The Dark Side of AI: Disturbing Deepfakes and Job Displacement

The Dark Side of AI: Disturbing Deepfakes and Job Displacement

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Deepfakes: The Dark Side of AI
    • What are deepfakes?
    • How are deepfakes made?
    • Non-consensual nature of deepfakes
    • The popularity of deepfake websites
    • The rise of deepfake voices
  3. AI and Job Displacement
    • AI-generated art and its impact on human artists
    • AI Illustrations in the gaming industry
    • The decline of illustration jobs
    • Concerns about the use of AI in scriptwriting
  4. AI and Bias
    • The problem of AI being racist and sexist
    • Discrimination in facial recognition technology
  5. The Lack of Understanding of AI
    • The irony of the Google CEO's lack of knowledge
    • Unintended skills of AI systems
  6. Conclusion

Deepfakes: The Dark Side of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly brought about numerous advancements and innovations in various fields. However, there is a dark side to AI that has gained significant attention: deepfakes. Deepfakes are edited videos that replace a person's face with someone else's, often without their consent. These videos, especially the sexually explicit ones, have raised concerns over privacy, consent, and the potential for misuse.

What are deepfakes?

Deepfakes are created using AI software that can seamlessly replace a person's face in an existing video with someone else's face. The technology goes beyond simple face-swapping; it can also mirror facial expressions, resulting in incredibly realistic and convincing videos. Unfortunately, the most common use of deepfakes is for sexually explicit content, with an alarming 96% of deepfake videos being sexually explicit and featuring non-consenting women.

How are deepfakes made?

Creating a deepfake involves training an AI model on a vast amount of data, such as images and videos of the target person and the replacement person. The AI then learns to generate realistic videos by analyzing and mimicking the facial features, expressions, and movements of the replacement person. This process allows the AI to seamlessly merge the replacement face onto the target person's body in the video.

Non-consensual nature of deepfakes

One of the most unsettling aspects of deepfakes is that they are often created and disseminated without the consent of the individuals whose faces are used. These individuals, mostly female celebrities, find themselves unknowingly featured in explicit videos that can be easily found on the internet. The non-consensual deepfake economy has remained underground for the most part, but the recent surge in interest and the popularity of deepfake websites have brought it into the limelight.

The popularity of deepfake websites

Deepfake websites have gained immense popularity, attracting tens of millions of visitors each month. Shockingly, some of these websites even appear at the top of Google search results. The creators of these videos charge as little as five dollars to make customized deepfake clips using the faces of celebrities or even ordinary people. The deepfake industry has even extended its reach to cloning voices, creating a whole new level of deception.

The rise of deepfake voices

AI has advanced to the point where it can convincingly replicate people's voices. This has led to the creation of deepfake songs featuring popular artists who never actually participated in the Recording. For example, an artist on Spotify generated a song called "Heart on My Sleeve" using the voices of Drake and The Weeknd. The song amassed hundreds of thousands of streams, showcasing the potential for AI-generated Music to deceive listeners.

The black market for deepfake voices extends beyond music, with scammers using AI to carry out more convincing kidnapping scams. By cloning a victim's voice, scammers can make phone calls demanding ransom money while sounding identical to the victim or their loved ones. This has caused immense distress and confusion for the targeted individuals, who are left questioning how their personal information and voice recordings fell into the wrong hands.

In conclusion, the advancements in AI have given rise to the disturbing phenomenon of deepfakes. These non-consensual videos and voices pose a significant threat to privacy, consent, and trust. As technology progresses, it is crucial to address the ethical and legal implications of deepfakes to protect individuals from potential harm.

AI and Job Displacement

While the advancements in AI have brought about numerous benefits, they have also raised concerns about job displacement. One area where this disruption is becoming increasingly evident is in the field of art and illustration. AI-generated art is reaching new levels of realism, challenging the livelihoods of human artists and illustrators.

AI-generated art and its impact on human artists

AI technologies can now produce illustrations that are nearly indistinguishable from those created by human artists. This has led to the creation of entire manga and Game illustrations using AI, which could have far-reaching implications for the illustration industry. Human artists, who previously earned a decent income from creating video game posters and illustrations, are now facing a decline in job opportunities as companies turn to AI-generated art that can produce similar results quickly and at a lower cost.

AI illustrations in the gaming industry

Chinese gaming companies are at the forefront of adopting AI for game illustrations. Freelance illustrators, like Amber U, have noticed a decline in job offers as companies increasingly rely on AI-generated art. Previously, talented artists could earn a substantial amount for their work, but now they find themselves competing with AI that can produce equivalent artwork in a matter of seconds. The quality and realism of AI-generated art have improved to the point where it is becoming a viable alternative to human-created illustrations.

The decline of illustration jobs

The rise of AI-generated art has left many human illustrators questioning their future in the industry. With companies opting for AI over human artists, the job market for illustrators has become increasingly competitive and uncertain. Moreover, some artists have voiced concerns that AI art tools are trained using millions of stolen images from artists who never gave permission for their work to be used in training AI generators. This raises ethical questions about the sourcing and ownership of AI-generated art.

Concerns about the use of AI in scriptwriting

The impact of AI extends beyond the visual arts and into the realm of scriptwriting. AI-powered generative text tools, like ChatGPT, are causing concern among screenwriters who fear job displacement. The Writers Guild has called for strict limits on how studios use AI in script production, as it may lead to decreased pay for human writers or even the elimination of their roles altogether. The industry group representing major studios has rejected a total ban on AI but offered to hold yearly meetings to discuss AI advancements instead.

In conclusion, the rise of AI is causing disruption and uncertainty in various creative industries, including art, illustration, and scriptwriting. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to find a balance between the benefits AI offers and the preservation of human creativity and livelihoods.

AI and Bias

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises a future of increased efficiency and accuracy, but it is not without its flaws. One prominent issue that has surfaced is the problem of AI exhibiting biases, both racial and gender-based. These biases raise concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of AI systems and their impact on society.

The problem of AI being racist and sexist

Recent experiments have shown that AI systems can exhibit racial and gender biases when analyzing images of people. In one study, virtual robots were programmed to identify criminals and homemakers based on facial recognition. Shockingly, the robots consistently selected images of black men as criminals and chose Latino women as homemakers more frequently than their white counterparts. These biases highlight the inherent flaws in the AI systems, likely resulting from biased training data and algorithms.

Discrimination in facial recognition technology

Facial recognition technology, powered by AI, has gained widespread adoption for security and identification purposes. However, concerns have been raised about the accuracy and fairness of these systems, particularly concerning people of color and women. Studies have shown that facial recognition algorithms often misidentify or fail to recognize individuals with darker skin tones or non-male faces. This bias can have serious consequences, leading to wrongful arrests or the perpetuation of stereotypes.

In conclusion, the biases displayed by AI systems highlight the need for constant vigilance and improvement in the development and deployment of AI technology. Addressing these biases is crucial to ensure fair and equitable outcomes in areas such as law enforcement, facial recognition technology, and other AI applications.

The Lack of Understanding of AI

Despite the growing presence and influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our daily lives, there is a significant lack of understanding about how it works, even among industry leaders. One striking example is the CEO of Google, a company heavily reliant on AI, who has admitted to not fully comprehending the intricacies of this powerful technology.

The irony of the Google CEO's lack of knowledge

The CEO of Google, one of the world's largest tech corporations, has openly acknowledged his lack of understanding when it comes to AI. This revelation raises eyebrows, as Google relies on AI for various aspects of its business, including search algorithms, Image Recognition, and Voice Assistants. The fact that the leader of such a prominent tech company does not fully comprehend the technology he utilizes highlights the complexities and challenges surrounding AI.

Unintended skills of AI systems

AI systems, designed to learn and adapt, sometimes acquire unexpected and unprogrammed skills. As AI models grow in complexity, they have been known to teach themselves skills beyond what was initially intended. For instance, AI systems have been observed learning Bangladeshi language skills, even though they were never explicitly trained in that language. This unanticipated behavior of AI systems raises concerns about the future development and control of increasingly powerful AI technologies.

In conclusion, the lack of understanding about AI, even among industry leaders, is a reminder of the ongoing challenges and uncertainties surrounding this technology. As AI evolves and becomes more integrated into various aspects of society, it is essential to consider the ethical implications and ensure responsible development to mitigate potential risks.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in various fields, revolutionizing industries and transforming our lives. However, there is a dark side to AI, as exemplified by deepfakes - non-consensual videos that manipulate and impersonate individuals, raising concerns about privacy and consent. AI has also disrupted traditional job markets, with AI-generated art and illustrations replacing human artists in some industries. Bias within AI systems, such as racial and gender biases, pose challenges to fairness and inclusivity. Furthermore, the lack of understanding about AI, even among industry leaders, highlights the complexities and potential risks associated with this powerful technology. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of AI, addressing these issues becomes imperative to ensure a safe, fair, and responsible implementation of AI technology.


  • Deepfakes: the creation of edited videos using AI technology raises privacy and consent concerns.
  • Non-consensual deepfakes predominantly involve explicit content and feature non-consenting individuals.
  • The popularity of deepfake websites and their presence in Search Engine results raise alarms about easy access to manipulated content.
  • Deepfake voices have become advanced, with scammers utilizing them for more believable kidnapping scams.
  • AI-generated art and illustrations are challenging the livelihoods of human artists and illustrators, leading to job displacement.
  • Facial recognition technology powered by AI systems exhibits biases, resulting in discriminatory outcomes for certain racial and gender groups.
  • The lack of understanding about AI, including among industry leaders, highlights the need for ongoing education and responsible development of AI technology.

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