Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft with AI

Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft with AI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Video Challenge
  3. Day Zero: The Beginning of the Challenge
  4. Day One: Starting from Scratch
  5. Day Two: Upgrading to Stone Tools
  6. Day Three: Collecting Resources and Finding a Village
  7. Day Four: Crafting Iron and Leather Armor
  8. Day Five: Building and Expanding the Shelter
  9. Day Six: Exploring the Surroundings
  10. Day Seven: Upgrading to Diamond Gear and Potions
  11. Day Eight: Building a Minecart System
  12. Day Nine: Constructing a Mega Fortress
  13. Day Ten: Building a Wall and Moat
  14. Day Eleven: Exploring the End and Fighting the Ender Dragon
  15. Day Twelve: Challenges and Triumphs
  16. Day Thirteen: The Battle with the Wither
  17. Day Fourteen: Creating an Automatic Farm and Redstone Contraption
  18. Day Fifteen: The Journey to Drain an Ocean Monument
  19. Day Sixteen: Battling Time and Perseverance
  20. Conclusion

The 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Video Challenge

Minecraft is a sandbox game that provides players with a great degree of creativity and freedom. However, what if every part of the game was dictated by AI, and players were only allowed to do exactly what it told them to do? This was the challenge that one Minecraft player decided to take on in the form of a 100-day Hardcore Minecraft video.

Day Zero: The Beginning of the Challenge

The challenge started off like most hardcore worlds, with the player finding a good location with wood, Water, and animals. They then proceeded to build a shelter and Gather basic resources. The challenges started off simple, but they would soon become more challenging and unconventional.

Day One: Starting from Scratch

On the first day of the challenge, the player focused on gathering basic resources such as wood, stone, and coal. They crafted tools and built a shelter to survive their first night. The challenges for the day included tasks like crafting a wooden Pickaxe, ax, and shovel, as well as exploring the surroundings.

Day Two: Upgrading to Stone Tools

On the Second day, the challenges became slightly more demanding, requiring the player to upgrade their wooden tools to stone. They also faced the task of crafting armor, specifically leather armor, which proved to be more difficult to obtain than iron armor. The player spent the day collecting materials and preparing for future challenges.

Day Three: Collecting Resources and Finding a Village

Day three involved gathering resources, including collecting iron while mining for coal. The player also encountered a village during their exploration and took note of its coordinates for future reference. The challenges for the day were focused on resource collection and expansion.

Day Four: Crafting Iron and Leather Armor

The challenges on day four required the player to craft both iron and leather armor. They spent the day collecting iron and fighting off hostile mobs. By the end of the day, the player successfully crafted the required armor and continued to work on their shelter.

Day Five: Building and Expanding the Shelter

On day five, the player focused on expanding their shelter and improving its functionality. They worked on creating storage areas and organizing their resources. The challenges for the day included building and improving the shelter.

Day Six: Exploring the Surroundings

Day six involved exploring the surroundings and finding a cave. The challenges for the day were unspecific, but the player interpreted them as finding a cave, which they successfully did. This marked the completion of the challenges for the day, and the player moved on to the next set of challenges.

Day Seven: Upgrading to Diamond Gear and Potions

On day seven, the challenges took a significant turn, requiring the player to upgrade their tools and equipment to diamond gear. The player also had to craft potions using Blaze powder obtained from blazes in the Nether. This led to a journey to the Nether to gather the necessary materials.

Day Eight: Building a Minecart System

Day eight focused on building a minecart system, providing the player with the challenge of creating a functional transportation system. The player spent the day gathering materials and constructing the minecart system.

Day Nine: Constructing a Mega Fortress

The challenges on day nine demanded the construction of a mega fortress. The player followed tutorials and built a castle-like structure with walls, a moat, and other architectural features. The challenges pushed the player's building skills to the limit and required a significant investment of time and materials.

Day Ten: Building a Wall and Moat

Day ten involved building a wall and a moat surrounding the fortress. The player continued working on their mega fortress, expanding and fortifying its defenses. The wall and moat added an extra layer of protection to the structure.

Day Eleven: Exploring the End and Fighting the Ender Dragon

On day eleven, the player embarked on a journey to explore the End dimension and fight the Ender Dragon. They successfully located and defeated the Ender Dragon, marking a significant milestone in the challenge. The player returned home victorious but faced new challenges on the horizon.

Day Twelve: Challenges and Triumphs

Day twelve brought even more challenges, including battling the Wither and completing various construction projects. The player's resourcefulness and perseverance were put to the test as they tackled these difficult tasks. Despite the challenges, they managed to overcome each obstacle and Continue their progress.

Day Thirteen: The Battle with the Wither

Day thirteen focused on facing the terrifying Wither boss. The player gathered the necessary materials and initiated the fight. With careful planning and strategic moves, they successfully defeated the Wither and emerged victorious. This gave them a Sense of accomplishment and pushed them further in the challenge.

Day Fourteen: Creating an Automatic Farm and Redstone Contraption

The challenges on day fourteen involved creating an automatic farm and a redstone contraption. The player utilized their knowledge of redstone and farming mechanics to design and build efficient systems. This showcased their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Day Fifteen: The Journey to Drain an Ocean Monument

Day fifteen introduced a monumental challenge: draining an entire ocean monument. With only 100 in-game days to complete the challenge, the player began the task of collecting an enormous amount of sand, sandstone, and sponges. The challenge seemed insurmountable, but the player was determined to push forward.

Day Sixteen: Battling Time and Perseverance

As the player dedicated themselves to draining the ocean monument, time became their greatest adversary. They struggled to gather enough resources and faced setbacks along the way. Despite the challenges, their perseverance and determination kept them going, even as the deadline approached.


The 100-day Hardcore Minecraft video challenge proved to be a test of creativity, skill, and endurance. The player faced a variety of challenges, from simple tasks to complex construction projects. Throughout the journey, they showcased their resourcefulness, adaptability, and dedication to completing the set challenges within the given timeframe. While not every challenge was successfully completed, the player's efforts and the lessons learned along the way made the challenge a rewarding and unforgettable experience.

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