The Cloudy Controversy: Clearview AI's Privacy Scandal Unveiled

The Cloudy Controversy: Clearview AI's Privacy Scandal Unveiled

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Clearview AI: What they do and the controversy surrounding their actions
  3. Clearview AI's Legal Troubles: Class-action lawsuit and violations of the Biometric Information Privacy Act
  4. Clearview AI's Security Breach: Unauthorized access and potential risks
  5. Apple's Response: Removal of Clearview AI's app due to violation of Enterprise certificate program
  6. Conclusion

Clearview AI: Controversy Surrounding an Unregulated Database of Faces

🔍 Introduction

In this age of advancing technology, privacy concerns have become paramount. Clearview AI, a facial recognition company, has recently come under fire for its unregulated database of 3 billion faces. In this article, we will delve into the controversy surrounding Clearview AI, including legal troubles, security breaches, and Apple's response to their actions.

🔍 Clearview AI: What they do and the controversy surrounding their actions

Clearview AI operates by comparing surveillance footage to its vast collection of 3 billion pictures of individuals. Their software aims to identify individuals in ATM footage, store security videos, or any other surveillance media. While this technology may seem invasive to many, the real controversy lies in how Clearview AI obtained this massive database.

The company has admitted to scraping images from various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Venmo, and countless other websites. Unsurprisingly, these companies have not taken kindly to their users' photos being harvested without their consent. Twitter, Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Venmo have all issued cease-and-desist letters to Clearview AI, demanding that they cease their data collection practices.

🔍 Clearview AI's Legal Troubles: Class-action lawsuit and violations of the Biometric Information Privacy Act

Clearview AI is now facing a class-action lawsuit similar to the one that cost Facebook over half a billion dollars. Plaintiffs argue that Clearview AI's business model violates the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) established in Illinois. This law requires companies to obtain consent from individuals before collecting or disclosing their biometric identifiers and to securely store such information.

While Clearview AI claims the right to scrape online data under the First Amendment, the class-action lawsuit argues that their actions infringe upon individuals' privacy rights. Clearview AI's violation of the BIPA raises concerns about the ethical implications of their database and the potential misuse of personal biometric identifiers.

🔍 Clearview AI's Security Breach: Unauthorized access and potential risks

In addition to the legal challenges, Clearview AI faced a security breach that exposed vulnerabilities in their system. Although the details of the breach remain unknown, unauthorized access was gained, and a list of the company's customers was compromised. While Clearview AI claims that their servers were never accessed, questions arise about where they store sensitive information, as it is crucial to maintain data security to prevent unauthorized access.

The potential risks associated with Clearview AI's breach extend beyond the exposure of customer data. The leaked customer list revealed that the company's services were being utilized by approximately 600 law enforcement agencies, including prominent institutions like the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, and the Secret Service. Moreover, companies such as BestBuy, Macy's, and Bank of America were also found to be among Clearview AI's clients, raising concerns about the privacy and security implications for individuals associated with these entities.

🔍 Apple's Response: Removal of Clearview AI's app due to violation of Enterprise certificate program

Apple took swift action against Clearview AI's violation of their Enterprise certificate program. Clearview AI was instructing users on how to install their app using the Clearview Enterprise certificate, which is against Apple's policies. By using this certificate, organizations can distribute apps internally to their employees without listing them in the App Store. However, Clearview AI had been using this method to distribute their app to the public, circumventing Apple's strict app approval process.

After discovering Clearview AI's violation, Apple promptly revoked their Enterprise certificate, thereby disabling access not only to Clearview AI's app but also to any other app operating under their certificate. This incident serves as a reminder that even in the digital age, companies must adhere to established policies and security measures to protect user privacy.

🔍 Conclusion

The case of Clearview AI highlights the ongoing debate surrounding facial recognition technology and the balance between privacy and security. While the company claims to be providing a valuable tool for law enforcement agencies, their methods of data collection and storage have raised significant ethical concerns. As legal battles continue and discussions surrounding the limits of surveillance technologies progress, it remains imperative to prioritize individual privacy and ensure that companies adhere to established regulations.


  • Clearview AI faces a class-action lawsuit for violating the Biometric Information Privacy Act.
  • The company harvested 3 billion pictures from social media platforms without consent.
  • Apple revoked Clearview AI's Enterprise certificate for distributing their app to the public.
  • Clearview AI's security breach compromised the list of their customers, including law enforcement agencies and major companies.
  • The controversy surrounding Clearview AI raises important questions about individual privacy rights and data security.


Q: What is Clearview AI's main purpose? A: Clearview AI operates a facial recognition software that matches surveillance footage with a database of 3 billion pictures to identify individuals.

Q: What legal troubles is Clearview AI facing? A: Clearview AI is facing a class-action lawsuit for violating the Biometric Information Privacy Act and scraping images from social media platforms without consent.

Q: What repercussions did Clearview AI face for their security breach? A: As a result of the security breach, Apple revoked Clearview AI's Enterprise certificate, disabling access to their app and any other app operating under their certificate.

Q: Who are some of Clearview AI's clients? A: Clearview AI counts law enforcement agencies like the FBI and the Secret Service, as well as companies like BestBuy, Macy's, and Bank of America, among its clients.

Q: What are the implications of Clearview AI's actions for individual privacy? A: Clearview AI's actions raise significant ethical concerns regarding the misuse of personal biometric identifiers and the potential invasion of individual privacy.

Resources: Secure Mac, TechCrunch, Engadget, Biometric Information Privacy Act, Apple

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