The Ultimate AI Editing App Showdown: Imagine vs. After Shoot vs. Impossible Things

The Ultimate AI Editing App Showdown: Imagine vs. After Shoot vs. Impossible Things

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Comparison of Editing Apps
    • After Shoot
    • Imagine
    • Impossible Things
  • testing Methodology
  • Results and Analysis
    • Outdoor Lighting
    • Mixed Lighting
    • Reception Lighting
    • Bounce Flash
    • LED Lighting
    • Tricky Lighting Situations
  • Pros and Cons
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

📷 Introduction

In this article, we will be comparing three popular editing apps: After Shoot, Imagine, and Impossible Things. These apps utilize AI technology to enhance and automate the editing process for photographers. We will take a closer look at each app's features, performance, and results in various lighting scenarios. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of which app might be the best fit for your editing needs.

📚 Background

The rise of AI editing apps has revolutionized the Photography industry, offering photographers powerful tools to expedite and enhance their workflow. These apps use advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and adjust images, providing consistent and predictable results. With the increasing number of options available, it can be challenging to determine which app is the most effective and efficient. This article aims to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of three popular editing apps and help photographers make informed decisions.

🔍 Comparison of Editing Apps

After Shoot

After Shoot is an editing app that allows photographers to automate their editing process. It offers features like AI straightening, custom tuning, retouching, and adaptive editing. After Shoot operates as a server-side processing app, meaning it requires an internet connection to function. The app promises to save photographers time and deliver quality results. However, it has limitations, such as the need for a powerful computer to handle the editing workload.


Imagine is an AI editing app that focuses on delivering fast and consistent results. It offers features like AI straightening, custom tuning, and retouching. Imagine operates as a third-party app and requires users to export their photos for editing. The app boasts impressive speed and accuracy, making it a popular choice among photographers. However, Imagine may not excel in more complex lighting scenarios and may require additional manual adjustments.

Impossible Things

Impossible Things is a new player in the AI editing space. It operates as a plug-in within Lightroom, providing a seamless editing experience. Impossible Things offers features like custom tuning, retouching, enhanced subject editing, and account credit monitoring. As a relatively new app, it is still in the early release phase and may have limited functionalities compared to its competitors. However, it shows great promise in terms of speed and convenience.

🔬 Testing Methodology

To evaluate the performance and results of each editing app, a comprehensive testing process was conducted. The same set of photos was edited using After Shoot, Imagine, and Impossible Things. The photos were carefully selected to represent various lighting scenarios, including outdoor lighting, mixed lighting, reception lighting, bounce flash, LED lighting, and tricky lighting situations. The edits were assessed based on factors like exposure, color accuracy, sharpness, and overall visual appeal.

📊 Results and Analysis

After conducting a thorough examination of the edited photos, several Patterns and trends emerged. In situations with straightforward and predictable lighting, such as outdoor shaded areas, all three apps produced satisfactory results. However, in more complex lighting scenarios, such as mixed lighting or challenging artificial lighting, differences in performance became more apparent.

In general, Imagine demonstrated a strong ability to balance various lighting conditions and deliver accurate and visually appealing edits. After Shoot showed potential but struggled in some categories, particularly with color accuracy and exposure. Impossible Things, being a newer app, displayed inconsistencies and limitations in its editing capabilities, often producing results that were too bright or too cool.

The straightening feature of each app was also evaluated. Imagine consistently delivered excellent straightening results, while After Shoot and Impossible Things exhibited some inaccuracies and cropping issues.

👍 Pros and Cons

After analyzing the performance of each editing app, we can summarize their pros and cons:

After Shoot

  • Pros: Easy-to-use interface, AI straightening, time-saving features
  • Cons: Inconsistent results in complex lighting, limited customization options


  • Pros: Fast and accurate editing, excellent straightening, consistent performance
  • Cons: Limited customization options, potential limitations in complex lighting scenarios

Impossible Things

  • Pros: Seamless integration with Lightroom, quick editing process
  • Cons: Limited functionalities in the early release phase, inconsistencies in edits, lack of customization options

📝 Conclusion

Choosing the right editing app for your photography workflow depends on various factors, including your editing preferences, lighting conditions, and desired level of customization. After Shoot, Imagine, and Impossible Things each offer unique features and capabilities, but Imagine consistently demonstrated strong performance and versatility across different lighting scenarios. However, it is important to note that newer apps like Impossible Things may improve and offer more functionalities in the future.

Ultimately, photographers should consider their specific needs and conduct their own tests to determine which app aligns best with their editing style and requirements.


Q: Can I use these editing apps for video editing? A: No, these editing apps are specifically designed for photo editing and may not support video editing features.

Q: Can I use these editing apps offline? A: After Shoot and Imagine both require an internet connection to function, while Impossible Things operates as a plug-in within Lightroom and does not require an internet connection.

Q: Are these editing apps compatible with RAW files? A: Yes, all three editing apps support RAW file formats, allowing photographers to edit their images in their original quality.

Q: Do these editing apps offer batch processing capabilities? A: Yes, these editing apps allow users to process multiple images simultaneously, saving time and improving efficiency.

Q: Can I customize the editing presets in these apps? A: While After Shoot, Imagine, and Impossible Things include preset options, the level of customization may vary. Some apps offer more extensive customization features than others.

Q: Will these editing apps replace the need for manual adjustments? A: While these editing apps aim to automate the editing process, manual adjustments may still be necessary to achieve the desired results. These apps should be viewed as tools to expedite the editing workflow rather than complete replacements for manual adjustments.

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