The Urgent Call for AI Regulation: National and Global Agencies Needed

The Urgent Call for AI Regulation: National and Global Agencies Needed

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Highlights
    • Pros of the Hearing
    • Cons of the Hearing
  3. The Importance of National and Global Agencies for AI Governance
    • Bipartisan Support for AI Governance
    • Need for Leadership in the United States
    • Strong Support for FDA-like Regulations
  4. Addressing Risks to Democracy
    • Accidental Mistakes and Hallucinations
    • Misinformation and Deepfakes
    • Long-term Risks and Deliberate Scenarios
  5. Licensing and Control of AI Development
    • Proposal for an International Agency to Regulate AI
    • Licensing for Large-Scale Models
    • Balancing Research and Regulation
  6. The Unreliability of Large Language Models
    • Lack of Safety and Understanding
    • Making False and Inaccurate Claims
  7. Next Steps in AI Regulation
    • The Need for a Cabinet-level Agency
    • Drafting Legislation and International Collaboration
  8. Rational Approach to Global Regulation
    • Benefits of Alignment and Systematic Business Practices
    • Addressing Misinformation, Cybercrime, and Fear of AI Takeover
  9. Conclusion

The Importance of National and Global Agencies for AI Governance

In the recent hearing on AI, there was a Consensus among the participants that the establishment of national and global agencies for AI governance is of utmost importance. The hearing far exceeded expectations and received bipartisan support. It was unanimously agreed that some form of agency is needed to govern AI, both at the national and global levels.

The United States, being at the forefront of AI development, should take a leadership role in shaping the future of AI regulation. The senators demonstrated a positive attitude towards this idea, acknowledging that the U.S. should lead the way in global AI governance. The hearing also highlighted the need for FDA-like regulations, where large-Scale AI models would have to demonstrate sufficient safety before being released to the public.

Addressing Risks to Democracy

One of the primary concerns highlighted in the hearing was the risk that AI poses to democracy. Both accidental mistakes and deliberate misuse of AI systems can have severe consequences in democratic processes. Accidental mistakes include system-generated hallucinations, which can lead to the dissemination of false information. This, coupled with the ability of malicious actors to use AI to create large amounts of misinformation, poses a significant threat to public trust and the functioning of democratic systems.

Licensing and Control of AI Development

To mitigate the risks associated with AI, several proposals were put forward during the hearing. One of the key proposals was the establishment of an international agency to regulate AI. This agency would oversee the licensing of AI development, particularly for large-scale models. The goal is not to hinder research or restrict small companies but to ensure that the development and deployment of AI systems are done responsibly, considering their potential impact on society.

The Unreliability of Large Language Models

A significant concern expressed in the hearing was the unreliability of large language models. These models lack safety features and do not have a comprehensive understanding of the world. Consequently, they often generate false and inaccurate information. Such unreliability raises doubts about the effectiveness of relying on large language models for critical decision-making and information dissemination.

Next Steps in AI Regulation

Following the productive hearing, the next step in AI regulation is to define and implement the necessary regulatory frameworks. It is crucial to establish a cabinet-level agency dedicated to AI governance. The agency would play a key role in drafting legislation and collaborating with international partners to ensure consistency and cooperation in AI regulation. There are undoubtedly challenges associated with the integration of AI regulation with existing agencies, but a proactive approach is required to address these challenges and protect society from the risks posed by AI.

Rational Approach to Global Regulation

Although different countries may have their unique approaches to AI regulation, there is a strong argument for global alignment. Requiring every country to develop its own set of rules and language models would be inefficient, costly, and detrimental to addressing global challenges posed by AI. Companies would benefit from systematic and aligned business practices, while citizens would be protected from misinformation, cybercrime, and the fear of AI takeover. Collaboration and finding common ground are essential for the effective regulation of AI on a global scale.


The recent AI hearing highlighted the urgent need for national and global agencies to govern AI. There was overwhelming support for the establishment of these agencies to address the risks associated with AI, particularly in the context of democracy. Licensing and control of AI development, along with the recognition of the unreliability of large language models, were also key concerns discussed. Moving forward, it is essential to take concrete steps towards implementing AI regulation, including the establishment of a cabinet-level agency. A rational and global approach must be adopted to ensure the safe and responsible development and deployment of AI technologies for the benefit of society.

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