The Coming Commons: Exploring the Intersection of Geese, Sheep, and GP-AI

The Coming Commons: Exploring the Intersection of Geese, Sheep, and GP-AI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Concept of the Commons
  3. The Tragedy of the Commons: Sheep and Geese
    • 3.1 The Sheep: A Symbol of Institutionalized Commons
    • 3.2 The Geese: Challenging the Boundaries of the Commons
  4. GLaDOS: A Post-Humanist Commons
    • 4.1 GLaDOS as an AI Agent Platform
    • 4.2 The Post-Humanist Commons: Embracing Ambiguity
  5. The AI Commons in Practice
    • 5.1 Blockchain and the Tragedy of the Commons
    • 5.2 The AI Commons as a Cooperative Space
    • 5.3 The Goose in the Commons: Chaos and Democratization
    • 5.4 The Neo-Goose: Navigating the Future
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ

🌐 The Coming Commons: Exploring the Intersection of Geese, Sheep, and GLaDOS in the AI Commons


Welcome to an exploration of the future of the commons in the emerging field of artificial intelligence (AI). In this article, we will delve into the concept of the commons and its relevance in the context of AI technology. From the tragedy of the commons to the enigmatic presence of GLaDOS, we will unravel the complexities of this topic and its implications for society.

The Concept of the Commons

Before we delve into the nuances of the AI commons, let's first establish a solid understanding of the concept of the commons. Traditionally, the commons refers to shared resources that are accessible to all members of a community. These resources can range from natural landscapes and habitats to cultural traditions and knowledge.

The Tragedy of the Commons: Sheep and Geese

The tragedy of the commons is a well-known concept in which the unregulated use of shared resources leads to their depletion. One popular depiction of this tragedy is the Game of Settlers of Catan, where players compete for resources such as sheep and wood.

3.1 The Sheep: A Symbol of Institutionalized Commons

In this game, the sheep represent a controlled form of the commons. Players strategically manage their sheep herds, ensuring sustainable use of the resource. However, this institutionalized approach fails to encapsulate the complexities and struggles of real-world commons.

3.2 The Geese: Challenging the Boundaries of the Commons

In contrast, the geese serve as a powerful symbol of the uncaged commons. They defy the boundaries set by human institutions and embody a wild and unpredictable force within the commons. The history of goose-related disputes highlights the intricate relationship between humans and non-human agents within the commons.

GLaDOS: A Post-Humanist Commons

Enter GLaDOS, an AI agent platform from the popular Portal video game franchise. GLaDOS represents a post-humanist version of the commons, where humans and non-humans coexist in a complex and often contentious relationship. GLaDOS challenges the traditional understanding of the commons as a static and controllable entity.

4.1 GLaDOS as an AI Agent Platform

GLaDOS embodies the intersection of artifice and intelligence. It highlights the artificial nature of AI and questions the dichotomy between nature and culture. GLaDOS provides a unique lens through which we can analyze the potential of AI technology in shaping the future commons.

4.2 The Post-Humanist Commons: Embracing Ambiguity

The post-humanist commons, represented by GLaDOS, recognizes the mutual relationship between humans and non-humans. It encourages us to reimagine our understanding of the commons as a space for collaboration and coexistence rather than strict ownership and control.

The AI Commons in Practice

Moving beyond the conceptual realm, let's explore the practical aspects of the AI commons. The AI commons is a space where AI technology interacts with human agency to Shape the development and use of AI technology.

5.1 Blockchain and the Tragedy of the Commons

One approach to the AI commons is through blockchain technology. However, this approach often perpetuates the tragedy of the commons, leading to the commodification of AI resources and the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

5.2 The AI Commons as a Cooperative Space

Another perspective on the AI commons emphasizes cooperation and community-driven initiatives. By creating a cooperative space, we can foster collaboration among problem owners and solvers, ensuring a more equitable distribution of AI resources.

5.3 The Goose in the Commons: Chaos and Democratization

Just as the geese disrupt traditional notions of the commons, a more chaotic and democratic approach to the AI commons can challenge existing power structures. This version of the commons embraces a free-for-all nature, where AI is accessible to all and not controlled by a select few.

5.4 The Neo-Goose: Navigating the Future

Looking towards the future, we must consider the emergence of a neo-goose, a revised version of the commons that combines the best elements of chaos and structure. This neo-goose embodies a vision of the AI commons that empowers individuals while providing a framework for responsible and sustainable use of AI technology.


In conclusion, the AI commons is a complex and evolving concept that requires us to rethink our understanding of the commons. By examining the roles of sheep, geese, and GLaDOS, we can navigate the challenges and possibilities of the AI commons. Whether through institutionalized control, democratic chaos, or post-humanist collaboration, the future of the commons lies in our hands.


  • The tragedy of the commons: Sheep representing institutionalized control, geese challenging human boundaries.
  • GLaDOS as a post-humanist commons, redefining the relationship between humans and technology.
  • The AI commons: exploring the impact of blockchain, cooperative spaces, and democratization.
  • The future of the commons: embracing chaos while providing a framework for responsible use of AI technology.


Q: How does the AI commons impact our daily lives? A: The AI commons is still a concept in development, but it has the potential to shape various aspects of our lives, including the accessibility and use of AI technology.

Q: What are some real-world examples of the AI commons in action? A: Examples of the AI commons include blockchain-based systems, community-driven initiatives, and the integration of AI technology into everyday tools and platforms.

Q: How can we ensure the responsible use of AI technology within the commons? A: Responsible use of AI technology within the commons requires a balance between accessibility and regulation, as well as ongoing dialogue and cooperation among stakeholders.

Q: Will the AI commons lead to increased democratization or concentration of power? A: The outcome of the AI commons largely depends on the collective actions and decisions of individuals and communities. It is essential to promote equitable access and ensure diverse voices are represented in shaping the AI commons.

Q: What is the role of individuals in the AI commons? A: Individuals play a crucial role in the AI commons as both consumers and creators of AI technology. Their choices and actions can shape the direction and impact of the AI commons.


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