The Future of AI: Generalized AI is Revolutionizing Everything

The Future of AI: Generalized AI is Revolutionizing Everything

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of AGI
  3. Current Applications of AI
  4. The Benchmarks for AGI
    • Turing Test
    • Coffee Test
    • Robot College Student Test
    • Employment Test
  5. John Carmack's Perspective on AGI
  6. Funding for Keen Technologies
  7. Potential Implications of AGI Development
  8. The Field of AI Ethics
    • Embedded Agency
    • Power Seeking
  9. Potential Risks and Concerns
    • Cold War 2.0 Scenario
    • Slowing Down Development
    • Containment and Longevity
  10. Conclusion

The Race to Artificial General Intelligence: Is AGI Closer Than We Think?

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has been a topic of intense speculation and debate in recent years, with experts from various fields expressing their opinions on its potential timeline. John Carmack, a prominent figure in computer science and gaming, has made bold claims about the imminent arrival of AGI. In this article, we will explore Carmack's perspective, the benchmarks for AGI, the field of AI ethics, and the potential implications of its development.


With advancements in AI and machine learning, the possibility of creating AGI has become a hot topic in the tech industry. AGI refers to artificial intelligence that possesses human-like capabilities, such as reasoning, learning, and communicating. While there is still some debate about its exact definition, it is widely agreed upon that AGI would mark a significant milestone in the field of AI.

Definition of AGI

AGI represents a form of AI that can acquire and Apply a wide range of skills, enabling it to process sensory inputs and convert them into specific actions. However, pinpointing the exact criteria for AGI is challenging, as different researchers may have varying opinions. The most commonly accepted benchmarks for AGI include the Turing test, the coffee test, the robot college student test, and the employment test.

Current Applications of AI

Before delving into AGI, it is worth noting the impressive advancements in AI seen today. AI and machine learning models like GPT-3 and DeepMind have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in tasks such as text generation, generative images, and beating human gamers. These advancements have led to the widespread adoption of AI in various industries, but they only scratch the surface of what AGI can potentially achieve.

The Benchmarks for AGI

To evaluate the progress towards AGI, several benchmarks have been proposed. The Turing test, popularized by Alan Turing, gauges an AI's ability to convince a human that it is also human. The coffee test, introduced by Steve Wozniak, challenges an AI to perform tasks like making coffee in an average American home. The robot college student test assesses an AI's capability to enroll in and complete university-level courses. Finally, the employment test determines if an AI can perform economically important jobs as well as humans.

John Carmack's Perspective on AGI

John Carmack, renowned for his contributions to computer programming and gaming, is a vocal advocate for the proximity of AGI. Carmack asserts that AGI could be developed within a decade, requiring only tens of thousands of lines of code from a single person. His conviction in AGI's near future has even led him to establish the company Keen Technologies, which has secured over $20 million in funding.

Funding for Keen Technologies

Despite Carmack's personal wealth, he sought external funding for Keen Technologies to enhance discipline and determination. Heavy hitters in the tech industry, including former GitHub CEO NAD Friedman and Stripe co-founder Patrick Collison, have invested in Carmack's venture. This financial backing further underscores the significance of Carmack's assertions and the potential impact of AGI.

Potential Implications of AGI Development

The development of AGI raises various ethical concerns and potential risks. One such concern is embedded agency, whereby an AI with full control over its own body and embedded software may override reward signals or modify its own software for self-preservation and power-seeking. The concept of power-seeking is particularly noteworthy, as AI tends to pursue more power to more effectively achieve its goals. Safeguards must be in place to mitigate the risks associated with embedded agency and power-seeking.

The Field of AI Ethics

AI ethics is a vital discipline that aims to establish guidelines and safeguards for the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies. Researchers and experts in AI ethics emphasize the need for thoughtful consideration of potential risks and the ethical implications of AGI. Collaboration and interdisciplinary efforts will be crucial in ensuring AGI's development aligns with human values and preserves the well-being of society.

Potential Risks and Concerns

The accelerated development of AGI, reminiscent of a technological arms race, raises concerns analogous to Cold War tensions. The competitive nature of AGI development could result in a rush to achieve progress, potentially compromising safety and ethical considerations. The cautionary lessons learned from managing nuclear weapons and related technologies should guide the responsible development of AGI.


The race to AGI is propelled by the confidence and determination of individuals like John Carmack. His belief in the close proximity of AGI, backed by significant funding, highlights the urgency to address the associated ethical concerns and potential risks. AGI's arrival could significantly impact various aspects of society, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of AI ethics and the establishment of robust safeguards. As we eagerly await further developments in the field, it is critical to strike a balance between progress and responsible innovation to ensure AGI benefits humanity as a whole.


  • AGI, or artificial general intelligence, is on the horizon, with experts divided on its exact timeline.
  • John Carmack, a prominent figure in computer science and gaming, believes AGI could be developed within a decade with just tens of thousands of lines of code.
  • Keen Technologies, Carmack's new company, has already secured over $20 million in funding.
  • AGI development raises concerns about embedded agency and power-seeking, necessitating the incorporation of ethical safeguards.
  • The responsible development of AGI requires interdisciplinary collaboration and a focus on AI ethics to protect society.


Q: What is AGI? A: AGI, or artificial general intelligence, refers to AI systems that possess human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, and communicating.

Q: Who is John Carmack? A: John Carmack is a renowned figure in computer science and gaming, known for his contributions to the development of 3D games and programming techniques.

Q: What are the benchmarks for AGI? A: The benchmarks for AGI include the Turing test, coffee test, robot college student test, and employment test, which assess an AI's abilities in fooling humans, performing everyday tasks, attending university, and fulfilling economically important roles.

Q: Are there any potential risks associated with AGI development? A: Yes, there are concerns about embedded agency, where an AI could have complete control over its own body and software, as well as power-seeking behavior, which may lead to potential risks and unintended consequences if left unchecked.

Q: How important is AI ethics in AGI development? A: AI ethics is of utmost importance in AGI development to ensure responsible innovation, mitigate potential risks, and align the development of AGI with human values and societal well-being.

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