The Impact of AI: From Flawed Recommendations to Lack of Diversity

The Impact of AI: From Flawed Recommendations to Lack of Diversity

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Reliance on Technology
  3. The Effects of Artificial Intelligence
  4. The Power of Suggestion
  5. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
  6. The Lack of Diversity in AI
  7. The Consequences of Collation
  8. Managing Artificial Intelligence
  9. The Call to Action
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the impact of artificial intelligence in our daily lives. From our reliance on technology to the effects of AI-generated recommendations, we will delve into the pros and cons of this powerful tool. We will also address the issue of lack of diversity in AI and the consequences of collation. Finally, we will discuss how to manage artificial intelligence effectively and the call to action for a more diverse and inclusive AI landscape.

Reliance on Technology

In today's world, we heavily rely on technology for various aspects of our lives. From navigation systems guiding us to new destinations to AI-generated book recommendations, technology plays a significant role. However, what happens when our devices fail us? When we have to rely on our own intuition and ask for directions? This reliance on technology has made us dependent on its recommendations and suggestions, shaping our choices and preferences.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence algorithms analyze vast amounts of data and generate recommendations based on our preferences. Whether it's shopping for specific items or connecting with like-minded individuals, AI has become the driving force behind our choices. It's fascinating how AI knows us better than our own families, suggesting friends, job opportunities, and even clothing options. But is this reliance on AI always accurate?

The Power of Suggestion

The power of suggestion has long been studied and understood. Psychological tactics like fear of missing out (FOMO), loss aversion, and scarcity play a significant role in AI design. Imagine a pop-up suggesting that an item is in limited stock, creating a sense of urgency. These suggestions can impact our decision-making, leading us to make purchases or take specific actions based on AI-generated recommendations. The question is, do these suggestions really matter in our lives?

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

While AI has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. A study conducted with eighth graders attempting to create the best ice cream flavor using AI failed miserably. It resulted in suggestions like "strawberry cream disease," highlighting the potential flaws in AI-generated recommendations. This raises concerns about where else AI might be going wrong in our lives. It's crucial to question the accuracy and reliability of AI recommendations and understand when they may not Align with our needs.

The Lack of Diversity in AI

One significant issue with AI is the lack of diversity in its decision-making process. Surrounding ourselves with diverse voices and perspectives is essential for critical thinking and success. However, AI tends to put people into smaller and smaller boxes, perpetuating racial, social, and gender biases. This lack of diversity is seen in various areas, including resumes, patient health care paths, and sentencing in our criminal justice system.

The Consequences of Collation

When AI collates individuals into narrow categories, it limits our humanity. We lose the connection between people and break ourselves into individual silos. This collation can lead to increased opposition and the erasure of our shared experiences. We need to recognize the potential harm caused by AI collation and the need to preserve our diversity and interconnectedness.

Managing Artificial Intelligence

While AI is a powerful tool, it is crucial to remember that it is just a tool. Like a hammer, it can be used for various purposes, but we need to ensure it falls into the right hands. It requires careful management and consideration of the potential biases and limitations of AI-generated recommendations. We must remain conscious of our decisions and not solely rely on AI to Shape our choices.

The Call to Action

To address the lack of diversity in AI, it is essential to bring more women into STEM fields. By leveling the diversity and giving algorithms to the hands of women, we can work towards solving the problems associated with AI. This call to action encourages the inclusion of women in AI development to create a more diverse and unbiased technological landscape.


As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly prevalent in our lives, it is crucial to understand its impact. While AI-generated recommendations can be helpful, they are not always accurate or unbiased. The lack of diversity in AI decision-making processes and the potential consequences of collation emphasize the need for a more inclusive and conscious approach. By managing AI effectively and encouraging diversity in its development, we can leverage its benefits without compromising our humanity.


Reliance on Technology

In today's society, technology has become an integral part of our lives. We rely on it for various aspects, including navigation systems that guide us to new destinations and AI-generated book recommendations that cater to our interests. However, have you ever wondered what we did before the era of non-stop computer-generated suggestions?

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we make decisions. It analyzes vast amounts of data and generates recommendations based on our preferences. Whether it's suggesting friends on social media or forwarding our resumes to recruiters, AI seems to know us better than we know ourselves. But what happens when AI fails to get it right?

Research has shown that AI-generated recommendations can sometimes be flawed. For example, a study involving eighth graders attempting to create the best ice cream flavor using AI resulted in bizarre suggestions like "strawberry cream disease." This highlights the potential limitations of AI-generated recommendations and raises concerns about where else AI might be going wrong in our lives.

The Power of Suggestion

The power of suggestion has a significant impact on our decision-making process. AI design incorporates various psychological tactics like fear of missing out (FOMO), loss aversion, and scarcity to influence our choices. Have you ever noticed how random related items pop up on your feed after searching for something online? These suggestions might seem random, but they are carefully curated to catch your attention and shape your purchasing decisions.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

While AI has its advantages, there are also drawbacks. One significant issue is the lack of diversity in AI decision-making processes. Instead of surrounding ourselves with diverse voices and perspectives, AI tends to put us into smaller and smaller boxes, perpetuating biases based on race, social status, and gender. This lack of diversity can have far-reaching consequences, affecting areas such as resumes, patient Healthcare paths, and criminal justice sentencing.

The Consequences of Collation

AI's tendency to collate individuals into narrow categories poses a threat to our humanity. This collation leads to the erasure of our shared experiences and promotes opposition rather than understanding. When we break ourselves into individual silos, we lose the empathy that comes from connecting with diverse perspectives. It is essential to recognize the potential harm caused by AI collation and strive to preserve our diversity and interconnectedness.

Managing Artificial Intelligence

As we navigate the era of AI, it is crucial to understand that it is just a tool. Like a hammer, AI can be harnessed for various purposes, but we must ensure it is used responsibly and ethically. It is essential to remain conscious of the potential biases and limitations of AI-generated recommendations and not solely rely on them to shape our choices. We need to be active participants in decision-making and not let AI dictate every aspect of our lives.

The Call to Action

To address the lack of diversity in AI, it is imperative to empower women in STEM fields. By leveling the playing field and giving women the opportunity to contribute to AI development, we can work towards a more unbiased and inclusive technological landscape. It is crucial to create algorithms that consider a diverse range of perspectives and experiences to avoid perpetuating biases.


Artificial intelligence has become an indispensable part of our lives, influencing our decisions and shaping our experiences. While AI-generated recommendations can be helpful, they are not infallible. We must recognize the potential limitations and biases in AI and actively engage with technology, rather than passively accepting its suggestions. By promoting diversity, managing AI effectively, and fostering a collective responsibility towards its development, we can harness the benefits of artificial intelligence while preserving our humanity.


  • Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our lives, shaping our decisions and recommendations.
  • While AI-generated recommendations can be helpful, they are not always accurate or unbiased.
  • The lack of diversity in AI decision-making processes perpetuates biases and limits our perspectives.
  • Collating individuals into narrow categories erodes our humanity and fosters opposition.
  • Responsible management and diverse representation are crucial for the ethical use of artificial intelligence.


Q: How does artificial intelligence shape our decision-making? AI analyzes vast amounts of data and generates recommendations based on our preferences, influencing our choices and shaping our experiences.

Q: Are AI-generated recommendations always accurate? No, AI-generated recommendations can sometimes be flawed, as seen in studies that resulted in bizarre suggestions or failed outcomes.

Q: What are the consequences of the lack of diversity in AI? The lack of diversity in AI decision-making processes perpetuates biases based on race, social status, and gender, affecting areas such as resumes, patient healthcare paths, and criminal justice sentencing.

Q: How can we manage artificial intelligence effectively? We can manage artificial intelligence by remaining conscious of its potential biases and limitations, actively engaging with technology, and making informed decisions rather than solely relying on AI-generated recommendations.

Q: What is the call to action regarding AI and diversity? The call to action is to promote diversity in AI by empowering women in STEM fields and ensuring diverse representation in AI development to avoid perpetuating biases.

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