Supercharge Your Excel with ChatGPT!

Supercharge Your Excel with ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Generating Sample Data Sets within Excel
    1. Using Chatbot BT to Generate Sample Data Sets
    2. Calling Azure OpenAI Service from Office Scripts
    3. Generating Sample Data Sets in JSON Format
    4. Creating Tables from Sample Data Sets
  3. Performing Functions on Excel Workbooks using Chat GPT
    1. Creating Multiple Prompts for Scripts
    2. Summarizing Text based on Selected Cell
    3. Running Calculations and Other Functions
  4. Enabling Office Scripts in Excel
  5. The Azure OpenAI Service
    1. Using the Chat Completion Service
    2. Exploring the Response Format
  6. The Azure OpenAI Studio
    1. Viewing Code and Endpoint Address
    2. Different Language Implementations
  7. Writing Data Back to Excel
  8. Generating Descriptions with AI Assistant
    1. Providing Short Descriptions of Text
    2. Using Selected Cell Text for Descriptions
  9. Interactive Prompts with AI Assistant
    1. Following Instructions Provided by User
    2. Performing Calculations and Generating Text
    3. Generating Email Replies and Jokes
  10. Conclusion

🖥️ Generating Sample Data Sets within Excel

Excel is a powerful tool that allows users to manipulate and analyze data. One common task is generating sample data sets for proof of concept or testing purposes. In this section, we will explore different methods of generating sample data sets within Excel and how to leverage Office Scripts to automate this process.

Using Chatbot BT to Generate Sample Data Sets

Traditionally, when needing a sample data set, users would ask a chatbot like BT for assistance. However, we can now go beyond that and call an API directly from within an Office script. This opens up new possibilities for generating sample data sets in various formats.

Calling Azure OpenAI Service from Office Scripts

One such API that we can call is the Azure OpenAI service. By using Office Scripts, we can directly interact with the OpenAI service or the plain old OpenAI service from within an Excel spreadsheet. This allows us to generate sample data sets in the form of JSON, which can then be used to populate and create tables in Excel.

Generating Sample Data Sets in JSON Format

To generate a sample data set in JSON format, we utilize the Azure OpenAI service. By making a request to the service with a Prompt, alongside a message array, we can specify the desired format of the response. The response format can be set to strict JSON, ensuring a clean and structured output.

Creating Tables from Sample Data Sets

Once we have generated a sample data set, we can easily create a table in Excel with just a click of a button. Office Scripts allow us to automate this process by fetching the data and writing it back to Excel. We can customize the script to handle different use cases and perform various functions.

🧮 Performing Functions on Excel Workbooks using Chat GPT

In addition to generating sample data sets, Office Scripts also enable us to perform various functions on Excel workbooks using Chat GPT. By creating multiple prompts for scripts, we can extend the capabilities of Excel and leverage the power of AI to enhance data analysis and manipulation.

Creating Multiple Prompts for Scripts

With Office Scripts, we can create multiple prompts to perform different functions on our Excel workbooks. Whether it's summarizing text, running calculations, or any other function we can think of, Chat GPT can assist us in achieving our desired outcomes.

Summarizing Text based on Selected Cell

One useful function that we can implement is the ability to provide a summary of the selected text in Excel. By using a script that takes the selected cell text as input, we can send it to Chat GPT and receive a concise summary in return. This can be helpful in quickly understanding the content without reading the entire text.

Running Calculations and Other Functions

Apart from summarizing text, we can use Chat GPT to perform calculations and other functions on Excel workbooks. Whether it's running complex formulas or automating repetitive tasks, the power of AI combined with Office Scripts can streamline our workflows and save time.

🔒 Enabling Office Scripts in Excel

Before we can start utilizing the power of Office Scripts in Excel, it's essential to ensure that Office Scripts are enabled. In some cases, organizations may have disabled Office Scripts at the tenant level. If the "Automate" tab is not visible in Excel, it is recommended to reach out to the IT department to enable it.

🔐 The Azure OpenAI Service

The Azure OpenAI service plays a crucial role in utilizing AI capabilities within Excel. Understanding its features and functionalities is essential for maximizing the potential of Office Scripts and Chat GPT.

Using the Chat Completion Service

The specific service within Azure OpenAI that we are utilizing is the Chat Completion Service. This service allows us to interact with the Chat GPT model and receive responses based on the provided prompts. By selecting the appropriate model and configuring the parameters, we can tailor the AI-generated responses to meet our needs.

Exploring the Response Format

One notable feature of the Azure OpenAI service is the ability to specify the response format. By using the response format parameter, we can receive the AI-generated response in strict JSON format. This ensures that the response is structured and eliminates any extraneous text, making it easier to process the data within Excel.

🖥️ The Azure OpenAI Studio

The Azure OpenAI Studio provides a comprehensive platform for managing and configuring the Azure OpenAI service. By exploring the code behind the scenes, we can gain insights into how the service functions and customize it to suit our specific requirements.

Viewing Code and Endpoint Address

Within the Azure OpenAI Studio, we can view the code that powers the Chat Completion Service. This code is available in different languages, allowing us to work with the language of our choice. By examining the code, we can better understand the underlying mechanisms and make any necessary modifications.

Different Language Implementations

The Chat Completion Service supports various programming languages. Whether we prefer TypeScript, Python, or any other language, we can leverage the OpenAI service to interact with the Chat GPT model. This flexibility enables developers to utilize their preferred language and integrate it seamlessly with Excel.

📝 Writing Data Back to Excel

Once we have obtained the desired data from the Azure OpenAI service, the next step is to write it back to Excel. Office Scripts provide us with the ability to write data to Excel quickly and efficiently. By utilizing the fetch function and related expressions, we can access the data and populate the Excel sheet, ultimately generating a table with the extracted data.

📚 Generating Descriptions with AI Assistant

In addition to generating sample data sets and performing functions on Excel workbooks, we can also utilize an AI assistant to generate descriptions. By leveraging AI models, such as Chat GPT, we can create an AI assistant that provides short descriptions of supplied text.

Providing Short Descriptions of Text

With the help of an AI assistant, we can provide short descriptions of various Texts within Excel. By utilizing Office Scripts, we can pass the supplied text to the AI model and receive concise descriptions as output. This functionality can be valuable when working with a large amount of text and needing quick summaries.

Using Selected Cell Text for Descriptions

In some cases, we may want to provide descriptions based on the selected cell in Excel. With Office Scripts, this is possible by selecting the desired cell, running the appropriate script, and receiving a description of the selected text. This feature enhances the interactivity and usefulness of Excel, allowing users to gain insights without leaving the spreadsheet.

🤖 Interactive Prompts with AI Assistant

Taking the functionality of an AI assistant further, we can create interactive prompts that follow the instructions provided by the user. By selecting text within a cell and running a script, we can pass the selected text to Chat GPT and receive dynamic responses based on the user's input.

Following Instructions Provided by User

With an interactive prompt script, Excel users can communicate with the AI assistant by typing instructions into a cell and highlighting the text. The script will then send the selected text to Chat GPT, which will generate a response based on the prompt and instructions. This functionality allows users to interact with the AI assistant directly from within Excel.

Performing Calculations and Generating Text

By utilizing interactive prompts with AI assistant scripts, users can perform calculations and generate text based on their instructions. Whether it's solving mathematical equations, telling jokes, or drafting emails, the AI assistant can understand the user's intent and provide appropriate responses. This opens up new possibilities for automation and assistance within Excel.

🎉 Conclusion

In conclusion, Office Scripts provide Excel users with powerful capabilities to generate sample data sets, perform functions, and leverage AI assistants. By utilizing the Azure OpenAI service and Chat GPT models, users can enhance their data analysis and manipulation workflows. Whether it's generating tables from JSON data, summarizing text, or interacting with an AI assistant, Office Scripts make Excel more dynamic and efficient.


  • Generate sample data sets in Excel using Office Scripts and Azure OpenAI service
  • Create tables from JSON data with a click of a button
  • Perform calculations and automate tasks using Chat GPT
  • Enable Office Scripts in Excel for enhanced functionality
  • Explore the Azure OpenAI service and its features
  • Utilize the Azure OpenAI Studio for customization
  • Write data back to Excel efficiently
  • Generate short descriptions of text with an AI assistant
  • Interact with an AI assistant based on user instructions
  • Perform calculations, generate text, and draft emails within Excel


Q: How can I enable Office Scripts in Excel? A: If you can't see the "Automate" tab in Excel, it is likely that Office Scripts are disabled at the tenant level. Contact your organization's IT department to enable Office Scripts.

Q: Can I generate sample data sets in different formats using the Azure OpenAI service? A: Yes, the Azure OpenAI service allows you to generate sample data sets in various formats, including JSON. By specifying the response format parameter, you can ensure structured and clean output.

Q: Can I customize the AI assistant's responses in Excel? A: Yes, you can customize the AI assistant's responses by modifying the prompt and instructions provided to the Chat GPT model. This allows you to tailor the responses to meet your specific needs.

Q: Is it possible to perform calculations and automate tasks using Chat GPT? A: Yes, Chat GPT can be used to perform calculations and automate tasks within Excel. By utilizing Office Scripts, you can create scripts that leverage the AI model to run complex formulas and perform other functions.

Q: Can I generate descriptions based on the selected cell in Excel? A: Yes, with the help of Office Scripts and an AI assistant, you can generate descriptions based on the text in the selected cell. This feature allows you to quickly understand the content without reading the entire text.


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