Top 18 Python Modules You Need to Know
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Python Modules for Web Development
A. Requests Module
B. Django Framework
C. Flask Framework
D. Twisted Module
E. Beautiful Soup Module
F. Selenium Module
III. Python Modules for Data Science
A. NumPy Module
B. Pandas Module
C. Matplotlib Module
D. NLTK Module
E. OpenCV Module
IV. Python Modules for Machine Learning and AI
A. TensorFlow Module
B. Keras Module
C. PyTorch Module
D. Scikit-Learn Module
V. Python Modules for Graphical User Interfaces
A. PyQt5 Framework
B. Tkinter Module
C. Pygame Module
VI. Conclusion
18 Python Modules You Need to Know
Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications. One of the reasons for its popularity is the vast number of modules available that can make programming tasks much easier. In this article, we will discuss 18 Python modules that You need to know. We have divided these modules into four categories: web development, data science, machine learning and AI, and graphical user interfaces.
Python Modules for Web Development
Requests Module
The Requests module is used to send HTTP requests with ease. It is simple to use and is the most downloaded Python Package today, pulling in around 14 million downloads a week. According to GitHub, it is actually dependent upon by about 367,000 repositories.
Django Framework
Django is a web framework for Python that is heavily used for back-end web development. It is a completely Python back-end web framework that comes with a whole ton of tools and complex developer features that allow you to make well enterprise-level websites.
Flask Framework
Flask is a lighter weight web framework that is kind of a competitor of Django. They both work similarly for basic web sites, although Flask is much easier and faster to get set up. It is a much lighter weight web framework and doesn't come with all of the tools and crazy things that come with Django.
Twisted Module
Twisted is used for doing online game development. Essentially, this allows communication between clients and servers very easily, and it'll just make your life a lot easier than having to program out your own socket server.
Beautiful Soup Module
Beautiful Soup is a great module for scraping the web. If you're doing web scraping and trying to grab HTML data, Beautiful Soup can do that for you, and it's pretty easy to get that working.
Selenium Module
Selenium is used to do automation on websites. Essentially, it allows you to either test your websites or to make some kind of bot that will Interact with other websites. You can do things like access HTML fields, move your mouse Cursor around, click, and access buttons.
Python Modules for Data Science
NumPy Module
NumPy is an amazing module for doing any kind of mathematical operations in Python. Essentially, it allows you to work with array-like objects of multiple Dimensions, like matrices, and do all kinds of complicated three dimension, four dimension, five dimensional math very fast.
Pandas Module
Pandas is great for reading and working with data frames and just data in general. It makes it very easy to manipulate data, work with data, clean data, and get rid of columns.
Matplotlib Module
Matplotlib is used for doing data visualizations. It's really good for visualizing your data, making plots, making charts, and it's also really good for working with machine learning models and visualizing things like a loss function or the amount of accuracy that your machine learning model is getting over a certain amount of epochs.
NLTK Module
NLTK stands for natural language toolkit and it's used for doing any kind of data processing or text processing. If you have textual data and you want to remove things like punctuation or spaces or tokenize your data, for example, natural language toolkit can help you do that.
OpenCV Module
OpenCV is an extremely powerful module that's used for many different things, but its main focus is on image and video data processing. It actually does object recognition and detection as well, and has some machine learning models built into the module that you can use to manipulate data, work with images, draw things on images, and more.
Python Modules for Machine Learning and AI
TensorFlow Module
TensorFlow is by far the most powerful module in this section. It's maintained and supported by Google and you can do some extremely powerful things with it without really having a great understanding of how all the math works. You can do things like neural networks, run standard machine learning algorithms, Create convolutional neural networks, do things like neuro style transfers, and more.
Keras Module
Keras is a higher-level API for TensorFlow. It allows us to access some of these TensorFlow features in an easier way. You can almost think of it as like a wrapper for TensorFlow where it just makes it much easier to make models and do things quickly.
PyTorch Module
PyTorch is another leading module in terms of machine learning and AI in Python. It is a little bit behind TensorFlow but definitely something worth checking out.
Scikit-Learn Module
Scikit-Learn is another great module in Python. This one is definitely not as powerful as the previous Mentioned modules, but that's okay. It's a little bit lighter weight and allows us to work with some things like clustering algorithms, linear regressions, support vector machines, and some simpler things.
Python Modules for Graphical User Interfaces
PyQt5 Framework
PyQt5 is a great framework for actually building applications that will Scale to all different platforms. Anything you build will work on Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, and should work on Android.
Tkinter Module
Tkinter is an older module that is also used for building graphical user interfaces. It's fairly similar to PyQt5 in terms of how the interfaces look, although it's definitely not as capable.
Pygame Module
Pygame is the first Python module that I ever learned and it's what really got me into Python programming. It's not very practical in terms of building actual large games, but if you want to build some simple 2D games or just work on your skills and build something fun, then you can definitely do that in Pygame.
These are just a few of the many Python modules available that can make programming tasks much easier. Whether you're working on web development, data science, machine learning and AI, or graphical user interfaces, there's a module out there that can help you get the job done. If you're just starting out with Python, I recommend checking out some of these modules to see how they can help you in your programming Journey.