Supercharge Your Studies with 5 Incredible AI Hacks!

Supercharge Your Studies with 5 Incredible AI Hacks!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Hack 1: Creating a Timetable with Microsoft COPILOT
  3. Hack 2: Generating Mnemonics with Perplexity
  4. Hack 3: Summarizing and Creating Flashcards with AI
  5. Hack 4: Creating Multiple-Choice Questions with Microsoft Copilot
  6. Hack 5: Practicing for Exams with AI Voice Chat
  7. Conclusion
  8. Pros and Cons
  9. Highlights
  10. FAQ



In this article, we will explore five amazing AI hacks that can significantly enhance your productivity, knowledge, and scores in your studies. These hacks have the potential to revolutionize the way you approach learning, and they require minimal time investment. From creating a personalized timetable to practicing for exams with AI, these hacks will give you an edge in your academic journey.

Hack 1: Creating a Timetable with Microsoft Copilot

The first and simplest hack is making a timetable for your entire week using Microsoft Copilot. By providing Copilot with the necessary information, such as your waking time, class schedule, lunch breaks, and personal commitments, it will generate a rough timetable that you can further customize according to your needs. Whether you prefer a weekly or daily timetable, Copilot gives you the control to optimize your time and maximize productivity.

Hack 2: Generating Mnemonics with Perplexity

Have you ever struggled to remember complex information, such as clinical features of a disease, and resorted to creating mnemonics? Say no more! With AI, specifically perplexity, you can now delegate the task of creating mnemonics to the machine. By providing related letters or words, perplexity will generate easy-to-remember mnemonics for key concepts or features. This hack can save you time and greatly enhance your ability to retain important information.

Hack 3: Summarizing and Creating Flashcards with AI

The third hack revolves around leveraging AI to summarize the topics you have studied and create flashcards. Suppose you have read about a particular subject in the morning but struggle to recall the details by evening. AI comes to the rescue! By requesting a concise summary of the topic from an AI model like Microsoft Copilot, along with the creation of flashcards, you can consolidate your knowledge and reinforce key information. This hack is particularly helpful for exam preparation and long-term retention of concepts.

Hack 4: Creating Multiple-Choice Questions with Microsoft Copilot

One of the most effective ways to test your understanding of a subject is through practice. With AI, you can easily create multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for self-assessment. Microsoft Copilot, known for its accuracy, can assist you in this venture. Simply provide instructions like "Ask me 20 MCQs on Ophthalmology, with one correct answer and three incorrect options." Copilot will then start generating questions for you to answer, providing explanations for correct answers. This hack allows you to assess your knowledge and identify areas that require further focus.

Hack 5: Practicing for Exams with AI Voice Chat

The fifth and most exciting hack involves simulating the experience of a practical exam with the help of AI voice chat. With platforms like ChatGPT, specifically its voice chat feature, you can mimic the presence of a professor or examiner in your room. By instructing AI to act as your professor and ask you questions related to a particular subject, you can simulate a real exam Scenario. This hack helps you practice answering questions promptly, build confidence, and improve your performance in actual exams.


In conclusion, incorporating AI hacks into your study routine can significantly enhance your productivity, knowledge retention, and exam performance. From creating a personalized timetable to generating mnemonics, summarizing topics, creating MCQs, and simulating exams, these hacks empower you to optimize your learning experience. Embrace the power of AI and unlock your full academic potential.

Pros and Cons


  • Time-saving: AI hacks enable you to accomplish tasks more efficiently and effectively.
  • Enhanced productivity: With personalized timetables and summarization assistance, you can manage your time and resources better.
  • Improved retention: Mnemonics and flashcards generated by AI aid in retaining knowledge for longer periods.
  • Self-assessment: Creating MCQs allows you to gauge your understanding of a subject and identify areas for improvement.
  • Exam preparation: Simulating practical exams with AI voice chat helps build confidence and familiarity with the exam environment.


  • Dependence on AI: Over-reliance on AI may hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Technical limitations: AI models may not always provide accurate or contextually appropriate responses.
  • Ethical considerations: The use of AI raises ethical concerns regarding data privacy and reliance on automated decision-making.


  • Five AI hacks to enhance productivity and academic performance
  • Creating personalized timetables for efficient time management
  • Generating mnemonics using AI-powered models like perplexity
  • Summarizing topics and creating flashcards with AI assistance
  • Creating customized multiple-choice questions for self-assessment
  • Simulating practical exams with AI voice chat for enhanced preparation
  • Pros and cons of incorporating AI into the learning process


Q: Are these AI hacks only applicable to students? A: While these hacks are primarily targeted towards students, anyone seeking to improve their productivity and knowledge retention can benefit from them.

Q: Can these AI hacks replace traditional study methods? A: No, these hacks should be seen as supplementary tools that enhance traditional study methods. They can optimize your learning experience but should not replace active engagement and critical thinking.

Q: Is AI voice chat as effective as practicing with real professors? A: While AI voice chat can simulate the experience of interacting with a professor, it can never fully replace the insights, guidance, and personalized feedback provided by human mentors. Its purpose is to supplement your exam preparation, not replace it.

Q: Are there any privacy concerns associated with using AI for studying? A: It is important to be mindful of data privacy when utilizing AI tools and platforms. Ensure that you are aware of the data collection and storage practices of the platforms you use and take appropriate measures to protect your personal information.


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