Transform Images with AI: Create Image Caption Generator API

Transform Images with AI: Create Image Caption Generator API

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building an Image Caption Generation API
  3. Overview of the Model
  4. Setting Up the Environment
  5. Initiating the Fast API
  6. Creating the API Endpoints
  7. Implementing the POST Request
  8. Testing the API
  9. Deploying the API
  10. Conclusion

Building an Image Caption Generation API

Image caption generation is an interesting and useful application of deep learning techniques. In this article, we will learn how to build an image caption generation API using the vit-gpt2 model from Hugging Face and the Fast API framework. We will discuss the architecture of the model, set up the environment, initiate the Fast API, Create the API endpoints, implement the POST request, test the API, and explore the possibility of deploying the API. Let's get started!


In today's video, We Are going to explore how to build an image caption generation API using deep learning techniques. We will start with an overview of the model architecture and then proceed to set up the environment. Once the environment is set up, we will initiate the Fast API and create the necessary API endpoints. Finally, we will implement the POST request and test the API using various images. Let's dive in!

Overview of the Model

The image caption generation model we will be working with is the vit-gpt2 model from Hugging Face. This model is a vision Transformer model with the gpt2 architecture, combining both image processing and natural language processing capabilities. We will make use of the open-source implementation of this model, which is readily available on the Hugging Face repository. The model takes an image as input and generates a caption describing the Contents of the image.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we can start building the API, we need to set up our environment. We will be using Python and a few libraries, such as Torch, Transformers, and Fast API. These libraries can be easily installed using the requirements.txt file provided in our GitHub repository. Additionally, we will need the SentencePiece library for tokenization and the HTTPX library for handling multipart requests. Once the environment is set up, we can proceed to the next steps.

Initiating the Fast API

To build the API, we will be using the Fast API framework, which is a modern and highly scalable web framework for building APIs with Python. It provides capabilities such as asynchronous processing, pydantic models for data validation, and Starlette as the underlying server. We will initiate the Fast API class with a title and description for our documentation. The title will be "Image Caption Generator API", and the description will highlight that it is an API for generating Captions from images.

Creating the API Endpoints

The API will have two main endpoints: the root endpoint ("/") and the predict endpoint ("/predict"). The root endpoint will redirect the user to the documentation page, while the predict endpoint will handle the image caption generation request. We will define the predict endpoint as a POST request and specify the response model as an image caption. This will ensure that the API returns a JSON response containing the caption generated for the input image.

Implementing the POST Request

To implement the POST request, we will define a function that takes the input file (an image) as a parameter. We will load the image file into memory, pass it through the model for caption generation, and then return the caption as a JSON response. The function will make use of the Fast API's UploadFile and File classes for handling the file upload. We will also use the BytesIO class to convert the image file into bytes before passing it to the model. The generated caption will be returned as a JSON response.

Testing the API

Once the API is implemented, we can test it using an API client such as Insomnia or Postman. We will make a POST request to the predict endpoint and upload an image file. The API will process the image and generate a caption for it, which will be returned in the response. We can repeat this process with different images to evaluate the performance of the model. It is important to note that the accuracy of the generated captions may vary depending on the quality of the images and the model's feature extraction capabilities.

Deploying the API

After testing the API locally, we can proceed to deploy it on a server. One option is to host the API on a platform like Rapid API, where it can be accessed by other users and potentially monetized. Rapid API provides a marketplace for hosting and selling APIs, allowing developers to earn revenue Based on subscription plans or per-request pricing. Deploying the API on Rapid API or a similar platform can make it accessible to a wider audience and provide opportunities for commercialization.


Building an image caption generation API is an exciting project that combines various technologies, including deep learning, web development, and API deployment. In this article, we learned how to build such an API using the vit-gpt2 model and the Fast API framework. We went through the steps of setting up the environment, initiating the Fast API, creating the API endpoints, implementing the POST request, testing the API, and exploring the possibility of deployment. With this knowledge, You can now create your own image caption generation API and explore different use cases and applications.

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