Supercharge Your Machine Learning with Weights & Biases and Run AI

Supercharge Your Machine Learning with Weights & Biases and Run AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How Does Weights and Biases Work?
  3. Setting Up a Weights and Biases Account
  4. Creating a .netRC File
  5. Integrating Weights and Biases Code
  6. Using Weights and Biases with Run AI
  7. Setting Up Weights and Biases with Run AI
  8. Running Weights and Biases with Jupyter Notebook
  9. Running Weights and Biases with the CLI
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the functionality of Weights and Biases, an official partner of Run AI. We will discuss how Weights and Biases works, the process of setting up a Weights and Biases account, creating a .netRC file, integrating Weights and Biases code, and using Weights and Biases with Run AI. We will also cover how to set up Weights and Biases with Run AI and run experiments using Jupyter Notebook and the command line interface (CLI). By the end of this article, you will have a good understanding of how to utilize Weights and Biases in your machine learning projects.

How Does Weights and Biases Work?

Weights and Biases, also referred to as W&B, is a Python library that helps machine learning practitioners track and Visualize their experiments. It allows you to log and visualize your model's performance, hyperparameters, and other Relevant metrics, making it easier to analyze and compare different experiments. The data from your experiments is sent to your Weights and Biases web account, where you can access all the information and insights. Weights and Biases also provides on-premises solutions for those who prefer not to store their information on external servers.

Setting Up a Weights and Biases Account

Before you can start using Weights and Biases, you need to create an account. To create an account, you can visit the Weights and Biases website at and click on the sign-up button. Follow the registration steps to create your account. Once you have completed the registration process, you will be directed to your home page, where you can access all your projects and experiments.

Creating a .netRC File

To interact with your Weights and Biases account from your Python scripts, you need to create a .netRC file. This file is automatically created when you run the wandb login command successfully. The .netRC file is stored in your home directory and is referenced by the Weights and Biases Package to communicate with your web account.

To create the .netRC file, open a terminal and run the following command:

wandb login

This command will Prompt you to enter your API key, which you can find in your Weights and Biases account settings. Once you have entered your API key, the .netRC file will be created in your home directory. Make sure to keep this file in your home directory so that the Weights and Biases package knows Where To send the experiment information.

Integrating Weights and Biases Code

Integrating Weights and Biases code into your Python scripts is straightforward. First, make sure you have the Weights and Biases package installed. You can install it using conda or pip. Here's an example using pip:

pip install wandb

Once you have the package installed, you can import the wandb module into your script. Here's an example highlighting the code:

import wandb
from wandb.keras import WandbCallback

wandb.config.batch_size = 32
wandb.config.learning_rate = 0.001

# Your model code goes here, y_train, epochs=10, callbacks=[WandbCallback()])

In this example, we import the necessary modules and initialize our project in Weights and Biases. We can also set and track specific hyperparameters using wandb.config. Finally, we train our model and pass the WandbCallback() to the callbacks parameter to automatically log our model's performance and other metrics to our Weights and Biases project.

Using Weights and Biases with Run AI

To use Weights and Biases with Run AI, you will need to have a Run AI account and access to a Docker image with Weights and Biases installed. Additionally, you need to create a persistent .netRC file.

To set up Weights and Biases with Run AI, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Run AI account and ensure you have access to a Docker image with Weights and Biases installed.
  2. Mount your NFS (Network File System) into the work directory of your Run AI environment.
  3. Create the wandb/creds folder in the mounted directory.
  4. Run the wandb login command within the Run AI environment to create the .netRC file.
  5. Copy the .netRC file to the wandb/creds folder to make it persistent.

By following these steps, your Run AI environment will have access to your Weights and Biases credentials and be able to communicate with your Weights and Biases account.

Running Weights and Biases with Jupyter Notebook

To run Weights and Biases with Jupyter Notebook, you need to set up your Run AI environment accordingly. You will need to mount the .netRC file and your NFS as usual, along with using the Weights and Biases Docker image. Once your environment is set up, you can run your Jupyter Notebook as usual and import the Weights and Biases library. You can then initialize your project and log your experiments directly from the notebook.

Running Weights and Biases with the CLI

If you prefer to run Weights and Biases experiments using the command line interface (CLI), the process is similar. You need to use the Weights and Biases Docker image, mount your NFS and .netRC file, and provide the appropriate command to run your Python script.

For example, you can use the following command:

runai submit --image=<weights_and_biases_image> --ngpus=1 --volume="<nfs_mount>:<work_directory>" --env='WANDB=' \
        --env="WANDB_CMD=wandb run <your_script>.py"

This command will submit your job to Run AI, using the Weights and Biases Docker image and running your Python script with the necessary environment variables to access Weights and Biases.


Weights and Biases is a powerful tool for tracking and visualizing machine learning experiments. By integrating Weights and Biases into your projects and using it with Run AI, you can easily monitor and analyze your model's performance, hyperparameters, and other important metrics. Whether you prefer using Jupyter Notebook or the command line interface, Weights and Biases offers a smooth workflow for managing and improving your machine learning projects.



Q: Can I use Weights and Biases with other machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch?

Yes, Weights and Biases can be used with various machine learning frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and more. Weights and Biases provides integrations and callbacks for popular frameworks, making it easy to log and track your experiments.

Q: Can I share my Weights and Biases projects with others?

Yes, you can easily share your Weights and Biases projects with others. The projects are accessible through your web account, and you can share the project URL or invite collaborators to access and view the experiments and results.

Q: Can I use Weights and Biases in a local environment?

Yes, Weights and Biases offers on-premises solutions for those who prefer running experiments in their local environment. These solutions allow you to use Weights and Biases without storing your information on external servers.

Q: Can I analyze my Weights and Biases experiments programmatically?

Yes, Weights and Biases provides a Python API that allows you to programmatically access and analyze your experiment data. You can use this API to retrieve experiment information, compare results, and generate custom visualizations.

Q: Can I use Weights and Biases for hyperparameter tuning?

Absolutely! Weights and Biases provides features for hyperparameter tuning, including Parallel coordinate plots and advanced visualization tools. You can easily track and compare multiple experiments with different hyperparameter values to find the optimal configuration for your model.

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