click on "Enable" in the Better panel to allow Petuno to comprehensively understand the code within the opened folder. This process will improve Petuno's ability to answer code-related questions effectively.

Deleting and Reindexing Repositories

If you no longer wish to use a specific folder or repository with Petuno's code understanding feature, you can delete it from the list in the Better panel. This action removes the repository's index from Petuno's data. However, if you later decide to get answers based on the code within that repository again, you can reindex it by clicking on "Start Index."


Petuno's code understanding feature enhances your coding experience by providing accurate answers and insights based on your code. By following the steps to enable code understanding, manage repositories, and utilize Petuno's capabilities effectively, you can enhance your productivity and streamline your coding process. Explore the wealth of information Petuno can offer and make the most out of your coding endeavors.


  • Enable code understanding to gain insights into your code
  • Use the Better panel to manage repositories and check indexing status
  • Start indexing to allow Petuno to comprehend your code
  • Ask questions related to your code and receive accurate answers
  • Reindex repositories to get answers based on the code within them


Q: Can I enable code understanding later after opening a project? A: Yes, Petuno allows you to enable code understanding later if you choose to do so.

Q: Can I delete a repository from the list without deleting the actual repository? A: Yes, you can remove a repository's index from Petuno without deleting the repository itself.

Q: How do I reindex a repository I previously deleted from the list? A: Simply click on "Start Index" for the respective repository in the Better panel to reindex it.

Q: Can I get answers based on different projects separately? A: Yes, opening a separate folder prompts Petuno to enable code understanding specifically for that project.

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