The Evolution of Self-Driving Cars: From Manual Control to AI Supercomputers

The Evolution of Self-Driving Cars: From Manual Control to AI Supercomputers

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Evolution of Self-Driving Cars
    1. The Rise of Computerized Cars
    2. The Limitations of HAND-Coded Computer Vision
    3. Introducing Deep Learning
    4. Real-Time Computation for Safety
  3. The NVIDIA DRIVE PX2: A Breakthrough in Self-Driving Car Technology
    1. The World's First In-Car AI Supercomputer
    2. Power and Performance of the DRIVE PX2
    3. Built for Harsh Conditions
  4. The Vision of Self-Driving Cars
    1. Enhancing Transportation and Mobility
    2. Augmenting or Replacing the Human Driver
    3. Accelerating Personal Mobility as a Service
    4. Redesigning the Urban Environment
  5. Conclusion

🚗 The Evolution of Self-Driving Cars

Over the years, the automotive industry has witnessed a tremendous evolution in the field of self-driving cars. What was once a distant dream is now becoming a reality, thanks to advancements in technology. In this section, we will explore how self-driving cars have evolved and the challenges they have overcome.

The Rise of Computerized Cars

In the past, cars were simply machines that relied on manual control from the driver. However, with the introduction of the DRIVE PX self-driving car computer, the concept of cars as computers has taken center stage. The ability to configure cars by connecting sensors and controllers one at a time has become increasingly difficult. This shift has led to the recognition that approaching cars from a computing-system perspective is essential.

The Limitations of Hand-Coded Computer Vision

Computer vision technology has played a crucial role in developing self-driving cars. Initially, engineers crafted pieces of code using hand-coded features to detect objects in the world. However, this approach has its limitations. As the technology advanced, it became clear that relying solely on hand-coded features and human engineering would not be sufficient to achieve fully autonomous driving.

Introducing Deep Learning

To overcome the limitations of hand-coded computer vision, a revolutionary technology called deep learning has emerged. Deep learning utilizes artificial neural networks to learn and recognize Patterns from vast amounts of data. This approach has proven to be highly effective in enabling cars to better understand and interpret their surroundings, paving the way for truly self-driving vehicles.

Real-Time Computation for Safety

One of the most critical aspects of self-driving cars is real-time computation. As cars navigate through busy streets, they encounter numerous potential hazards that require immediate detection and response. To ensure the safety of passengers and other road users, self-driving cars must have the capability to process vast amounts of data in real time. Supercomputing technology, such as the NVIDIA DRIVE PX2, plays a crucial role in making this possible.

🚀 The NVIDIA DRIVE PX2: A Breakthrough in Self-Driving Car Technology

In this section, we will delve into the NVIDIA DRIVE PX2, the world's first in-car AI supercomputer. This groundbreaking technology is designed to bring us closer to the realization of fully autonomous vehicles.

The World's First In-Car AI Supercomputer

The NVIDIA DRIVE PX2 is a Game-changer in the world of self-driving cars. It combines advanced computational power and artificial intelligence to create a powerful platform for autonomous driving. With its compact size, equivalent to a lunchbox, the DRIVE PX2 fits seamlessly into the trunk of a car, making it highly versatile and practical.

Power and Performance of the DRIVE PX2

Equipped with 12 CPU cores and four Pascal GPUs, the DRIVE PX2 boasts a combined processing capability of eight teraflops. Its architecture includes a new set of instructions specifically designed for deep learning, enabling it to achieve an impressive 24 deep learning tera ops per Second. This immense computational power allows the DRIVE PX2 to handle complex tasks in real time, ensuring the safety and efficiency of self-driving cars.

Built for Harsh Conditions

Self-driving cars must be capable of operating under various environmental conditions. The NVIDIA DRIVE PX2, therefore, features water cooling to enable operation in severe conditions. This robust design ensures optimal performance and reliability, giving drivers peace of mind as they navigate through different terrains and climates.

🌍 The Vision of Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars hold the potential to revolutionize society on multiple fronts. In this section, we will explore the broader vision of self-driving cars and the positive impact they can have on transportation, mobility, and urban environments.

Enhancing Transportation and Mobility

Transportation and mobility are vital aspects of society, influencing how we live and connect with one another. Self-driving cars offer the promise of safer and more efficient transportation. By reducing human error, self-driving cars can potentially save countless lives lost due to accidents caused by human drivers. This advancement will fundamentally improve the reliability and safety of transportation systems worldwide.

Augmenting or Replacing the Human Driver

Self-driving cars have the potential to enhance the capabilities of human drivers. With advanced AI systems, drivers can benefit from assistance and guidance, helping them navigate through challenging situations and making driving a more enjoyable experience. Alternatively, the ultimate goal of self-driving cars is to replace human drivers altogether. By eliminating human error, self-driving cars can offer a level of safety and reliability that is unparalleled.

Accelerating Personal Mobility as a Service

The rise of self-driving cars opens up new possibilities for personal mobility as a service. With fewer cars on the road, the vehicles that do exist can be utilized more frequently. This shift can pave the way for a convenient and efficient mobility service where individuals can easily access transportation on demand. This transition not only reduces traffic congestion but also offers an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional car ownership.

Redesigning the Urban Environment

A world with self-driving cars will fundamentally transform the urban landscape. With fewer cars required due to increased utilization, valuable urban space currently occupied by parking lots can be transformed into green areas or recreational spaces. This redesign can lead to more attractive and enjoyable urban environments, improving the quality of life for residents.


The vision of self-driving cars is rapidly becoming a reality, thanks to technological advancements like the NVIDIA DRIVE PX2. With their potential to enhance transportation, improve safety, and reshape urban environments, self-driving cars offer a future that is both exciting and promising. As society embraces this transformative technology, we can look forward to a world where mobility is more accessible, efficient, and safer for all.


  • Self-driving cars have evolved from traditional manual control to computerized vehicles driven by advanced technologies.
  • Hand-coded computer vision has given way to deep learning, enabling cars to better understand and interpret their surroundings.
  • The NVIDIA DRIVE PX2 is the world's first in-car AI supercomputer, providing the power and performance required for fully autonomous driving.
  • Self-driving cars have the potential to revolutionize transportation, enhance mobility, and create more attractive urban environments.
  • The vision of self-driving cars includes augmented human drivers, personal mobility as a service, and redesigned urban spaces.


Q: Can self-driving cars eliminate accidents completely? A: While self-driving cars have the potential to significantly reduce accidents caused by human error, it is unlikely that they can completely eliminate accidents. However, the advanced AI systems and real-time computing capabilities of self-driving cars can greatly enhance safety on the roads.

Q: What are the challenges of implementing self-driving cars? A: Implementing self-driving cars requires overcoming various challenges, including technological limitations, regulatory frameworks, public acceptance, and ensuring the security and reliability of autonomous systems.

Q: How will self-driving cars impact employment in the transportation industry? A: The widespread adoption of self-driving cars may disrupt certain job roles in the transportation industry, such as professional drivers. However, it is also expected to create new job opportunities in areas such as AI development, vehicle maintenance, and transportation infrastructure management.

Q: Are self-driving cars already available for purchase? A: While fully autonomous self-driving cars are still being tested and refined, many car manufacturers offer vehicles with advanced driver-assistance systems that incorporate elements of autonomous driving, such as lane-keeping assistance and adaptive cruise control.

Q: Will self-driving cars be affordable for the average consumer? A: Initially, self-driving cars may come with a premium price tag due to the advanced technologies involved. However, as technology advances and economies of scale are realized, the costs are expected to decrease, making self-driving cars more accessible to the average consumer.

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