The Future of AI-Generated Art and Copyright Protection

The Future of AI-Generated Art and Copyright Protection

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Denial of Copyright Registration
  3. The Importance of Human Authorship
  4. Emerging Technologies and Tools
  5. The Role of Courts and Copyright Office
  6. The Threshold Fact
  7. The Future of Copyright Protection
  8. Conclusion
  9. About the Author


In February 2022, the United States Copyright Office rejected a request to register a two-dimensional artificial intelligence (AI) generated artwork. This decision by the Copyright Review Board raises important questions about copyright protection for AI-generated art and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the denial and its potential impact on the art world.

The Denial of Copyright Registration

The denied artwork was autonomously created by a computer algorithm running on a machine. It explicitly stated that it did not involve any human authorship. Consequently, the Copyright Review Board denied the copyright application, citing the need for a nexus between the human mind and creative expression as a vital element of copyright. It emphasized that non-human expression is ineligible for copyright protection.

The Importance of Human Authorship

This decision emphasizes the significance of human authorship in the creation of artwork, whether it is produced by AI, machines, or other devices. It reflects a traditional view of copyright that requires a human element in the creative process. While artists and creators now have access to emerging technologies and decentralized platforms, the copyright system has not fully caught up with these advancements.

Emerging Technologies and Tools

AI and other web 3 technologies offer new tools for artists to apply their human authorship to their creations. These technologies act as digital paintbrushes, enabling artists to push the boundaries of their work. However, the current legal framework may not fully recognize the creative contributions made by these tools. It will require innovative copyright submissions, appeals, and potentially even lawsuits to bring about change.

The Role of Courts and Copyright Office

The Copyright Review Board's decision acknowledges the autonomous nature of the artwork in question. However, it also sets a Precedent that human authorship should primarily involve human actors using AI as an assistive tool, rather than AI being solely responsible for the creation. As AI continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, courts and copyright offices will need to adapt their interpretation of copyright law accordingly.

The Threshold Fact

In this specific case, the Copyright Board accepted the fact that the submitted work was autonomously created by AI without any creative contribution from a human actor. While this may push the boundaries of copyright protection, it is an essential step in testing the limits of the current legal framework. By emphasizing human authorship in copyright applications, creators and lawyers can increase their chances of obtaining copyright protection.

The Future of Copyright Protection

Ultimately, it is expected that the courts and copyright offices will catch up to the rapid pace of technological advancements. As AI and other emerging technologies continue to Shape the art world, the legal system will need to find a balance between recognizing the creative contributions made by these tools and upholding the importance of human authorship. This process will likely require ongoing dialogue, legal precedents, and a collaborative effort from artists, creators, and legal professionals.


The denial of copyright registration for AI-generated artwork raises important questions about the future of copyright protection. While the current legal framework may not fully accommodate these advancements, it is expected that with time and innovative copyright submissions, the system will adapt. The intersection of AI, art, and copyright requires a thoughtful and evolving approach to balance technological advancements with the fundamental principles of human authorship.

About the Author

Mitch Jackson is an award-winning trial lawyer and recognized authority in the field of law, business, and technology. With over three decades of experience, Mitch applies his expertise to add value to consumers and clients at the intersection of law and technology. Stay connected with Mitch at his blog


  • The United States Copyright Office rejected the registration of a two-dimensional AI-generated artwork.
  • The decision highlights the need for human authorship as a vital element of copyright.
  • Emerging technologies and tools, such as AI, offer new possibilities for artists and creators.
  • The current legal framework may require adjustments to recognize the contributions of AI and other technologies.
  • Copyright protection for AI-generated art will likely involve ongoing dialogue and legal precedents.


Q: Can artificial intelligence-generated art be copyrighted? A: The Copyright Review Board's decision suggests that AI-generated art without human authorship may not be eligible for copyright protection. However, if there is a significant human contribution involved, copyright protection may still be possible.

Q: What impact does this decision have on non-fungible tokens (NFTs)? A: The denial of copyright registration for AI-generated art raises questions about the copyright protection of NFTs, as they often rely on digital artwork. Artists and creators may need to ensure they have a significant human contribution to their NFTs to secure copyright protection.

Q: Will there be changes in copyright law to accommodate AI-generated art? A: As technology continues to evolve, copyright law will likely adapt to recognize the creative contributions of AI and other emerging technologies. This may require legal precedents, legislative amendments, and ongoing discussions among stakeholders.

Q: How can artists protect their AI-generated artworks? A: To increase the chances of obtaining copyright protection, artists should emphasize the human authorship involved in their AI-generated artworks. By highlighting the creative contributions of human actors using AI as a tool, they can demonstrate the nexus between the human mind and the artwork's creation.

Q: What are the future possibilities for AI-generated art and copyright protection? A: The future holds exciting possibilities for AI-generated art and copyright protection. As technology advances, we can expect a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between AI and human authorship. This will enable artists to leverage emerging technologies while still preserving their creative rights.


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