The Impact of AI on Jobs: Prepare Yourself with AI
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
II. The Power of Generative Artificial Intelligence
III. The Impact of AI on Jobs
IV. Jobs that AI Can Replace
V. Jobs that AI Cannot Replace
VI. The Risk of AI's Rapid Development
VII. How AI Can Create New Opportunities
VIII. How to Prepare for the Future with AI
IX. Conclusion
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for many years, but it has become popular again due to the latest Generative AI. Generative Artificial Intelligence is more powerful than the old generation of AI, and it has three factors that make it so powerful. First, it creates answers so good that we can't tell if it's made by a human or a computer. Second, it is easy to use and operates with natural language, making it accessible to everyone, even without computer science training. Third, it is versatile and can be used for a variety of tasks.
However, the rise of AI has also raised concerns about its impact on jobs. Some industries with a high education requirement will be hit the hardest, and Hong Kong will be the most affected place. In this article, we will explore the impact of AI on jobs, the jobs that AI can replace, the jobs that AI cannot replace, and how to prepare for the future with AI.
The Power of Generative Artificial Intelligence
Generative Artificial Intelligence is the latest development in AI technology. It is more powerful than the old generation of AI because it can Create answers that are so good that we can't tell if they are made by a human or a computer. For example, ChatGPT, Dall-E, and Midjourney were released a few months ago, and they have already gained millions of users.
Generative AI is also easy to use and operates with natural language, making it accessible to everyone, even without computer science training. This means that anyone can communicate with these AI, and they can be used for a variety of tasks.
The Impact of AI on Jobs
The rise of AI has raised concerns about its impact on jobs. According to a report by US investment bank Goldman Sachs, some industries with a high education requirement will be hit the hardest, and Hong Kong will be the most affected place. The report analyzed more than 1,000 jobs to see which part of the job can be automated by AI.
Goldman Sachs estimates that 40 percent of what they do can be replaced by AI. The jobs that are hardest to be replaced by artificial intelligence are the ones that require labor and some changes, such as construction and maintenance. Nurses and chefs are also less likely to be replaced by AI because they require a body to perform the actions.
The jobs that are most in danger are administrative works, such as an admin in the office, which can be automated by AI. The second highest in risk is the legal profession because it often has to look at the law on a case-by-case basis. Even some creative work, such as author and web designer, can be replaced by AI.
Jobs that AI Can Replace
AI can replace some jobs that are repetitive and require little creativity. For example, farming used to be labor-intensive, but with the large machinery, it doesn't need so much labor. Construction, maintenance, coal, and oil mining can also be automated by AI.
AI can also replace administrative works, such as an admin in the office, which can be automated by AI. The legal profession is also at risk because AI's reading comprehension is better than most people, and it won't be long before it becomes the smartest lawyer.
Jobs that AI Cannot Replace
AI cannot replace jobs that require labor and some changes, such as construction and maintenance. Nurses and chefs are also less likely to be replaced by AI because they require a body to perform the actions.
The Risk of AI's Rapid Development
The rapid development of AI has raised concerns about its impact on society and humans. Recently, there was an open letter asking to stop for six months from making more powerful AI. The open letter has more than 1500 signatures, including one who's familiar with technology and invested in ChatGPT - Elon Musk, Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak, and many at the top of the scientific community.
The open letter says that AI has reached the level of human intelligence, and it can be dangerous to society and humans. Some studies say that AI can do what humans do, and we must ask ourselves if we should be letting machines take over.
How AI Can Create New Opportunities
Although AI poses a risk to our jobs, it also creates opportunities for those who seize the chance. AI can help increase work efficiency and productivity, and it can create new industries and jobs. For example, with the Internet, many printing jobs are gone, but at the same time, a lot of new work was developed, such as webpage designer, software developer, and KOL.
How to Prepare for the Future with AI
To prepare for the future with AI, we need to be more flexible and adapt to this environment. For young people, this is a good opportunity to increase work efficiency and productivity. Universities should encourage the use of AI, such as ChatGPT, and cultivate some characteristics that AI cannot replace, such as communication skills, interpersonal relationship, and building your own personal brand.
For those in their 40s and 50s in middle management positions, seeing young employees using AI to help them work can be a wake-up call. They need to find out how AI can help their business and make the company more money.
AI has the potential to replace some jobs, but it also creates new opportunities for those who seize the chance. We need to be more flexible and adapt to this environment. Universities should encourage the use of AI, and those in middle management positions need to find out how AI can help their business.
Q: What jobs are most in danger of being replaced by AI?
A: Administrative works, such as an admin in the office, and the legal profession are most in danger of being replaced by AI.
Q: What jobs are least likely to be replaced by AI?
A: Jobs that require labor and some changes, such as construction and maintenance, and jobs that require a body to perform the actions, such as nurses and chefs, are less likely to be replaced by AI.
Q: Can AI create new industries and jobs?
A: Yes, AI can create new industries and jobs. For example, with the Internet, many printing jobs are gone, but at the same time, a lot of new work was developed, such as webpage designer, software developer, and KOL.
Q: How can we prepare for the future with AI?
A: To prepare for the future with AI, we need to be more flexible and adapt to this environment. Universities should encourage the use of AI, and those in middle management positions need to find out how AI can help their business.